I think the worst part of capeshit in movies is that they constantly take off their mask so the stars can get face time...

I think the worst part of capeshit in movies is that they constantly take off their mask so the stars can get face time.
They never have their full coatumes on for more than 3 minute spans before taking them off again.

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>that time in Spider-Man 3 where Venom only had his mask on for a combined total of a minute and instead we had to look at Topher Grace's methed out face

I really prefer it when Tony's head is still in the helmet like this, compared to how his entire helmet magically disappears & reappears sometimes

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Reminder that this existed for one scene and was never seen again.

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I dont mind it when it's done right. Most of the time, the mask needs to come off so the actors can actually convey emotion. These movies are basically CG cartoons at this point, I'd prefer some real filmmaking still be left in there.

I also hate this.


To be fair, the condoms superheroes usually wear on their faces isn't very cinematographic. Those superhero masks are very hard to translate to live action.

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>the mask needs to come off so the actors can actually convey emotion.

That just means that they suck at acting.

Best example is the amount of screentime Star-Lords mask gets in GoTG1 Vs GoTG2

You can tell he became a major star in between the two. It's a shame since it's totally gutted any chance of seeing DnA Star-Lord brought to the silver screen.

I believe Hemsworth is to blame on that one, and said it was uncomfortable to wear. Which is a shame, and I think the Ragnarok helmet looked great

Eh, I'm at least thankful they haven't done some lame attempt to give Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot temporary human forms.

At least he wore a different version of it longer in Ragnarok. It got destroyed but still.
I don't understand why they didn't keep it. I heard it's not comfortable on Hemsworth's head but there's gotta be a way around that right??


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Most people are not on the autism spectrum and need to read peoples facial expressions to enjoy a character.

Wasn't there a problem with it falling off during stunts?

Seriously, Emotion can easily be shown through body language, V for Vendetta showcases this perfect as well as Dredd and the Antagonist for Inside Man.

Bitching about comic book movies, 2 years in the iso-cubes

Attached: dredd.jpg (685x434, 40K)

They could've just made another one that fit.

Or they want to their faces seen.


>I believe Hemsworth is to blame on that one, and said it was uncomfortable to wear.

I doubt he would've taken it off if it were that. It's as mentioned. The thing just wouldn't stay on. Loki's helmet was a massive pain for Hiddleston and yet he wore it for two movies in a row before getting rid of it.

>I think
No one gives a fuck