Father dies for you

>Father dies for you.
>Give your son your family name anyway.

Is this the power of feminism Sup Forums?

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Kanan used a fake name and surname. Kanan also felt as though he wasn't Caleb Dume. I'm sure he'd be fine with it.

This, how was she supposed to know if the kid was going to be named Jarrus or Dume? It's not like he left a last will and testament or something.

The point is that both would have been fine

The point is that the kid was a bastard


Plus its better to not advertise that he’s a Jedi’s son. That’s how you get PS3-era Mary Sue characters.

>Have sex with a green twi'lek
>Child has green hair
So is this officially how it works? Is Holdo's mom a purple twi'lek?

But Sup Forums gotta complain.

>Is Holdo's mom a purple twi'lek?
Huh, this actually might explain her hair.

It's a little strange that the kid ONLY has green hair.

so twi leks can have offspring with humans in nucanon.
so fucking stupid i'm offically done with star wars

Is it that big of a deal?
I mean, it doesn't make any sense but SW's has always been Science Fantasy and half-breed's have been a fantasy staple since forever.

She’s the mother and the father isn’t around, of course she’s gonna give her kid her surname. Kanan would be happy with it anyway.

its gay and illogical wich triggers my assburgers

And lightsabers don't?

You sound under 14.

If anything is called fucking gratitude.

no that's from Clone Wars, pre Disney canon.

that was explained away with them being stepchildren

Is it really that illogical? Going off of physical form entirely, they're basically just humans with cocks growing out of their heads.
It's like horses and donkeys breeding, or any other similar example.

they were still half human according to filoni or whoever

>space battles have sounds and fire
>bombers work in space
>Space magic that is the force
>line is how interspecies breeding works.

her hair was explained in the Princess of Alderann book

Basically Holdo's home world favors an extremely bland color scheme. She just likes a little color in her life.

he never explained why she was French though


>fucking a girl and having children

Reminder Rex is the REAL father. Kid has his eye brows and chin too.

They weren't married, shit lord, the bastard doesn't get to use the father's name.

fun fact: the bulk of the empires most loyal and ferocious troops were pissed off males from gatalenta

Reducing realism when convenient is just lazy writing, only the force and lightsabers are actual parts of the universe. The line for me was how bad rebels was compared to TCW way before ep 7.

>tumblr hair
>peaceful planet ruled by stronk independynt womyn
...Please tell me this isn't real.

In old canon, humans and Twi'leks (and a bunch of other species) were tweaked by the Rakata, so humans can conceivably breed with any of the near-human species that were part of that program just fine. It's just the end result appears to be abomination.

This is beyond faggotry, its like a women who is afraid to leave her home would think of "Oh she is rebellious! SHE DYES HER HAIR! HOW BRAVE!"
I don't even think this is feminism this is just fucking boring.


>Reducing realism when convenient is just lazy writing
That is all of Star Wars user, from the OT to TCW.

Umm sweetie, the force is female.

We cant hide from the enemy forever user.

The Enemy just wants to make shit boring, I am worried about them, what if someone close to them moves too quickly and they have a heart attack or they see a driver not indicate around a corner and have a fit?

>the force and lightsabers are actual parts of the universe
That dosn't make any sense, you ignore stupidity because it's always been there but expect the rest to have some level of realism?

Want to know something retarded, new cannon means that Deathstars are just giant lightsabers, you could have a giant lightsaber fight in space.

The old canon had that too, as well as a dude with Lightsabers all over his body and the yuuzhan vong

They were "explained away" as stepchildren because the chronology of the clone who was intended to be their father didn't work, they were always supposed to be part human, part twi'lek.

Still can't get over Lmao TimeTravel.

I always assumed that the kids were already around when he got there.

when literal embodiments of the force exist in the form of the mortis gods i am not so surprised

>Can't unsee his hand rubbing.

I'd love to see the Vong make an entrance but Darth Disney would not see Vong culture as acceptable. They're like a cross between Cobra La from the GI Joe movie and the reavers from Firefly.

I didn't watch Rebels, what happened?


Ezra finds like time travel portals to save Ahsoka when she fought Vader.

I'm just too damned nerdy for this to settle well with me. But I admit it's not like it's anything near an old concept. That being that 'you can stick your dick in an alien and out comes a hybrid kid'. How da fuq does that work? Humans in -this- galaxy share 99% of DNA with chimps and how many Humanzees have you ever seen? A Twi'lek, Wookiee or Trandoshian would be wildly genetically different. Maybe they... Did some genetic stuff in a lab to make the pairing work? And yes, this is a universe with suspended beams of plasma and the Force so I know I'm just making an ass out of myself.

>you ignore stupidity because it's always been there but expect the rest to have some level of realism?
Yes because that's how you do science fiction. You set some base rules and you work within them. If you break them you sure need a logical explanation for why that is suddenly possible. That's why you should steer clear of time travel or restrict it tremendously because it is so ridiculously overpowered and illogical.


Setting some rules of how the univers/technology/society work is one on the most important things in S&F. Break those rules or hide shortcuts and the whole thing goes to crap.

This is fucking retarded.

They needed a female jedi, and ffs they got it. Star wars universe and OT lore be danmed

someone tell me did Rex make it?

so did Ahsoka and Ezra hook up then?


Did they give a reason why there's no Luke in the WBW?

because luke was retconned into being a useless failure

rey is the chosen one now, RIP maul's hopes and dreams

Yeah, turns out Sheev wanted the portals. It's pretty messy, even messier when you think Ahsoka didn't do shit to help Luke and the rebellion.

Was there a clear point in saving Ahsoka beyond "let's milk Sup Forums waifu?"

Not just science fiction, fantasy in general needs consistency; break it, and you're basically admitting you're a hack.

>so twi leks can have offspring with humans

It's not like they're the first case of halfbreeds in Star Wars. Pic related is one.

Holy fuck, really?

He's the son of a black man and a make up robot.

It's just too bad he came out both retarded and in a shit tv show.

>Ezra finds like time travel portals to save Ahsoka when she fought Vader.
This can’t be real.

Saying that the events of Mortis really happened was easily the second dumbest thing Lucas has ever done. He's a man that has no concept of mystery or actual fantasy in his stories.

Star Wars has oompa loompas now?

>shit lord
It really is Sup Forumsmblr

the events were good tho

It's true, sadly.

Star Wars is dead.

I'm pissed at this arc for the wasted potential and its utter irrelevance.

I'm actually a big fan of them but understand they are to far departed from what makes Star Wars work. It be like having ground tank battles in Star Trek

The Vong are Orcs.

It's real.

It's possible that the Lothal gateway was one of many they set up. Ezra could be the key to unlocking them due to his status as the first one inside. Maybe even have him and Ahsoka take the place of the Mortis gods after the journey to bring him back. Ahsoka would become the Mother in place of the Father, Ezra would become a light Brother, and they'd wait on Mortis for a dark Sister to take her place.

>Producing a successful offspring with a species that evolved from another planet

You don’t suck dick?

What are you, a faggot?

I'd be on board for this fanfic if Seventh Sister was still around.

Nonsense, Bariss Offee would be the one to take up the mantle.

Literally who?

Ahsoka's best gal friend and badass dark jedi bitch.

Isn't she dead?

Breaking News: Local man states obvious.

>el bestia de las ghost crew

Nah, seems Filoni still has plans for her.

Shit like that was always a thing in Legends, like the old Sith species.

One assumes he's probably Force Sensitive, so naming him after his Jedi father might not be the smartest with the Emperor still around.

>One assumes he's probably Force Sensitive,
The Force doesn't work that way.

>Slavery is illegal on this planet
Yeah, not like every planet in the Republic abolished slavery decades before.

If he is force sensitive he has a grim future ahead of him

If anything Syndulla is a much worse name, both his mother and grandfather are rebelion heros

Wait until they pull a time traver/parallel universe a la marvel/dc.

No, good Lucke is in far galaxy n17746, in this one, n123342, Jacen defeat the emperor

>50% Coruscanti (force sensitive)
>25% Mandolorian
>25% Twi'lek
La creatura

Attached: le_56_face_greyish_by_neetsfagging322297-dbvbk9r[1].png (444x377, 136K)

Wait... The clone wars only lasted 2 years

>Rebels on Lothal basically personally kick the Emperor in the dick
>We're expected to believe that the Emperor, one of the most petty rulers in the galaxy, didn't immediately send the Imperial fleet to bomb Lothal into a ruined wasteland
Why are these finales so disappointing
Time after time after time

>Holy fuck, really?

Maul is a weird case. Technically, his race is Dathomiri, but the Dathomiri as a whole are the results of generations of Humans and Zabraks mating with each other on Dathomir mixed with some influence from the Dark Side.

Pic related are technically the exact same species.

Attached: Dathomiri.jpg (972x542, 84K)


Jacen Durrlla