I'm just not sold on angry Nic Cage. He doesn't HOOK ME as a villain, you know? Kind of underwhelming...

I'm just not sold on angry Nic Cage. He doesn't HOOK ME as a villain, you know? Kind of underwhelming. They do a lot of talking about how smart he is, but no showing it.

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I'm so bored I'm not even paying attention to Arrow anymore, not even in anger.

Remember Moira?

I kind of stopped watching Arrow just after Diggle took over, also it's fucking insulting that he's supposed to be Richard Dragon.

Heeey it's the first partner guy from Fringe.

Bullseye the Clown would make a better villain.

He's based off New 52 Dragon, who was evil.

in a world where devoe and star labs exists, you've got to be beyond 12th level intellect or prometheus level insanity before people call you "genius".

which is sad really. on a street level, his plan is genius but compared to the rest of the arrowverse, he looks small-time (not enough "he has back-up plans for back-up plans for back-up plans")

Where's arrow talkback thread?

Can't find it.
boards.Sup Forums.org/co/archive

Was it deleted or something?

wonder why.

can't be solely for that editted/censored katie cassidy pic right?

I'm waiting for Anatoly to take over and be the true big bad of the Season.


ollie abused his bratva membership waaaay too much without giving back that anatoly paid for it (ousted from the bratva).

just sad that even with mirakuru boost, no one will really believe anatoly to be a serious threat.

What are they going to do for a Arrow Season 7? The show has been spinning its wheels for years, yet they keep renewing it.

diggle getting fed up with the "i thought you're going to retire man!" and a season long battle for the hood occurs?

Reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld. I can't take him seriously.

They should do Seven soldiers of Victory.

So is Thea going to lead the League of Assasins with Roy and live happily ever after?

This scene just melted my heart...

maybe, if this is her last season on the show.

Why the fuck is it always "take over Star City". Who cares about just one city? Why not do what real gangs do and spread all across America or even further?

Not to mention it is now a crime ridden shit-hole with more corruption then Gotham City and faces total annihilation every single year. At this point Star City should be more abandoned then Detroit.

not exactly true

s1: destroy part of star city
s2: destroy the whole of star city
s3: destroy the whole of star city
s4: destroy the whole world
s5: take over star city (church), leave star city alone (Prometheus)
s6: take over star city (dragon)

with church though, star city is a hub of his empire (it connects the east and west parts).

When we were all so innocent back then.


Monkey's paw, everytime.

how much different would the franchise be if he went through with this?

What you should learn from Felicity is that arrow's love interest will always be bullshit.

Brick wanted take over part of Star City in S3, but I don't blame you for forgetting that. The character was trash and not even Vinnie Jones hamming it up saved him.

Same difference, basing things off of the new 52 isn't an excuse for them being terrible. If you're going to disregard the comics anyway, you ought to at least make sure the parts you don't ignore are good.

You don't see Marvel Studios basing characters off of Heroes Reborn.

i honestly forgot what brick's goal was. thought it was just the glades he's after.

how many women did ollie have on the show?