Would you save her from the life of crime and violence she's trapped in?

Would you save her from the life of crime and violence she's trapped in?

Attached: 1515958750116.gif (550x712, 371K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I think she wants to be in it now. iirc she thought her dad was a bounty hunter good guy and was mad when he killed someone. Now she fully engrossed in it, she probably won't stop unless her dad stops or dies.

Anyone got links to where I can read/dl this? I lost my files when I got a new computer?


No, she's the definition of a dirty Thot

thanks, do you know where i can get the one shots?

How so?

>latina with green eyes
this indicates thotery has been in her family for at least one generation
>grew up without a father
>career criminal
>curses constantly, cholo mannerisms and expressions
indicates she did poorly in school, either low intellect or disregard for authority
>aware of her sexuality, flaunts it constantly
>fourteen years old
the cherry on top of the shit cake that is Panda Delgado

I'll look it up but I don't make any promises

This got me hard

Only makes me more erect desu

why waste her potential?

Attached: 1393518895727.jpg (537x587, 137K)

So i've read thos 4 comics and i have to say to you all that they suck

Depends? Would she ride my dick like she was a a Baja 1000 car riding across bad terrain?

>tfw would wait four years to legally tap that but she'd rather get fucked asap

Attached: 525.png (300x300, 90K)

No way, she enjoys her life. I would be the supportive weakling boyfriend. Her father couldn't imagine what she likes in me, and I would massage her thoroughly after a hard days work.

Attached: ruin.jpg (587x653, 168K)

I think thats an even better scenario. You desperately trying to resist as she becomes more and more of a cock tease.

Attached: 1519864511558.png (1593x1587, 538K)

women don't like beta phags

Let him dream, lord knows it's all he's got.

Attached: 0-DfDAgiXOr--E96Wa.jpg (800x450, 52K)

here you go for both volumes;


Attached: CLIPStudioPaint_2018-03-12_18-28-45.jpg (733x619, 65K)

nice, been a while since you've drawn any Panda for Sup Forums Van

just hoping to bump the thread

Attached: CLIPStudioPaint_2018-03-12_19-06-16.jpg (842x685, 88K)

Attached: 1516135911293.jpg (700x600, 153K)

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By taking a draw request right now

...wow. You could've come up with a whole list of reasons why she's a shitty human being, and there is one, but instead you decided to be a stupid piece of shit. Good job.

thats rather lewd for a trick

Panda wearing an horse riding outfit, altered to her tastes.
Whether or not there's a horse in the picture and if she's riding it is up to you.

Slightly less lewd than the trick she's imitating.

Panda in a Kill la Kill Kamui outfit

Attached: Kill-La-Kill-Matoi-Ryuuko-Kiryuin-Satsuki-dakimakura.jpg (500x500, 130K)

>Right or left

Attached: 3-12.png (1390x1500, 1.86M)

next is her box in a box

You choose, whatever feels more aesthetic for her IYO.

Panda standing behind a "no fun allowed" sign, leaning forward like with her tits covering the "no" line on the sign. Bonus for lewd/teasing facial expression.

Obviously profile PoV wouldn't work so front or 3/4th instead.

Panda doing this

Attached: 20171106_162539.jpg (462x768, 189K)

Panda giving a lucky dide a nuru massage

Wearing an outfit made entirely out of endangered pandas


Panda wearing only two belts, one around her boobs and the other around her waist so that it barely covers her pussy.

This please.

Give her one of SSS's sexy power ups

Attached: sss power up.jpg (1800x1701, 508K)



>8 replies already

Fuck. It's ok, my fetish kind of sucks anyway.

Panda in a full burqa, but still looking lewd because it's tight as fuck and shows off her curves. Also have her pin on where it usually is, just have it pinned over the hood. Pic is a nun, but same basic idea.

Attached: 1519751206912.jpg (850x800, 107K)

>tripping for no reason
Into the filter it goes.

How about Panda recreating one of Marilyn Monroe's playboy photos. Delivered on /aco/ or straight to the booru, of course.

Attached: marilyn censored.jpg (2467x2000, 689K)

how about a Shortstack Panda?

Attached: Shortstack Panda.jpg (761x1000, 187K)

Very interested in 2, 3, and 4
I guess I can post straight to the booru
Also most of the rest, and any more I'll have to post to the booru or /aco/

well that kinda ruins the whole point of guessing then does it ?

Panda in a tight T-shirt leaking milk from her erect nipples

but she is thinking that not saying it

>4 head height
That's not a shortstack, that's a fat womanlet.

my dude

>That's not a shortstack, that's a fat womanlet.
not sure what makes you say that, especially since she doesn't even have a gut

Could make a Panda thread on /aco/ so you have a place to post them if you dont want to use the drawthread

Evidently, she's got some suicidal stuff going on. All's not well in the mind of Panda.

Attached: 1500451716900.jpg (279x827, 128K)

You can't save someone from something she don't want to leave

Debimbofication where Panda becomes a nice homely girl married to Damian Wayne with two kids and about to hit that Hispanic lady wall

Panda's not really a bimbo at all though, but on that note it'd be neat to see Panda dressed as a 50's/60's housewife(or a late 80's/early 90's Peg Bundy/Peg Pete style housewife for that matter)

also debimbofication only works in my opinion if the girl being altered remains as sexy or becomes even more sexy than they were as a Bimbo

I was more thinking in term of dressing more conservatively and hiding the goods.

Who's the lucky fella

I went ahead and made one


Attached: Panda & Molly.png (987x830, 216K)


Attached: Panda & Raven.jpg (1035x1201, 239K)

it will end up like the last 4 or 5 panda threads, image dump of the same shit, and that dumb idiot with the broken english spamming his bad commission drawings

I mean, this one's now fairing so good.
Just look at it

Attached: 1515964784624.jpg (900x1292, 143K)


Attached: panda_by_the_satsui-d7mdcca.jpg (1037x1476, 401K)

Of course, but cartoon women like them.

thread is surprisingly dead

Attached: Doctor Panda.jpg (496x720, 74K)


Dat's some nice shit

If you're still doing requests, a good old fashioned Facial would be nice.


I mean, I would, shortly before getting murderfucked by her dad.

Actually I’m sure this is the one thing I think he wouldn’t murder you for. He doesn’t really want her to get herself killed doing what he does.

Attached: panda in costume i dont know where from.jpg (602x1357, 194K)

wedding dress


Can I request something not lewd. Just her wearing something comfortable, like a snuggy with her dad reading her a bed-time story.

I just want her to be happy.

Check out this raging waifufag

More evidence piling up on Panda being a shit


so much for no fap for lent