If you ever tried to get someone into the comics, how did you do it?

If you ever tried to get someone into the comics, how did you do it?

Describe the plot or characters of a comic in a vague way without using names like its a book you read or a movie you saw. If it peaks their interest, then tell them it was a comic book story.

I don't know I would just recommend him some cool stuff to read, why?

Read Invincible with them so they can get an idea on what good comic shit is and how a series can deteriorate when its gone on for too long. I think I'd introduce him to the best and worst of capeshit by starting them off with Earth 2 and its amazing start followed by its piece of shit second-half. If they want to go with something from Marvel than I'd read Ultimate Spider-man with them.

I wouldn't know. I always try to scare them away and point them towards manga.

good man

Got my mom into Hellblazer. Just told her about it and showed it to her and she read all 300 issues of the original run. Trying to get her to give suicide squad a chance. The good one by Osterlander not the stupid one with Harley Quinn and friends

I got into comics by reading Asterix and Gaston Lagaffe so I'd recommend them to do the same.

I tried to get my sister into it through movies. She liked the gotg movies and spider-man but hated dr strange. Don’t know what to think.

Everyone hayed Dr. Strange. You sis got good tastes my mate

i try to get them away from them by making them read any of the crisis


That is like trying to get someone into pottery by making them listen to some music.

you are a bad person

i feed on the brain juice they ooze from trying to understand what is even happening

Let them read mine.

Threw him Ult Spiderman Vol 1 since that's what got me into comics

Show them the art. Let the writing suck them in.

The best way is to just send them a page. They will WTF at first, but then they'll dig in deeper.


I usually send them a funny page or two. Speaking of that, does anyone have the cover from a marvel comic where Spiderman, and some others are looking in at an event, but Daredevil is looking the wrong way?

See! It works!

I want to say The Golden Ass, but it's definitely Milo Manara.