Opinions on Usagi Yojimbo? I barely see it posted here

Opinions on Usagi Yojimbo? I barely see it posted here.

I'm waiting for Fantagraphics to reissue the Special Edition so I can start from the beginning and move onto Dark Horse's Saga collections.

Right now, the Special Editions go for like $600. Fuck that.

Well written and drawn. With stories that are sincere but not self righteous, characters that are kind without being saccharine, and a world full of wonder and adventure. Made by a creator who doesn't go out of his way to alienate his audience, scold imaginary bogeymen, or make an annoying ass of himself on social media.

Why would Sup Forums talk about it?

Like Hellboy, it's so good we just mention how good it is and move on.

There was a continous storytime once, its noice

Its great

It is liked by most if not all on here.
It isn't discussed much, because it is merely a circle of compliments.

"I liked this." "Me too." "bump"

Stan Sakai is a wonderful human being and I wish he made more money.

He probably makes bank at conventions.
There were signed posters of his on Mondo that sold in literal minutes of becoming available for purchase.

>He probably makes bank at conventions.

All that money won't bring his wife back.

>I barely see it posted here.

Sup Forums doesn't have much to say about stuff that's awesome. The same goes for Hellboy.

He's already remarried and him and his new wife draw at cons together, he seems a lot happier.

is that why donkey porn never gets mentioned on here? Because you all fucking love it so much?


What the fuck are you talking about? Sup Forums talks about Hellboy all the time.

He was cool in 2003 TMNT, but that's as far as my knowledge of him goes.

Basically this OP, it’s perfection and there isn’t a lot to say other than that we love every last drop of it.

Slavers or Noddles best arcs

Where to start with the physical editions? As the other user said the special edition is unbuyable

I just went and bought all the separate books.

Faggy fucking unoriginal shit

Well technically it's cause this is a blue board and all our donkey porn is on /aco/.

Can you protect his smile Sup Forums?

It's good so people don't talk about it, Sup Forums mostly just shits on things

good for him, it's hard to move on

We have Usagi threads every few weeks though. And it's getting a cartoon, so there will be more threads soon. Comic is on haitus for a few months though.

tried reading it and i dont get why people like this so much

There was a kind user who storytimed it once or twice and got me introduced. They are really fun.

I'll be perfectly honest.

I don't "get" it. It's just a furry homage to Lone Wolf and Cub.

Why not read LW&C for what it's worth.

>cartoonfags moving in on Usagi

the horror....the horror

>It's just a furry homage to Lone Wolf and Cub.

It quite literally isn't. Are you retarded?

Eh, Stan and a decent studio are involved, so it might be okay. We might get some good merch out of it for a change.

The waifu-wars might get more intense though.

oh i was talking about the possible fandom, i'd love for the show to be good and if it's not we still have comics

that dumb Lone Wolf and Cub take would be less annoying if the comic didn't have a lone wolf and cub parody in it

>It quite literally isn't. Are you retarded?
Well, other than that one story.

That's a few side stories. The main storyline has nothing to do with Lone Wolf and Cub.

It is absolutely fantastic.

>his new wife draw at cons together
She's an elementary school art teacher, sometimes Stan goes shows up at her school and draws with the kids.

Very very good

I just want him to be happy ;_;