Remember Sup Forums, god made you special and he loves you very much

Remember Sup Forums, god made you special and he loves you very much

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Then why don’t I have a gf?

He may perform miracles, but He doesn't do personal favors.

Worries me a little how much that touched me.

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So why did he give me a mirco penis?

He likes a good joke every once in a while.

VeggieTales was a great show.

no need to give you what you won't use

Just look at the Ten Plagues of Egypt.

You know, that actually explains an awful lot.

Well then he clearly doesn’t love me enough.

what would you do he actually gave you one

Then why haven't things gone right for me in years? Any time I'm happy, any time something seems to be going right, things get 10x worse. Whenever I try to get things going better it's like I'm fucking punished for trying to be anything other than God's buttmonkey. fuck off you stupid foods

dont worry bro its all part of my plan lmao

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God just made you a little too special

I never noticed how phallic a silhouette those two have before.

God is a very busy space wizard.

Ha, gay.

What if I'm gay?

He'd tell you to go suck a dick.

I doubt he'd care.

That rather cheapens the concept of love.

So if everyone's loved no one is?

Love is suppose to be special, to represent a connection stronger than other connections to the point it leads to thinking if that person more than oneself and instinctive self-sacrifice for that other person.

does a father loves one child over another


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still loves you


>made you special
thanks god

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>That's what I get for working with peas!
What did he mean by this?

Wasn't there a king of the hill character that looked like the one on the rigth?

the making of documentaries we're pretty good.

>there will never be a bootleg muslim veggietales

I don't recall okaying that statement.

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If God loved me, why did he make me kill my brother in the womb?

It was probably Mormon Jesus posing as you.


I don't even know why I have a Human Resources Department if they're going to keep falling for that.

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I watched the original Veggie Tales as a kid back when it was just sold on VHS tapes. How has it fared over the years?

obviously it looks like ass now. writing's decent enough.

You shouldn’t talk about your son that way Hank

I man did it ever look great? Back then it was like old Pixar shorts.

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it doesn't look that bad honestly, I think it really benefits from having a simple but still appealing character designs. given the time it came out in it's sort of impressive

looks better than the "updated" look at least

How did Veggietales succeed where other Christian kids shows failed?

Weren't you listening user?
God made you special.

it wasn't too in your face with the jesus stuff. it had creative takes on various bible stories with catchy songs.

Because you're a shitty person?

By keeping the morals as generalized as possible (i.e. be honest, don't steal, etc.) and not beating the Christian dogma over your head constantly. Good writing also helps.

Catchy songs, fun characters, the stories felt more like a kid's show than a Bible show (i.e. the wall of Jericho using slushies as weapons).

>originally just a few dudes teaching children simplified JudeoChristian messages in a silly format
>episodes are usually either parodies or re-imagined Bible stories
>plots begin to take themselves more seriously
>morals are becoming harder to grasp, or more hamfisted
>spin offs begin
>sometimes lesson isn't Biblical, just some nicety.
>When NBC airs, removes any references to God
>Netflix series looks weird

I've only seen them sporadically since the Jonah film, but they really seem to have taken a nosedive. The fact that some of the episodes contain continuity beyond just references to other episodes weirds me out.

I also don't care for the newer animation, but I couldn't tell you why.

And so what we have learned applies to our lives today, God has a lot to say, in His book

I stopped watching the regular videos after Lyle the Kindly Viking and the Jonah movie. I think that was around the point where the franchise started completely selling out.

he doesn't make you do anything, you did it because you have free will and he allowed it to happen because it served a purpose. Whether that purpose is known or not is beyond our human understanding.

You see we know that God's word is for everyone and now that our song is done, we'll take a look

They would always show this shit for an hour a day at this Christian daycare I went to when I was around 4.

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wait so it's not Christian programming? I don't even mean to be a Flanders about this, but I don't know how I feel about that.

As someone who went to church 2-3X a week growing up, I can tell you that watching animated characters do little morality plays is a hundred times better than listening to some middle aged white woman talk to you about her personal, hypocritical convictions.

as someone that went to a church/christian school hybrid, i agree.

No, it is, but when NBC airs it they try to remove as many religious references as they can, like the Bible verse at the end.

Netflix does though, so that's nice.

After years of this, I read the Bible in middle school (age 14 ish?). As far as I know, none of my teachers did, because they preferred pre made lesson plans with agendas and cherry picking verses from the letters (Book of Acts and onwards) and treating it as Gospel.

They stopped having me go when I got better at quoting the Gospels at them.

>OK kids, remember, we're having a public prayer day at the school to protest the planned parenthood
"But doesn't Jesus condemn public acts of prayer in Matthew 6:5?"
>user, this is different

I went to that school from K-6th. There was a bible class where we had to memorize bible verses every week and be graded on it. Any book the school had censored any reference to evolution and homosexuality. I'm the only one from my class that's an atheist now. They're all still evangelicals to this day. Thankfully, the school portion ran out of money to keep funding it so they closed it down in 2016. Apparently the asshole principal stole a bunch of money and ran off with his family to Virginia.

John 3:16 man

How about children with cancer? Does He love them as well?


I was about 14 when that episode of Drawn Together came out parodying Veggie Tales. I think that was the perfect time in my life for that, it was edgy and vulgar enough I was at the peak age to appreciate it.


Remember the franchises old slogan "Sunday Morning Values, Saturday Morning Fun!"

They meant that

I feel like it's legitimately a reason to why I've had such a thing with morality in life. Also the Boogeyman song made me fearless as a kid.

Would indoctrine with

I'm gay

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I can vouch for this too, I went to church non stop until I was about 14, then I became a deviant.

I still prefer Veggietales

>tfw Comcast owns Veggietales now

Hey Vegetales, let me ask you something. How come all the males are just vegetables with faces, but all the girls have human-like heads hair and cloths? Are you some kind of cult? All I can about when I see you is what you would like humanized, and I imagine quadropaligic guys bouncing around with their dicks just flopping around all over the place.

Then why is my life absolute shit and i have crippiling depression then? Sounds like god can shove it up his ass, i dont owe him shit.

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John 3:16? You mean "Be cool to one another."?

What does that have to do with anything? That's just common sense!

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No. That’s why they have cancer.

He loves them so much he wants to advance their trip back to heaven as soon as possible, while still leaving an extremely minut possibility open for them to fully recover and then go on to be absolutely based as adults due to how grateful they'd be for the gift of life after facing certain death so early into their childhoods... Which sadly isn't going to happen, because that plan was riding on you donating $5 to that cancer fund at McDonald's next to the register, and you bought a Shamrock Shake instead. Good going, asshole

If you couldn't tell already, G-dawg's pretty indifferent to the quality of people's mortal shells, since he's always looking at the big picture regarding their immortal souls.

Fun fact, VeggieTales co-creator Phil Vischer follows that account.

Is that what John 3:16 means?

Shit my mom had a poster of that when I was growing up and I still didn't know what it meant

Why the hell did this cartoon series have 30-45 minute episodes EACH?

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An angry child who puts all the blame on the father that loves him, typical.

because they were meant for home release on DVD/VHS, not broadcast television. This allowed the episodes be longer than 22 minutes. Bible stories+commentary+musical numbers+non sequitur kid jokes take up a lot of time, so it was probably for the best that they ran so long.

Is the suffering necessary?

Why must we have a theological debate every time someone makes a thread about Veggie Tales?
Can we just talk about its merits as a cartoon for once?

Sounds like an attitude problem. How about growing as a person instead of being bitter and beaten?

Same user. Went to a private christian school with heavy baptist influence up until highschool

Probably watched every episode, Hell we even watched it for nostalgia in middleschool. Veggie tales was hype for us and I still remember it fondly, even though I don’t believe in god anymore

The wholesomeness of it contrasted starkly with a lot of the hypocrisy I saw from teachers/ preachers/ etc

There are some things even God can't do

Yes, and whenever I do that shit gets worse. Try to get a job? My car breaks down. Even buying food, 80% of the time it tastes like it's expired by 5 years even if it still has a year before it goes bad. Also, my pets keep dying any time I try to do anything relating to "bettering myself", so much as trying to be happy for a day leaves me one pet gone.

Yea, sounds like it's my fault for trying to not be God's joke.

A Christian show provokes debates on Christianity user. Simple as that. Plus, it’s common use as a teaching aid in Christian schools will also bring back memories of Christian upbringing/education, whether or not it was a positive experience. The fact that it usually seems to be negative, thanks to good old Christian(TM) denominations will only provoke more bitterness and controversy. This thread clearly demonstrates so.

>mfw this user is thirteen and grumpy he's never copped a feel

Unless you're for real, in which case:

>Carry out detailed, thorough self-analysis
>Make note of what has gone wrong and why
>Consider your place or potential faults in the situations
>Take active steps to foresee and forestall potential future events

Only by shade

I am painfully aware of these facts. I grew up in a small Southern Baptist community, and many of my friends from school growing up have developed a different set of religious beliefs than those we were raised with. Many - myself included - have more or less given up entirely on religion.

But I guarantee you, not a one of us has anything bad to say about Veggie Tales. It was a well-made show which presented the moral values it believed in in an enjoyable manner while not deviating from the source material to a meaningful degree.

user are you a brainlet?
“Do to others as you would have others do to you” isn’t exactly hard to figure out

No I just never thought too much about it

In what way does what I said make me underage? I'm 25. I've constantly attempted to avoid shit put it somehow still happens. I can't wake up a single day without something bad happening. There is no "I shouldn't have done that" unless you mean just fucking smiling for once. I don't even have to do anything that causes the shit. I live next to one neighbor, I woke up one morning to a dog in my fucking house attacking my cats because it came through the cat door, and it wasn't even my neighbor's dog. I wake up another morning and my car died despite being in perfect condition since I had it, and this is the morning I need to get to my first day on my job. There's shit that makes absolutely 0 sense as to why it's happening, it's very fucking contrived. I can have something setting on a table and it end up on the other side of the fucking room smashed to pieces. How? I don't know, I just needed to step on broken fucking glass after I laughed at a joke.

You're still alive aren't you, keep going. There's still another day, so take it. This bitter attitude will take you no where and will lead your mind and heart to place there's no return. Do not let these things taunts and make you think you're a joke. You think that, don't let it. Figure out why and how these foods taste expired? maybe a diet change is in order, maybe food just doesn't taste that good, and you're still eating food. Find out why these pets are dying, is it how you feed or raise them. Or are you buying sick pets. You missed a job, you're still breathing, meaning you can find another one and try again. This bitterness of your life will help no one, or you, stand and keep walking. And with trust in God, this pain is nothing as you can trust him in everything user.

>I woke up one morning to a dog in my fucking house attacking my cats because it came through the cat door, and it wasn't even my neighbor's dog.
Then change the cat door and complain this even to the right authorities to try and fix it. And if that doesn't work, find out yourself.
> wake up another morning and my car died despite being in perfect condition since I had it, and this is the morning I need to get to my first day on my job.
Did you figure out why it broke down? As contrive it may sound, a good condition car doesn't become bad for no reason, there's a reason and must find it and avoid it.

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I was bullied harshly all throughout a Christian school upbringing, even by teachers. At times the teachers would purposefully humiliate me, snatch and wad up drawings I was working on because I “wasn’t paying attention” despite making straight As. I was ostracized because I didn’t attend service (I always valued worshiping privately, and felt like church was a needlessly public display) and my family wasn’t as wealthy, as well as because I was socially dumb and attention starved. I went through a phase where I resented god for “making me broken” (diagnosed moderate to severe OCD, manifested in 7th grade, under control now don’t worry lads), and then came to the conclusion he didn’t exist

I still like veggie tales and remember it fondly. It reminds me of the good in a religion that was once a big part of my life. Despite the hypocrisy that exists in a lot of religious folk ,it makes me happy to see that this goofy show can still be a force of good in its name

Jesus, you're bitching about small stuff m8, your first post made me think "I finally got a gf then she gave me gonorrhea; I got my first paycheck and was subsequently stabbed in a mugging; I was taken away from my drunkard parents and placed in a home but the daddy started molesting me".

You don't think shit happens to everybody every day? I wake up with a different ailment seemingly every day; if I don't have a cold I have migraines, or random aches, or sores in the mouth, or some other pain or sickness that underlines everything I do. I deal with cunts and retards at my job on a daily basis. My personal life is suffused with friends and family who have made it an art to unintentionally piss off and cause stress to others through apathy or stupidity.

Don't be so naive or cynical. Get through your daily shit, fuck some pussy, and drink yourself to sleep like everybody else.

tfw the christian kids were unironically the biggest bullies


>it's like I'm fucking punished for trying
>laughs in everything

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