You guys read the Ghostbusters Annual this week?
Samhain. Fuck yeah.
You guys read the Ghostbusters Annual this week?
Samhain. Fuck yeah.
I prefer the classic design.
That guy looks like supervillain more than a spirit... Unless that is the point.
Possibly. He's just getting started.
Please tell me it doesnt have the vaginabusters in it
its not in the win-o boco you piece of shit so either storytime or stop bragging
If my scanner wasn't still busted I would. Sorry user.
do a ghetto storytime, you gotta camera phone right?
What, im just saying i hope it doesnt have mellisa mccarthys ghostbusters in it
A shitty one. Sorry...
Well, its sort of a Good News/Bad News deal...
Bad News is yes, they are. And they're going to be part of the next big mini series.
Good News is that its a mega crossover between ALL versions of the Ghostbusters, including both cartoons, some of the ones shown here, and a bizarre universe where they're golems.