How can Rogue be pure if she banged Magneto?


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she tasted the 100% justice that is rom, greatest of the space knights.

that makes her eternally pure.

>only happened because she absorbed Polaris daddy issues
>only happened because the writer is a filthy self-insert as Magneto and wanted to steal Rogues pureness for himself

Rogue a pure

Why does she look like Pepe

It's pepa, you shitlord

She doesn't?

Is there any comic girl who's not a slut over 50 years worth of publication compressed into sliding timescale?

Mary Jane is now Tony Stark's cocksleeve
Psylocke has been with Beast, Wolverine, Archangel, and practically most other X-Men
Sue Richards have been with Black Panther, Namor, and Dr. Doom of all people

Janet van Dyne banged Magneto too

That's it right there, Rogue is a literal goddess of purity compared to all other marvel characters.

Rogue is a slut and a cumdumpster. She jumps on anything with a pulse and two or more legs whenever she loses her powers.
Her nickname is 'The Slug'