How can they make such a good character design and then make her so basic and bland

How can they make such a good character design and then make her so basic and bland.

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Good character design?

Means I want to fuck her

Yeah, Asian rebellious female with a streak of hair color.

Something that’s never, ever been done before.

Not ever.

Maybe it's because i'm retarded, but thats supossed to be sarcasm, amirite?

She's Hispanic

Shit kiddo, grow up.

Bad writing is a hell of a thing.

I dont even understand it, the rest of the show is enjoayble and decent, but shes just a vapid stereotype of the chick in every howard hughes film for the nerdy MC to get.

Make me

Nooooo user. He was being TOTALLY FUCKING SERIAL.


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Im super pissed his latest riri facial image had her wearing a tank top. Whats the fucking point of censored lewds that cover the breasts? I mean for fucks sake her vagina is exposed.

Every time I see this character I want porn of her but every time I see the porn I go "meh"

Because you fell for the bait.

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ive been laughing for 10 minutes straight because its too real

When did season become feason anyway?

She is Mexican thought, its a Guillermos del Toro directed animation after all

I'm kinda glad I don't know most of them

The JLullaby one is what kills me

Attached: Captain America's sides enter the space program.gif (250x250, 1.76M)

i wish i could update this with more artists but i dont know what font thats used
also cant think of any good spongebob moments for padoga or polygon5 who i love


I don’t know who any of these artists are.

then you should leave this place while you can

Poly is trash and anyone who likes him should be thrown off a cliff.

I don't know if I should be upset or relieved I'm not on there.

My sides literally hurts, well played.

It got me too

>no bishopbb
>he moved on
He used to shitpost here, it counts.

Hi yoto.