People actually liked The Weekenders

>people actually liked The Weekenders

This destroys my faith in Sup Forums. It was a cringy, too-hip-and-happening-for-you piece of shit that tried to be cool and down with the kids.

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I would argue it, fillmore and pepper ann were the best original Disney cartoons for a while.

are you upset that they actually hung out with friends and changed their clothes constantly? something you probably could never do.

Fuck off shoob.

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>His kite is that fucking broken

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I wanted to fuck Lor so badly when this first came out. Dat midriff.

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shit was comfy kino

You were having sexual thoughts as a kid?

who wasnt gay nigga

I never could get into this show as a kid. Where did it get rebroadcast?

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toon disney

The MILF tho.

Get on my level man

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>faith in Sup Forums
How in the fuck did you have any to begin with? get lost.

downloading the series rn

Speaking of Weekenders, which era of kidkino was your childhood Sup Forums?

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>This destroys my faith in Sup Forums.
excuse me?

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user you could have just said you wanted a weekenders thread without adding some bait to it


>tfw made one like yesterday and barely any replies

i remember hating this show as kid and nothing else

>It was a cringy, too-hip-and-happening-for-you piece of shit that tried to be cool and down with the kids.
Nice opinion, kid

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This is a hard choice. I fit both Late gen y and early gen z. What do?

kys imo

wow, pepper-ann, and Weekenders (and MLAATR+PPG) were all great cartoons staring women that weren't obnoxious.

pooper ann had an annoying as fuck voice

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It begins. The aught nostalgia is about to be in full swing. Also, those last three digits are fitting.

i would fuck every character on this show.

We haven’t even finished with the 80s nostalgia, how can we be getting to the 00s?

They're forcing it all until we get nostalgia for yesterday.

Tino's mom? Yeah, she was great.

You were the faggot that lived in single parent house with no siblings or friends weren't you?


>no mortal kombat in its respective era

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff so close

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dat quality

>This destroys they faith in Sup Forums
What the fuck did you expect? This is the same website where shit like pic related occurs on a near monthly basis.

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This gets posted in every other thread.Is this just some data gathering scheme?

I loved that show as a kid but jesus I forgot how much the ears bothered me

also watching some clips now the animation was surprisingly excellent.

That shit's a diamond dozen.

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that's what's cool to a lot of young kids, it gives them a false reality of what being a teenager is with none of the angst and identity problems

Not too unusual

I didn’t like the weekendsrs at all, but there was one scene that has stuck with me since I was a kid.
They’re filming a commercial and the actor guy complains that he spent a lot of time getting abs and now he can’t take off his shirt for the scene. When he needs to climb the tree to get the cat in the scene, he randomly removes his shirt to do so.
That was the only time I laughed at the show and I remember the scene vividly to this very day

I don’t know where I fit. I was born in the early 90’s, but I have vivid memories since I was 4, and I watched a lot of the shows around that time with older cousins, and then when I was like 8, I would watch Nicktoons Network(at this point in time it was permanently stuck in the 90’s, complete with old commercials, Nick Gas, Toon Disney, and Boomerrang. So I had massive exposure to so many generations that I don’t know if I fit in my actual demographic

Still haven't seen Fillmore.
What's so good about it?


What are you gonna do in the race war Ottoman?!

The pizza segments were always good. And the retarded kid.
I actually rewatched it some years ago and it was surprisingly mature in parts, not too bad for a kids' show.

we can all agree that Tito/Tish/Lor is a top tier OT3 right?

>projecting THIS hard

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Think it's self insert fodder for black guys or something, I dunno.

Even Bluke and Percy?

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I took a course in the psychology of sexuality and my dad also works at nintendo and you're a faggot

I'm already nostalgic for things that haven't happened yet.

These are always weird to see when you grew up in a place that had significant translation lag.
Like, I remember the mid and late 90s in France. Most of the Goosebumps books were not translated yet and still coming out, so was the TV show. At some point you had TMNT, Doug, Catdog AND Yugioh all airing at the same time. Same goes for video games that could take anywhere between 3 months and over a year to get a PAL version after the NTSC ones.
I blame the Minitel.

Ignore these

Dime a dozen cheapness

It's a police procedural in the guise of children's animated series which made it surprisingly entertaining.

Why are people pretending that Weekenders and Filmore were Gandhi’s left nut

Mostly core Gen Y with a lot of early and late mixed in.

it's set in the twin cities, my hometown. That will never not be weird to me. It's like people actually care about us.

Was born in early Y, but childhood was indeed in core and late Y.

late gen y. I have some memory for just about everything there.

Early gen z sucked

Tish >>>> Lor

80s nostalgia began in 1997 with the movie Grosse Pointe blank and they're still fucking doing it 20 years later


it's a cop show, but set in a middle school, and it takes itself 100% seriously. it's great.


It's just the nerd girl being rapable as all fuck.

>millenials starts in 89
great job as fucking up the generation names completely.

I think it's meant to be when the respective children became interested in the pop culture to remember it. About 5 years old.

No, 1989 is when the Millennial "elementary culture" arguably began (Simpsons premiere, fall of the Berlin Wall, release of Sega Genesis) not the first birth year. Look under and see the part that says "Primary audience: Born Early-Mid/Late 80s".


Although those born 1982-1985 are in the weird zone called "Xennials"


Lor is cuter

because thats all they watched


You weren't? That shit has to start sometime.

Filmore is better but both are unironically good, well produced shows that didn't talk down to their audience - which is something you fucking notice when you're an adolescent and there's a lot of 4kids-style writing on TV.

PAL transfers of games tend to be cheaper/worse than NTSC transfers for some reason

BAck in the days, that was sometimes caused by having to cut some of the contents to fit several languages onto a same cartridge because there were chances people wouldn't buy a game in english, and having separate localizations for France, Germany, Italy, Denmark etc would be way too expensive for a publisher.

slower frame rate

The guy who made based Fillmore later made the walking pleb

I bet this poser hasn't even been to The Crevasse.

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Oh look, the plebs are acting up again with their shit tastes.

Only good thing about pepper Ann is that the creator ended up making knd after

>he says as he takes a break from talking about steven universe

I owned a couple t-shirts with the exact same design as a kid because my mom bought my clothes at this cheaper store that didn't have that many different variations so kids made fun of me and said I didn't changed clothes

Shaggyfag is that you?!

>If you like Weekenders you must also like Steven Universe
Not even him, but that's retarded and you know it.

>having 0 reading comprehension

Bruh, i shit on emo lesbian space rocks.

But Weekenders was comfy af even with a vegan chick involved.

i like weekenders. user came in calling us pleb so i said he was a faggot who liked steven universe.

Vegan chick was great

You do realize i was calling OP a pleb for shitting on Weekenders right?