We need more cartoons like Sym-Bionic Titan and less like Voltron: Legendary Defender

>We need more cartoons like Sym-Bionic Titan and less like Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Do you agree with this statement?

I just need to hire someone to break into Genndy's house and steal the scripts he has for season 2.

y e s

I never saw either one. I just know Voltron is full of apparent fagbait.

I agree in a big way

I don’t really see the difference between the two to be honest.

If any think I think Voltron is a little less angsty, but then again I only just started season 3.

Voltron has gone into the pone/Rick and Morty hole of the fanbase being so fucking repugnant that it's made the quality of the show itself secondary.

VLD is a damn good action show with some strong character beats and a pretty good sense of pacing. Thanks to the fanbase, it's now known as a fujoshi nightmare parade that's become functionally impossible to discuss without perverts ruining it.

Literally the same character.

They can't keep getting away with it!

Voltron is the Star Gate Universe of cartoons
It's bad, but you continue watching it because it could be great if they just changed a little.

>and a pretty good sense of pacing

Which is why Netflix calling each episode batch a "season" pisses me off. It completely throws off the pacing and makes the story feel disjointed. I consider both season one and two into one season, and once six comes out, three-six will be one massive season as well.

Honestly, it's not even the seasons, it's general episode pacing.
Voltron has 45 episodes to Avatar's 61, and the difference in how they set up character growth and plot is staggering. Voltron introduces major problems and resolves them in the same 20 minutes (including 'forming voltron' filler time), while Avatar knew how to really drag it out. Makes the whole thing feel less heavy, more like a fanfiction.

>Voltron introduces major problems and resolves them in the same 20 minutes (including 'forming voltron' filler time), while Avatar knew how to really drag it out

I'm getting tired of people complaining about episodic storytelling in TV, like if it isn't some grand novel ala The Wire then it's bad because it's setting up and resolving things within a constricted timeframe.

Let TV be TV. You can tell a story and wrap it up in 22 minutes, not everything has to stretch every single fucking plotline out for an entire season ala Netflix shows.

Symbion-Titan's first two episodes were so awful I almost died. So, no.

I heard it gets better, but honestly, I couldn't see how can it be salvaged.


Yes, ass drawn in ugly-ass Gendy's stile is what I need more of in my life.

I bet you fap to Dexter's sister too.

We need more robot shows period.

>Thanks to the fanbase, it's now known as a fujoshi nightmare parade that's become functionally impossible to discuss without perverts ruining it.
Flip the character genders and you now know the suffering of a casual RWBY fan trying to talk to other fans

Oh wow it's an ugly drawing in a backless dress, amazing

You are objectively wrong.

Voltron LD is superior to Sym-Bionic Titan by virtue of being full-on space and not being bogged down by earth crap like high school dances and street racing.

No. Voltron has issues but the characters in Sym-Bionic Titan were even more bland and generic.

Like hijinks at the space mall is any better.

Thank goodness someone made this

God damn it got great.

Reminded me of watching sixteen candles at times

Can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing, and I liked Sixteen Candles.


But Avatar managed to have pretty good episodic storytelling as well most of the time.

>Voltron is the Star Gate Universe of cartoons
>It's bad, but you continue watching it because it could be great if they just changed a little.
I dropped Stargate Universe 2-3 episodes in and every attempt I've made at starting again has failed even faster. I'm a Stargate fan, but this show was just insultingly frankensteined together from everything else that was airing at the time.

one of there genders should have actually been fliped

I've only seen season one of new Voltron, but so far both series seem bad as mecha series. SBT had better out of mecha action, and I liked where both the interpersonal drama as well as the metaplot was going in the second half, but we'll never know for sure how that would have paid off. So far I enjoy Voltron more, but for different things.

Also the truth is we need more like pic related.

Is this an American Devilman reboot?

Nah. SBT spent way too much time on meaningless highschool stuff and not enough time with fighting giant robots. I liked SBT but it dragged on way too much.

Yeah but I haven't seen Voltron so idk. Sym-Bionic Titan is my favorite cartoon style ever

We just need more cartoons, though neither of those are particularly good.

Oh Wow, it's a retard with a keyboard and net connection. Amazing.

>Your dumb and your face is dumb
Wow I'm so offended I might just quit this thread

>Stargate Universe
>You mean BattleStargatelactica?

>Voltron introduces major problems and resolves them in the same 20 minutes
Shiro's been brainfucked for two seasons now
Pidge's plot arc stretched four
Zarkon took two season to reach the climactic battle and he still wasn't down and out till season 5
Lotor's arc is two seasons and counting
Keith's arc is four and counting
Every major problem in Voltron has been dragged out, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about

I enjoyed both shows. Symbionic was better though

>we need more cancelled cartoons


It's really not all that much. That is at least 90% fandom faggotry.

Imagine lacking the ability to have fun.

You're right. Voltron should be cancelled. Or wrap up already in the next set of episodes.

I found Sym-Biotic Titan much more entertaining than Voltron so yes. Better mech design too.

>we need more cartoons that look good but have very little substance and meander A L O T instead of getting on with the plot.
Sym-Bionic Titan wasn't that great

Is this Beastars? Holy fuck did I miss some shit.

>yfw it was just Samurai Jack Season 5 without the girl dying

You can't fault it for that, it was intended to be a multi-season show, they didn't know that they didn't have a lot of room to tell their story. Plus, character and worldbuilding are just as important as plot, and as much as people rag on the highschool stuff it was the source of most of the character progression and supporting characters in the show.

I still think that whenever they got around to fighting Modula, that when they kick his ass the mutraddi that is obviously under his hat will jump off and attach to somebody else.

Probably Lance or Ilana so we could have one of those "I know you're in there somewhere! Fight it!" type of scenes. So they fight off the mind controlling alien using the power of friendship thus validating all that time we spent in school scenes watching them become friends.

Attached: Titan.jpg (1058x1600, 222K)

I despise the "supporting" characters. They did nothing but undermine and sabotage the show.

I wanted my sci-fi war of a princess, her bodyguard with a dead father and their robot. Not high school trash for Sasuke fangirls.

Lance's dad isn't dead.

Too late, Guillermo already got to them


We still have a while to go. We're almost two thirds in.


Attached: YAMERO.png (442x290, 122K)

Then you didn't understand what the show was going for and probably should have just stopped watching and shut up about it.

Oh God forbid someone has a negative opinion about your sacred cartoon

Well, make it quick. Voltron is not a show that needs to be stretch out beyond 65 episodes.

You can have your negative opinion, you just don't change anything by voicing it, so ignoring what you don't like is probably the more productive option.

>Sym-Bionic Titan but with the shitty Trollhunters asthetic
nah dude NAH DUDE

>Following Trollhunters, DreamWorks 3 Below will focus on two royal teenage aliens and their bodyguard who flee a surprise takeover of their home planet by an evil dictator and crash land in Arcadia. Now on the run from intergalactic bounty hunters, they struggle to blend in and adapt to the bizarre world of high school all the while attempting to repair their ship so they can return and defend their home planet

Sounds more like the samurai Jack episode than titan

So is there any gimmick to this? SBT had robots; what have we here?

Considering it takes place in the same universe and town as Trollhunters and Wizards, probably not.
Maybe there'll be some magic fuckery, but don't count on any giant robots or well choreographed fight scenes.

>Please don't be a slice o'life show

>We'll never fix the galactica

One of the few times Sup Forums wasn't a pile of trash.

More like both would be nice.

>it's now known as a fujoshi nightmare parade that's become functionally impossible to discuss without perverts ruining it

How is that different from trying to discuss any show with female characters on Sup Forums?