Bendis makes an amazing series yet Sup Forums hates him

Bendis makes an amazing series yet Sup Forums hates him.
Why is that?

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This is just going to get deleted like the last one

Because he ruined Luke Cage and a whole host of Marvel canon to push his creations

Nobody ever bothered to go back to let the innocent retarded guy out of prison. Matter of fact, nobody even explained to the police that he was innocent.

Nobody ever went to the police to explain that the three men arrested for the murder of Jessica's boyfriend were innocent and should be freed or compensated.

Jeri continues to get away with everything for no particular reason.

He's a rat face kike who married a nigger

>an amazing series
>under a Mt. Everest career of shit
Gee, I wonder

Did they try to make every character as unlikable as possible?

I don't understand how anyone likes how he writes Luke Cage

>Nobody ever bothered to go back to let the innocent retarded guy out of prison
That is just plain fucked up. I care less about the thugs because they were degenerate pieces of shit but the retarded guy was nice and doesn't deserve that.

cause this show is about bad people getting away with shit. Everyone should be in prison if this was a cape show. Jessica murdered two people, Trish murdered one. Everyone is a shit and Jeri is just the most cunty of them all. Jeri is there so you can hate someone even more than the main cast. I love it

First season was OK, sort of like Death Note (Where they have to reveal a crime with no standard procedure to handle). It was also deeply flawed with directionless and stalled plot, sort of like Death Note.

What's second season is like?

you ever read Alias? Yes

I don't think Malcolm or the boyfriend/superintendant guy were unlikable. Same with Nuke. I also didn't dislike Dr. Karl or the simple guy in the maximum security mental hospital.

Weird how a show that kept constantly shitting on men ended up making all the female characters unlikable pieces of shit.

Because Bendis is a bastard man!

I want that on a t-shirt.

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and that FBI agent was the most likable person in the show. He is the only character that did nothing wrong. But Sup Forums forgets him because he's a straight white man

Everything after the good part of Ultimate Spider-Man.

>amazing anything

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>Ultimate Spider-man
>Having a good part

Can you explain why Karl Malus is a bad guy?

in comparison to the rest of the cast, he isn't and wasn't really portrayed that way. He was going to get away with it until Trish's addiction fucked him over. He was her drug dealer and ended up paying for her addiction. Trish was the bad guy in this season

He wasn't. He wanted to save peoples lives. The only drawback was that he fell in love with a psychotic murderer that he accidentally gave super strength instead of killing her.

Yeah if she had stopped her crusade no one else would have gotten hurt.

Then, why should I care about the characters? This show is about the emotions of its characters. If the thesis is that everyone is bad, then their emotions don't matter. The value of a show like this is in its proving of a thesis that its characters are interesting, not good or bad.

there isn't really much redemption in this show besides Malcom and Nuke but I don't see how Trish can come back from this

It's like he took everything that made Luke Cage fun (personality) and made him infinetly more bland and married to a white woman, thus reducing his stature of being a black hero.

The show is about addiction and how people struggle to deal with themselves in spite of that. I like to experience the rock bottom with them without hitting rock bottom myself. It makes the comparison to my addictions seem good in comparison and help me not want to kill myself

You know that there's a significant problem with the narrative structure when the identity of the 'bad guy' is not entirely clear to a lucid audience.

Then you're using it as a coping mechanism rather than a means of entertainment.

Yeah, most of the run was pretty good.
It's just a shame that it being pretty good lead to the Bendis situation we have now.
It's really the cause of all the issues, retroactively making it suck.

Eh, desu never liked Ultimate Spider-man, I dropped it around the part Pete and Kingpin fight for the first time and Fisk throws him out the window.

every story doesn't need a 'bad guy' it's just needs an antagonist, in the show the main antaganist is always Jessica Jones.
nope, it makes me drink a lot more

You don't have to like it, but it is widely regarded as being pretty good.
It's why Bendis is how he is and why he's going to fuck over Superman.

So... this... is an amazing series...

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Rebecca De Mornay is still a super milf! she looks better than in the first season... please Sup Forums tell me I'm not the only one who fap thinking about her!

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