Have you ever tried to mimmick something from a cartoon? Was it your most embarassing childhood moment?

Have you ever tried to mimmick something from a cartoon? Was it your most embarassing childhood moment?

>tfw used to pretend I ate like the Simpsons growing up

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Naruto run....

So you called them steamed hams despite the fact that they were obviously grilled?

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When I was around 8 or 9, I once sat in my hallway for over 2 hours trying my damndest to channel ki like how Gohan taught Videl. I wanted to learn how to fly like DBZ characters. No, it was not embarrassing. I was a kid doing kid stuff, so I feel no shame over it.

>Was it your most embarassing childhood moment
I pissed behind a garbage can in the 2nd grade. I told my homies to look out for any teachers, but they snitched on me. Had to clean it up...
As for something I tried to emulate from a cartoon, I tried to go super saiyan when I was about 11.
All of us kids tried to, you don't watch something this awesome youtube.com/watch?v=I0H6-qS8K4E and not try it too.

Posting dorky salutes that everyone here has done at least once.

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>Calling people suckers
No more elbarto for me

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I used to mimic the crazy eye twitch whenever I was upset. Luckily I was already the weird kid nobody talked to so no one saw as far as I know
Also used to do the sideways mouth grin

Found pic related in a playground as a kid. Pretended to drink from it thinking it would give Gummibear jumping powers. My mom was not pleased.

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Instead of saluting, I did pic-related once back when I was in a boy scout camp.
My instructor didn't like my autism, to say the least.

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>oh boy Mr. Game & Watch is a cool character, what if I tried acting like him irl...

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I saw a Batman cartoon from the 60's where Batman used the exhaust from the Batjet to melt the Penguins metal birds nest hideout.

So I thought I might try the same thing with a paper clip and an electrical outlet.

In P.E Back when I was in elementary I would do the push ups that Sully does in Monsters Inc.
I got called out and I still get embarrassed to this day.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who did this

Do you remember in Tom and Jerry the Movie where the doctor jumped out of the way of a car with a wacky scream?

I did that. Which also required me getting in front of a car.

My mom explained to me, at length afterwards, why I should never move in front of a moving vehicle.

I did something I read in Calvin & Hobbes and got in trouble for it, can't remember what though.

>I was a kid doing kid stuff, so I feel no shame over it.
This, it's normal for kids to do this crap
Me and my friends would pretend we were Pokemon trainers and go out in the woods and pretend to catch stuff.

I told my dad I was going to set my new watch to 06:06:06, and he and my grandma yelled "NO"!
They didn't even explain it to me, and just told me not to do it.


even as a child I knew DBZ was fucking retarded

Why does anyone hate black people again?

Which one. There are 3 different salutes happening all at once

I got into a huge fight with everyone at school because I tried to copy what happened In a "what's with Andy" episode

I never tried to mimic cartoons per se, but I did try to mimic the way Velociraptors ate in Jurassic Park when I was a little kid. Whenever I ate meat or something, I would always throw my head back to swallow, thinking that it made me look cool. The only reason I stopped doing it was because a kid I was eating lunch with at school karate-chopped my neck while I was trying to eat a piece of meatloaf and damn-near caused me to choke to death. Haven't done it since...

My brother, on the other hand...

First thing's first, he legitimately has asbergers and ADHD, and though he's calmed down considerably with age, he had it BAD when he was a little kid. Not Chris-chan bad, but pretty damn close. When he was in elementary school, he actually asked his 2nd grade music teacher if mayonnaise was an instrument. His teacher didn't get the reference, however, and thought that he was being serious, and he was legitimately that stupid. She held him after class and literally had to call our mom and have her come down to talk with her about it, who then was forced to explain the reference and the fact that my brother was just repeating something he had heard on TV over the span of about half an hour. In the end he came out alright, though we still mock the shit out of him for it to this day.

I did the whiny EEEEHH sound Dagget did in Angry Beavers (I'm surprised there isn't a compilation video on youtube)

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Tried to but my mom explained to me that not everyone would see the same cartoons or know what I was trying to emulate and that I'd look like a fucking idiot and embarrass myself. It pretty stopped most of that potential autism in it's tracks.

Played dragon ball back in primary with a couple of guys.

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This picture is making my heart race

I did a Dagget impression once and called a Ouija board a “weenie board.” I got a bigger laugh than I was expecting for that from my family and decided not to imitate Dagget again.

>The only reason I stopped doing it was because a kid I was eating lunch with at school karate-chopped my neck while I was trying to eat a piece of meatloaf and damn-near caused me to choke to death

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>tfw used to "sheathe" and "unsheathe" a set of imaginary Wolverine claws as I walked down the street
>tfw I pretended I was cutting down trees and cars

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>pretend I ate like the Simpsons growing up

I don't even know what that means.

I used to quote a lot of Invader ZIM as a child.

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I'm pretty sure everyone has tried to go Super at least once in their life.

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I used to try to web swing and vine swing like spidey and tarzan, i faked having a crush on a random girl just so i could be like helga pataki, also if 4kids' yu gi oh counts as Sup Forums, i used to yell my cards in an epic manner like everyone in the show and i also used to do jaden yuki's hand gesture he did when he won all the time

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>i faked having a crush on a random girl just so i could be like helga pataki
That's so stupidly sweet

No, I never even watched that stupid crap.

The Simpsons do a ridiculous set of eating vocalizations whenever they eat. It sounds kinda like “Hmm harf hmph rmm.”

That teacher actually sounds like a moron for wasting everyone’s time over it by actually calling your mother in. If a kid is really “thinks mayonaise may be an instrument” levels of stupid, you don’t need to conduct a formal meeting over it because everyone will already know.

In elementary school, first or second class. I tried to immitate the running I saw in cartoonswhere the legs turn into blurry wheels, like the fucking Roadrunner. I thopught it would make me go faster but I only looked like a total spaz.

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So you used to feed on seeds?

how could you possibly imitate that?

I tried to make full circles with my legs. Don´t ask. As I said, I made a compete spazz out of myself.

>i faked having a crush on a random girl just so i could be like helga pataki
Also when I was in like third grade, Yu-Gi-Oh! had just started to get big, and every week the local comic shop held a tourney for it. I went one time and of course was facing a guy who was like 30 for my first ever match, and I would actually yell out "I SUMMON..." and all that when playing. I obviously didn't know the rules very well, but the guy just casually played his cards without explaining what he was doing and then after like three turns he had to tell me I lost.

After that I stopped liking Yu-Gi-Oh!.

Two things: I did the Scooby slurp when something sounded really good to eat and got in huge trouble with my parents when we went out for dinner one night. I didn't think it was that embarrassing really since I was really young and barely remember it.

The other was when I was trying to emulate some cartoon with my sister by tying a jump-rope to my bike and having her hold on while she wore roller skates. We barely got towing before my sister wussed out and let go. She fell in the grass nearby. She cried, I got grounded for a week.

I tried that too, but in a different setting. I wanted to do like Dash and run across water, so every time I went to the pool I'd try running as fast as I could as I jumped into the water hoping I'd get enough momentum to get to the other side without sinking. Less embarrassing, but definitely stupid enough.

I constantly saw how characters gulped before doing something dangerous or in the face of a bad situation. Well, I wanted to try it, but I also wanted it to be authentic. So I stood on a table, looked down, gulped, and let myself fall down face first. I broke my fucking nose.

More from a video game but, um, when I was like 6 or 7 I tried to double jump. Off of a computer chair. Needless to say I broke my wrist when I landed on my hand, arm outstretched. To this day i've no idea why I thought it would work or would be a good idea.

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>I tried to double jump.
Jak and Daxter made me think it was possible too.

I roleplayed getting married in Gaia Online.
As a girl.
In front of my parents.

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Oh boy.

When I was 6 I walked like Robocop for months. I did this almost everywhere, because I thought it would make me look manly and dignified. Stopped becausey fat ass got tired of it.

I attempted to build a catapult like the one in A Bug's Life out of twigs, branches, my backpack, and a toaster.

Briefly I assumed the name "Z" because of fucking Antz. Yeah, THAT Antz.

I genuinely thought I would Hulk out if I got angry enough. So, of course, I warned people not to make me too angry. Yes, I said it the way Eric Bana says it in the 2003 movie. No, it didn't work at all.

And finally, for a worrying amount of time, I wanted to be a superhero when I grew up. And I was serious about it. I designed/prototyped a few super suits, but eventually I decided to wait until I got a proper superpower.

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God bless black weebs.

I’ll probably sound like an absolute retard but, what is this?

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Holy shit you play that game too? I still do to this day.

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Looks like a CO2 cartridge.

Crash Bandicoot made me try to double jump as a child

>I roleplayed getting married in Gaia Online.
>As a girl.
>In front of my parents.
Jesus christ user, do you still cringe every time you think about it?

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>And finally, for a worrying amount of time, I wanted to be a superhero when I grew up. And I was serious about it. I designed/prototyped a few super suits, but eventually I decided to wait until I got a proper superpower.

That's nothing. I started a training regimen, which basically consisted on me running around my village climbing fences and shit. I also got my aunt to design and stitch up a costume for me which I started wearing whenever I left to run around.
I had a friend back then to whom I used to talk when wearing the costume pretending I didn't know her. Then I'd enter my house through the back door, take the suit off as quickly as possible and come out of the front door asking "What did I miss?"
She was never fooled but I tried to convince her every time.

Thats kinda adorable in a spergy way. I assume you were "that kid" in your village?

Not really, I was that shy kid who didn't talk much to other people but still managed to get through life unscathed by bullying and with a positive public image. That's an ability I've always had for some reason; people tend to like me despite not being physically attractive or that interesting. Maybe I'm just surrounded by nice people.

Don't forget your pickup lines user

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>sideways mouth grin
Did that too. By unfortunate coincidence I got afflicted with Bell's palsy not long after and felt like it was my fault because I had somehow damaged my mouth muscles. It wasn't.

Oh god, this bad.

nitrous oxide aka wippets

This is just an elaborate ruse, right? It's just an user that filled an excel with bad puns to spite anonymous guys on an asian basket weaving forum into thinking he was serious, right?

I mean, what's worse? That it's real, or that someone spent that amount of time making a fake post

>tfw wore a naruto headband together along with the rest of the anime club in middle school
Mist village is best village niggas

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I did this too, but I never watched Naruto. I was mimicking Mario from DS Super Mario Bros.

I tried to run like Shaggy from Scooby Doo once. The original. Fell and skinned my knee immediately. Never did it again.

I pretended to punch through a brick wall and almost broke my hand.

That's like half-way to a stride dive though. So you probably just looked like a decent swimmer.


This gif bothers me on some near intangible level.

>acting like feral retards in the middle of a store
I don't know, you tell me nigger

I mean that I took some distance from the pool's curb and started running, kicking against the water expecting to dash across it.

I copied Homer's drooling while asleep once because i thought it was funny and then i couldn't drooling in my sleep for years for some reason. I am glad I got that out of my system now.

>then I couldn't stop* drooling in my sleep for years

A lot of cartoon characters would quickly doze off while sitting upright. As a kid I thought that was cool so I got myself comfortable doing it. Now I regularly fall asleep during college lectures because I get too comfy. This has lead to some awkward interactions with the people I sit next to.

I did the Naruto/Sonic run once in gym class in middle school. I immediately realized it was really slow and awkward to do, but finished the run doing it anyway.

Right there with you.

I used to mix things I found into bottles and drink it in the hope of getting superpowers. stuff i found in the shower and under the sink. had to stop after I drank tanning oil

I was lifting my glasses to imitate Cyclops' powers.

Cool, I have advanced nothing.

>tfw watching Power Rangers and Spider-Man Unlimited took its toll on you and you disassembled your digital watch trying to make it give you a superpowered suit

Poured pepper on my nose to make myself sneeze like they do in cartoons. It just burned a lot.

Tried to run like Naruto in a parking lot when I was 14 and broke my leg.

I once mimiced the 'im not wearing underpants today's line from EEnE when I was a kid, me and my sister thought it was hilarious. I was no longer allowed to watch EEnE after that.

You're lucky you didn't wind up in the hospital.

Tried to use an umbrella to jump off the roof.... luckily I was still small enough at that time that that shit actually worked and gave me enough hang time to land in the pool and not on the concrete deck.

My mom was not amused and implemented the umbrella into the spanking.

>Tried to run like Naruto in a parking lot when I was 14 and broke my leg.

That escalated quickly.... how the fuck did you break your leg?

I was a fan of the Rahan cartoon, and once while I was "running faster than the wind" as per the lyrics of the opening and I ran straight into a door.
My best friend and I also spent a lot of time trying to transform into super sayians by screaming at the top of our lungs.
Neither of those are even close to my most embarrassing childhood moments.

I tripped over my own foot and heard it snap while trying to catch myself. I was overweight so that might've had a factor.

>Not Takigakure
Enjoy your 56-handsign Water Dragon; I'll do it in 3.

You remind me that I once built a shitty ballista during my Age of Empires phase. It fired only like 5-8 meters away but I was satisfied. Sad/funny part is I was like 18-20 years old.