What's your opinion on this man? Do you think all the praise he gets is well deserved?

What's your opinion on this man? Do you think all the praise he gets is well deserved?

Yes he is the GOAT along with Morrison. Together the Janus of the medium.

Bridge between art, literature, history and funny books.

Amazing man.

He's a good writer but his complete disdain for comics and comic fans makes me think he's kind of a douchebag.

He's the Miyazaki of Sup Forums, why would you blame him for hating how comicbooks and comicfans evolved?

If he's a communist, he is worse than Gabby Rivera.

Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Top Ten, Miracleman and Providence all have a place in the top 50 or so comics of all time. Fuck the haters.

He's not that consistent for me but he is a truly great writer and he has written some of my favorite comics.

>He's the Miyazaki of Sup Forums
>why would you blame him for hating how comicbooks and comicfans evolved?
Because he arguably helped bring about that change himself. Everyone likes Watchmen, but it's popularity along with how bitter and jaded the whole thing is put into everyone's mind that "Superheroes R lame" and should be made more gritty and realistic and also if you're not reading books about horrible rape and depravity, then you're not a true patrician GRAPHIC NOVEL fan.

Saga of the Swamp this is fantastic, but Moore comes off like an edgy teenager with a beard.

Really great writer when he tries, apparently nice in person, but comes off as a douche.

Why the spoiler tag? It's not an unpopular opinion.

He's a good writer but his complete disdain for comics
He loves comcis.
>and comic fans makes
Marvel/DC fans ARE garbage. Look at the fucking catalog.

He loves comics, but you can't deny his bitterness about the medium.

>Marvel/DC fans ARE garbage.
Modern Marvel/DC? No arguments there. I would just never claim that the big 2 are the only ones shaping the industry.


Just stop

He's right you know

>He loves comics
Does he really? He always talks about comics and superheroes like they were entertainment for manchildren/retarded people. Alan Moore sometimes come off as someone who wasn't talented enough to write actual books, then he had to stick with comic books for lack of better options.

He loves comics and his fans, though. He's written entire series about how he loves comics and is always very kind and friendly to his fans.

lol shut up Geoff you fucking hack.

He's a person who had great potential and reached heights but let bitterness over take him and ultimately destroy him.

Tbf if I thought I was living the two women dream only to be cucked out of my wife and kids I'd be pretty bitter too.

>the big 2 are the only ones shaping the industr
Except that they are.

Marvel/DC is literally emulating tumblr and imgur comics. They saw a swing in the industry, tried to capitalize on it, and are reaping the disastrous results.

And you think you're not reinforcing my point here?

>but his complete disdain for comics and comic fans

Capeshitters need to understand you are not the center of the universe

Whoever he is, he is serious need of a haircut, the damn hippy.

No, he talks about superheroes that way.

>Do you think all the praise he gets is well deserved?

Except you've got it completely backwards.

he looks like my dog.

Not at all.


Explain what? Alan Moore was right.

Even Alan Moore doesn't think comics begin and end with the big 2, you delusional sperg.

Have some perspective. Do you even know what year it is?

I usually don't give a fuck who wrote the stories so I got extremely surprised when searched who he was and found out that I huge part of the stories that I always considered the best were written by him alone.

>He always talks about comics and superheroes like they were entertainment for manchildren/retarded people.

and this offends the retarded manchildren that find "inspiration" and forster dads in capeshit.


From what I can tell, it's really just the politics. The man who's got most of Alan's hatred is Stan Lee and Stan Lee is the stereotypical jew.

His uncle made what would become marvel, Stan Lee inherited it. While Ditko and Kirby were slaving away for pennies, Stan was out partying and getting laid. But, he still insisted that he got to write in the speech bubbles.

DC's had worse CEO's than Stan Lee. But, none as apparent as he is.

Are you retarded? They dominate the market so hard they kill off anything else.


He deserves credit for all those Oscars Del Toro got


Say what you will about the man, he's got some great work to his name.

by far the best person to ever touch the medium

I think he's fucking insane, but that's why I respect him.

I mean, I don't think any comic fan can really deny all his amazing works. Even if you don't like the person, you must still respect his achievements.

Reddit told me that he's the second coming of Fredric Wertham and based Johns is saving comics from his influence.

>complete disdain for comics

Imagine being such a casual you genuinely think this.

Who since Moore is better?

so why didn't your kickstarter providence comic sell for a dollar, hero of the proleteriat?

>seize the means of production
>create your own product
>sell it for a price targeting bourgeois millenial audience

bravo alan

He's no Morrison, but he's alright i guess.

Geoff Johns

he's pretty good. He can be cunty though, almost as much as his fans/cultists.

That's why you need four or stick with one, two will gang up on the man, three and two will gang up on the other one. Four it stays balanced, that's why muslims stick at four.

His work is great, but I see that rape has to be in almost everything he writes and has to stop being so pissy. Watchmen was 30 years ago, its time to stop being a fuckass about it and let it go.

Saw it coming from a mile away but still got me real good.
