The little discussed truth is the fact that Maid Marian has the most likable personality of any Disney princess by far

The little discussed truth is the fact that Maid Marian has the most likable personality of any Disney princess by far.

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She was a pedo. Canon.

Cause she was never a single cunt, she was the sweet girlfriend from beginning to end of the movie

What other princess was like that?

WTF did Cinderella and Aurora do to upset you, oh virginal wizrd?

Be forgettable characters within their own movies.

Was there all that much to her personality?
She was just really sweet and romantic.
Robin is dashing as fuck, but he didn't need to win her over in the movie since she was already smitten with him. Just the way they'd look at each other with those eyes was romantic as fuck.

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Rapunzel is objectively the most likeable princess.

Because everyone liked her.

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I see, so being sweet and not being a cunt isn't actually what you asked for, oh vagina-shy basement lord?

Calm down, Tumblr.

so weak

cinderella did nothing wrong,but aurora did basically nothing

She's not a princess though, she's a maid

I really like that comic where Hiss hypnotises everyone into thinking Robin killed the king and he got turned into the towns toilet as punishment. The look of contempt Marian has as she pisses on him is fantastic

yes, it's a fact

post the fat edit of her.

got a link to that?

I really like the comic where she gets really fat and sweats a lot.

>Those generic "Bad Guy" outfits
I get it for the context of the scene but I would love to see some actual period outfits.
Running a train on Punzie like Flesh+Blood

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You just say that because she's an attractive fox!

Is there /ss/ with her and the rabbit kid?

there was a recent comic where robin fucks the girl rabbit

She is actually a vixen. Look at the intro where you read the species below every name.

A vixen is a fox.

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If that's true then why hasn't she appeared in Kingdom Hearts yet?


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What did they mean by this?

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Robin Hood for Kingdom Hearts when?

That, and she's A FUKKEN XENO! HERESY!

Why do I get the feeling that Landesknechts are going to become the next big 'thing' in regards to warriors becoming overly idealized for a short period of time out of obscurity.

This, I'm sick of seeing Agrabah and Olympus in every fucking game. But at least now they're finally trying something new with Pixar.

Attached: Port Royal boss in Kingdom Hearts 3.jpg (460x312, 94K)

she is pure, PURE!
The classic waifur archetype, an angel...


King Richard exercised his right of droit du seigneur.

>droit du seigneur
I need to know the details of that french thing...

Well, between them and the spaniard mercenaries companies of the time, its better to pick the fabulous looking ones,right?

Is she even a princess?
I thought she was King Richard's niece not daughter.

Can someone storytime?

I don't wanna make an account for that

i'll see what i can do

fingers crossed

well of course not here
i dont even know if this is too much for /trash/
also the text that accompanies the comic is in one huge block so it was hard to tell what pages it was meant to relate to and i might have messed up one or 2

Disney Princess is code for human being little girls see themselves attaching to.

Belle is a bookworm.
Cinderella represents the fruits of labor and enduring hardship
Mulan is a working class girl who goes to war to bring back peaceful times.

Maid Marian is a fox wearing pink who falls for a rebel just because the king is a dick. Name one admirable or marketable trait about that.

thx, I'm surprised it got posted at all

wait sorry i missed a page
the page where marian makes the face of disgust that i love. it's up now