Has this nigga really been wearing that dirty ass Cap outfit since 2016?

Has this nigga really been wearing that dirty ass Cap outfit since 2016?

I assume he showers

Plus it would be hard to paint out the star with the suit still on

Clean but worn out is a good look.

Probably. I would not put it past a World War 2 veteran to go full Rambo

God, Don Cheadle is aging like shit.

I miss Terrence

I actually was frightened when I saw his old, melted face.

they basically put scarjo in an all black deadpool costume, and cap looks fresh the fuck are you talking about? Not like cool-looking fresh, I hate the new look, but as in he doesn't look dirty or smelly at all. that's actually my problem with bearded on the road cap. I wish it did look like he hasn't changed in years and the blue is just covered in grime.

literally the opposite of this:
no it isn't. it reeks of laziness in production.

>Next time...I won't be a douche nozzle about the money

me too mane

Cheadle's worn out face is turning him into black Willem Dafoe.

that said i d love cheed

man witnessed horrors at that hotel, can't blame him.

It's supposed to represent Steve's low point currently. He's lost faith in who he is, what he's supposed to stand for, and he doesn't feel like he deserves the title of Captain America after the events of Civil War. He'll get a new suit, and his shield back, in Avengers 4. The team will need his leadership then

then he should look dirty and broken not freshly showered and in a laundered costume.

Yeah, even his beard looks too trimmed.

>they basically put scarjo in an all black deadpool costume
What on earth are you talking about

shoulder pads are very similar mold, knee pads aren't as similar but have also been added when she earlier didn't wear any. if you make the material of the biceps, torso, and legs red and leave the stripe on the arm black as well as the straps it's very similar to a deadpool costume.

It's okay to disagree, it isn't even a criticism just an observation.

Jesus, I didn't even realize Motorcross Grandma over there was scarjo. She's looking rough.

As is Steven Grant Rogers wouldn't shower or trim his beard!?!

What are you?

Basement dwellers, or some such?

Guy has a point. Steve is still military, his compulsion to still maintain some sense of order in his appearance makes sense

>i-if i call them basement dwellers it will distract from the fact that clean showered "on the run" cap isn't absurd

look the cap trilogy is arguably my favorite cape trilogy but it's dumb for him to be so clean here.

Though, I will freely admit, if this is post arriving in Wakanda it makes a bit more sense. but it seems as if this is before.


>he doesn't feel like he deserves the title of Captain America after the events of Civil War.
I watched Civil War twice. What exactly makes him feel unworthy of the Cap title? He never compromised his ideals.

even with all that on, her ass is still sticking out a bit

While I think user put it horribly he's generally int he right there. I think it was more Cap didn't feel he could be that "ideal" if the ideal meant he'd need to compromise. The shield thing tied into Tony's little boy moment (not to be a dick to Tonyfags but that's what it literally was, him taking the shield and going home) but he kinda made amends with that with the call to a degree. Him breaking his fellow "criminals" out was an open act of rebellion so Cap himself knows that the title no longer fits him. Because again, to be Captain America means he would have had to compromise.

I think making Tony more resolute about registration rather than tying his parents death into the difference of opinion would have made it more compelling on the Cap side. It paints tony as a a fear monger though and they couldn't have their two faces turn each other into legit heels for those who agree or disagree with the other.

Terrence is overrated and a nightmare to work with. The money thing was an even bigger problem for the studios though.

When Steve first became Captain America, it was a simpler time. He was a figure people could rally behind, to face a clear evil. However things have gotten a lot more complicated since then, and now that name is viewed as a fugitive. Moreover, he has immense guilt over withholding information from Tony. Sure he was protecting Bucky (an innocent man manipulated), and fought for the truth after Zemo's scheme, but he also dragged several innocent Avengers along with him, and made them fugitives too.

You're right. That is some heavy looking gear.

Cap =\= cold war spy shenanigans. The end of civil war was Cap realizing that reading books, watching movies and listening to music isn't enough to understand where America is at. The whole bucky/tony fued was a situation he didn't want to get and you can't look away from America and still be Captain America.

>post arriving in Wakanda it makes a bit more sense. but it seems as if this is before
He arrived at Wakanda immediately after Civil War, you see him in the post credits scene at Wakanda.

While that's true it is not implied they stayed their. in which case they would need to arrive again.

Solid movie

He probably cleans it and he takes showers but he just took out the colors from it.

Tom Cheadle looks like he's 90 years old.

Brie Larson should take notes.

He didn't drag them, did you miss the part where he told them they could bail on him before they went to the airport. He told them they would be wanted fugitives if they proceeded to go with him and all of them were on board anyway.

Now Tony he dragged Spider-Man into the fight.