What co-girl resembles your girlfriend the most?
What co-girl resembles your girlfriend the most?
Luke Jackson
Jack Davis
Could you not even be bothered to use a Sup Forums image when making this thread?
Lincoln Rogers
That's not a girl, user
Jonathan Brooks
it's another "normcucks brag about something benign" thread
Logan Jones
You know where you have to get back to.
Joseph Nguyen
tfw going to be a daddy
Connor Flores
Does it matter if they’re cute and willing to wear make-up and a dress?
Lucas Morris
it's another "virgin resets his router over and over again so he can report the thread multiple times" thread
Landon Long
If it's benign why does it trigger you?
Jaxson Martin
Because it’s not comics or cartoons. Just another waste of a thread on a board already filled with Far too many of those.