What does Sup Forums think of final space...

What does Sup Forums think of final space? I was unaware of the original pilot and got my first intro to it at a movie theatre during first look. I thought it looked incredible stupid.
I just watched the original pilot. And I’m torn on it. I hated everything that was being said, but visually I loved it.
Should I give it a fair try? The character names are obvious reddit pandering “make a meme please” choices

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I hate every word you just said and I hope you fuckin die

Well I will eventually. No idea when though.
I take it you’re a fan?

You don’t let the fucking pilot sway your judgement. It’s a fucking pilot it’s not a good indicator of the rest the series, especially visually

I thought you were making an impression of the main character talking to the annoying robot.

I wouldn’t normally, but the trailers aren’t much better. The only thing making me potentially want to watch it is how fluid it moves, but I’ve been burned by bad shows with good animation too many times

Well, I personally liked the show so far. But then again, it's only been three episodes for now. Never watched the original pilot, which apparently according to wikipedia and tv tropes is a little bit sillier than the current TV show.

It wasn’t silly in a tradition sense. It’s serious but adds silly dialogue in a serious tone. Like Gary asking the computer to say it’s baking cookies instead of exploding because he likes cookies. The set up wasn’t bad, everything has gone to shit and now he has to go back in time to prevent his mistakes of letting Mooncake get captured, but the jokes all fell flat. But if the show itself is better, then maybe I’ll give it a chance. All I know that has chances for sure is Gary’s hair. It was less “anime” for lack of a better word in the pilot


Before I watched it I read a Sup Forums critique, the summary of which stated "it tries to be the best of Futurama and Rick & Morty, but winds up being the worst of both"

After I watched it I realized what sort of understatement it was.

Final Space is bad.
Not bad like Mr. Pickles in that it's shitposting and knows it isn't good.
Like bad bad.

I don't get why it gets so much hate here. The humor has issues, but it's no worse than early Adventure Time. And the plot is a real draw, it's actually very serialized instead of episodic with a little bit of advancement dropped a small amount at a time.

I don't know if the show is better than the pilot.

Yeah. The trailers gave me that vibe. It’s like if Fry wasn’t a smart ass and Morty didn’t have Rick

I love a good serial, that has me more interested than anything else

For me, the only issue I have in this show is that the main character really sounds like the voice actor of Charlie the Unicorn.

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I feel like it could be good if the main character toned down his shit by like 80%

Just watch the first two fucking eps. If you aren’t put off by gary’s shit in the first 10 minutes to get to some of his good moments later on and still like it then stick with it and if you like it enough after ep 2 then watch the fucking rest of it

I like it. It has some sitcom drawbacks in what's trying to be slightly more serious storytelling, but it has some genuine intrigue, like the villain. I also like its dark comedy, so there's that.

This. I can't believe it isn't Jason Steele.

I really want to support Olan Rogers because he's a genuinely cool guy, but i dont know if i can claim that this is a good show

What else has he done?

Lion'z Blaze plus all the weird life journal commissions.

The show would be fine if the main character had a different voice actor and if it was written by writers who knew what jokes were. The cringe is dangerous when ever the four eyed alien guy talks. Not sure what they were thinking besides "Lets make Rick and Morty except for tweens: slightly less dark/depressing and much less effort put forth!

Man, you guys must love this Rick and Morty show a lot, if you keep comparing Final Space with that other show so much.

I fuxx with it

It fucking sucks. I wish it didn't. Even Seth Macfarlane is doing the space dramedy better than this shit.

Like with anything: If you have the time, go for it. Stop worrying about what reddit thinks and judge the product for yourself.

I like it despite not knowing who Olan Rogers is

Anyone have a Mega for the fourth ep yet?

Oh shit is it out?

According to wikipedia, the fourth episode has been released online. TV broadcast version will be next week.

This is the only time I've actually been convinced the creator of a show comes to Sup Forums and brings a team of cronies to viral market his show. It's not very good, Olan. It's actually terrible.

It was made available On Demand today

Well, I'm kinda glad he did that. Means that I get to watch this show.

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Yeah I’m almost certain I’ve seen that same op image used several times. I duno maybe it’s the top google search or whatever. The thing I can’t believe is how every time the op pretends they’ve never seen discussion for this before, when we’ve had threads since back when the fucking pilot released even

If you've been long enough on Sup Forums, you'll notice that boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums always have posters samefagging a lot and pretending to be haters of a show just to bait other fans of it into talking and keeping the threads alive.

You can't prove this.

>It’s a fucking pilot it’s not a good indicator of the rest the series
A lot of times it is, many cases in come cases it's used as a first episode

I watched the first episode and it seems pretty generic. What's the appeal?

sometimes the pilot of a show can be the best episode, some times not

It isn't on the TBS website. It'll probably be put up after episode 3 airs on TV.

It's a space opera cartoon. Those are somewhat rare in the western hemisphere. I'm sure that the last space opera cartoon is some Star Wars CGI cartoon.

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Serialized plot that is directly continued each episode.

Not everybody can be aware of every thread ever

Difference is that even final space is already more well known than most anime

I haven't seen a thread on Sup Forums since this one

Are you fucking shitting me

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard

You fags are only hating this show because you can't fap to the characters. I've seen Sup Forums and most of Sup Forums praise heaps of shit purely because they get off to it or can waifu and husbando a character.

That is not a sign of quality.


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Episodes 3 and 4 are better but it's still kind of rough. If I don't have to hear the MC shriek ever again it'll be too soon. I'd compare its problems to the Orville as you can almost feel there's a mandate by someone to "add some more jokes" and it drags it down just like it does on the orville.

I felt that way too. The Sames' dialog when they were fighting off the bounty hunters seemed like it was added in at the last minute.

It's on right now. So the big bad is dying, but people will probably just catch the repeat on Adult Swim.

Watched first episode and hated it. Not funny at all. What I hate the most is how the guy talks.

>Like... dude, woah. maybe if I, like woah.... use my ninja skills to like, woah totally knock out those gaurds with my like, totally woah some strength.

It's the most try hard humor ever. It just screams hacky and "look at me! I am silly!"

It's okay so far
Watching in hopes they hit a groove and it improves
Humor is a awkward and lolsorandom at parts but it definitely has its moments

>We're going to crap this crap with a crap attack.

I don't get that since american dad is right before and much less restrained. It's like someone did a mad lib and thought crap was the funniest word ever instead of fart.

>"it tries to be the best of Futurama and Rick & Morty, but winds up being the worst of both"

This was my exact first impression and it hasn't changed.

I think it has a lot of visual appeal but the writing is a decade too late to the party and it's hard to play space fiction in an adult cartoon straight after Rick and Morty spent the past couple of years ripping those tropes to shreds.

>visually I loved it

Episode 1 was kind of bad
Episode 2 was much better but still a 5/10 at best, but showed signs that it could get good.
Haven't seen episode 3 yet, but that will be what gets me to either drop it or struggle through it. I've sat through much worse and I really do want this to be good.

I feel like the big problem is that they are putting to much into the comedy part of the show.
The action and drama arn't half bad and if they cut the jokes down to only one ones that were the absolute best and/or effected the story it could be a good or even great show. In the first few episodes there were too many times I felt like they put in a joke for the sake of having a joke instead of just keeping the story going.

You make a good point. In many ways, it's the inverse of Rick and Morty.

Instead of being a blatantly cartoony show and advertised as such while also somehow becoming the Nihilism Starter Pack for countless college students, the promos emphasize the action more than they do the comedy. As if the extent of the humor is based entirely on the protagonist saying dumb shit or having tense moments undercut by... well, the protagonist saying dumb shit.

I'm with other people in this thread where I just want to see if the show finds its voice ever. If it wants to be a comedy, and it does, it needs a stronger primary cast and structure itself like a comedy.

Every line from Gary feels like shitty improv by the creator, who just so happens to be the VA. What is up with cartoon creators voicing the MCs or important side characters in their own shows nowadays? It's annoying.

I fucking hate mindless nihilism.
It's lazy and and dumbasses keep repeating it like it means something.

I like how the mc responds to the world around him, its ok but not good by any means good. Avocato and his son are cute tho, sadly no lewds.

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The characters move fluidly emough to look good

I actually like it, I think with every episode it gets better, like someone did a focus test over a long binge of the series.
Sad most people don't like it and it might not get a second season.

At least the trailer had this neat song

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I like it. I definitely get why people wouldn't like it. The MC is a little much sometimes, and the writing is a bit iffy in places, but I don't agree with the assertion that it's "trying" to be Futurama/Rick and Morty. There's only a few similarities between the two and most of them stem from being "space comedies." I'll concede it's a bit more similar to Rick and Morty with its dark humor in places, it does seem like a happier, brighter show to R&M's grim outlook on the universe. The animation is leagues above Rick and Morty though.

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I’m OP. I legitimately hve never seen the show. It was the top google image

Did they start development of it in 2010? The writing is almost literally a decade too late

It’s like a director staring in his own movie. It’s cutting costs mixed in with egotism

way too much histrionics

OP Here.
Just saw the first episode. It’s alright. It’s not really funny, but the story is kinda interesting. Gary is annoying, and definitely trying to be a “fan favorite.” Mybbiggest problem is that every line sounds like it was whispered

Jesus Christ why is Sup Forums so contrarian with every new show?

You should probably keep watching until 3 or 4 and see if you'd like it.
I'm up to episode 4 and to me, each episode gets better and better, with Gary being less annoying and characters already getting character development. I just wish they'd tone down the "comedy" more.

I just finished episode 4. The story keeps getting better, and I love the cookies as a metaphor for Gary’s freedom, but I still don’t find the jokes particularly funny. I think the only time I chuckled was when Stevil revealed his name




That's just wrong. You're wrong.

Ohhhh boy. And to think, I was kinda-sorta-possibly-maybe looking forward to this.

But from these responses, it looks like more of a cheap attempt to leech off the success of other programs and adding nothing of value itself. Also cheap CalArts animation and designs.

But I'll see for myself, starting now. Wish me luck, Sup Forums.

Oh noez. Geralt is turning even more crazy than before.
But seriously, how much more cancer will Gerry have now after being doused by supernova radiation for so long?
And those Infinity Guard dorks are kinda dumb for not folding away when the supernova annihilated everything.
Then again, those Infinity Guards who came to arrest them could just have been manned by robot drones.

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So far, it isn't that bad honestly.

It's not the New Next Best Thing, but it's a nie cartoon you enjoy watching when you want to spend some time.

It's alright.

I think it's even a great space adventure show. Like Red Dwarf, but with more space kaboom.

that 6 eyed green skinned retard ruined the show
othervise it could be good

There might be some later explanation for why the six eyed alien behaves as weirdly as it does.

Ohhhh god. I am NOT having a good time here.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd prefer "The Bravest Warriors" to Final Space because the characters are more likeable.

None of the jokes are funny. Not even a little. Not the names, not the dialogue, nothing. And Gary is just the literal worst sort of person. He's like Rick, but without any intelligence. The whole "who's on first" bit at the end of Episode 1 just made me roll my eyes.

Visually it has good points. Decent use of colors and cool effects.

But attaching these visuals to this kind of pretentious, insipid writing is just a complete waste. At least Pendleton Ward is aware of how absurd and nonsensical his work is. This is the work of a creator who thinks he's much smarter than he actually is. It's like Brian Griffin wrote a sci-fi series. It's TRYING to incorporate the best parts of beloved modern Sci-Fi series, like Futurama, Rick and Morty, Space Dandy, Red Dwarf, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc... but it completely misses the point of what made them good.

It's like putting a slice of cake, A bottle of Dr. Pepper, and a bowl of mushroom soup in a blender.

Here is that word again. Nowadays people use for anything they don't like.

I won't defend Final Space, but there is one thing it isn't its pretentious. It doesn't try to be anything than what it shows.

You're better off reading the Rex Nihilo books. They're like Final Space, but awesome with a literal ABSOLUTE MADMAN protagonist and phenomenal world building amidst all the character drama and high-concept absurdity.

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I don't want to read comics, when I can simply watch cartoons.

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It's a book though. Like a real novel. And they're all quick reads due to the charming narration.

If it's good enough, then somebody might at some day make a cartoon or a comic adaptation for it.

...... I was gonna argue, but I read your statement as more aggressive than it actually was.

Yeah, you're right. Pretentious probably isn't the right word. But I still think this series has very serious problems right from the start. It feels uninspired.

What do you mean with uninspired?

Thoughts on this cato?

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So far, a solid character.
So far, the team consists of semi-incompetent goof Gary, the two gruff no-nonsense veteran fighters Avocato and Quinn, and the two sentient machines KVN and HUE.
Plus of course Mooncake, and according to the intro, Avocato's son Little Cato, and that six eyed alien, whom I suspect to be Quinn's boyfriend.

Best character for me so far is HUE.

Quinn is too hardass and serious, just like Avocato. I hope there will be a distinction between them in their roles, and they won't just be the same person, but with different genders and species.

Another guy who just finished episode 4 here, it was definitely the best one so far and seems like it addresses some of the bigger complaints about the series. If you're on the fence you might want to seriously consider watching it first and then going back to watch the first three episodes if you liked it.

if only this thing would go away

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Fine, have an audiobook sample relating to how this universe deals with the dangers of sentient robot rebellions:


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Exactly my thought. It has the shitty art style that Rick and Morty has, and tries to pull off the humor styles of both, but fails each time.

>whom I suspect to be Quinn's boyfriend.
He definitely is not.