ITT: The worst makeovers in comics

ITT: The worst makeovers in comics.

I'll start so we don't need to repost this.

honestly that look wasn't even that bad, heck cover up the skin just a little bit more and it'd be barely any different from a lot of modern costumes

The exposed skin is exactly why it's bad.

It's not the worst (aside from the 4 boob window) but it just doesn't really fit the Sue. Then again I've never cared for any of the FF redesigns. Even the white trim during the Byrne era just looks wrong to me.

dem abs tho

You have to understand, she was trying to impress Namor at the time. Cut her some slack.

I know right? What woman in her 50s who's had 2 kids has a six-pack like that?


and thighs
and arms
and every thing else

why's this bad?

Bodybuilder muscles were common in the 90s

SJW's offended by some skin

There's literally nothing wrong with this one.

I'd cover up her belly and the 4 and keep the rest.

What are you some sort of faggot?

You know what's worse. Being a prude like you.

So fucking pissed about this...

giganta sans skirt. what is even the point, co? what. is. even. the. point?

kid me loved the new costume and it even got me to buy some FF books

are you a queer?

I mean that’s not her worst costume

How do you go from this . . .

. . . to THIS?
Fuck's sake, not every legacy has to be a carbon copy of their predecessor.

I mean for the character it made sense since she was trying to emulate her mother. Also it led to the best costume ever

Honestly even the boob window is fine, just not for Sue. If She Hulk had worn that it would have been totally in character. Like, honestly, by 90s standards it's honestly pretty good. It's memorable, and sexy, and at least something more than just 'bustier' or 'swimsuit' which is what most women in comics were rocking then.

Please post more of Sue in that outfit. Thank you.

Bondage queen Sue made sense since she was a villain

i kinda love this outfit desu

I'll just leave this here

That costume absolutely fit that era of JSA, though

could've been worse...


It's different, yes, but I can see what it's going for.
A greasy pssh nothing personal kid edgelord seems perfectly fitting for the role of riddler, obsessively trying to prove how stupid the normie sheeple are


More like Uranus girl now, amirite?



More like Neptune... girl.

She had reasons to wear this costume.

Have your balls not dropped yet? This looks fucking hot


Cut off your dick!

Either cover up the ab window or make it a 2-piece and shit's instantly improved.

Hipster Strange?

Wait Christopher Priest had a Flash run? When was this?

It was a one-shot. Wonder Woman Plus Jesse Quick (or vice versa)


whats wrong with antifa mary marvel

She wasn't even wearing it when she macked on Namor.




Roasties getting BTFO


Possessed by Malice

Stop simpin.

Muscle Sue is best sue

They got a point.

the truth about his origin really broke him though when he finally figured it out.

what about the spawn/garnet look?

I can smell the soy from here. Jeez

the main issue is that no matter how tall she gets you can never look up her skirt for a glimpse of pantsu. it's something inherent to the character (much like diana getting tied up is inherent to wondy's design) and the skirtless outfit sacrifices that for no reason other than artistic cowardice.

Is there any good drawthread stuff of her?

it looks really cool, to the The Batman was like Ultimate Universe Batman

I like it.

Time in comics is obviously pretty fluid and vague, but how old, exactly, was Sue supposed to be back then? Like obviously retcons and stuff have fucked things up, but yeah. 30s? 40s?



This user said 50s but I don't think she was meant to be that old.

That one is pretty nice.

We need to talk about that ponytail

No, she still gets hated on.

Sure, but it doesnt fit the character. It would be a good outfit for someone like She-Hulk, but not Sue.

Though her looking awful was kind of the point. The previously pure and good Mary Marvel was currently being possessed by evil creep Dessad.

Granted 'Marvel Family Member is corrupted' is really cheap by now, but it still works within the context of Final Crisis.

Eh it's not that bad

Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #76-79

I love an open back leotard.

Were they trying to make her look like some kind of bodybuilder?


Such a weird art style.

Mcnevin Black Bolt

I think 30s

The fact that so many people now look back at Sue's bikini outfit with such a forgiving eye is testament to how out of hand the social justice movement has gotten that it pushes people so far in the opposite direction.

"so many" being 4 guys on Sup Forums, a board dedicated to masturbating to fictional characters

I am on my hands and knees beggin ya, please stop simpin

Sue was always a slut. All Stan lee female superheroes act like sluts.

paul ryan, an old school artist trying to fit in the 1990s

Fucking die you racist infidel.

The fast forward button on his chest

>this thread

Sue is always in her late 20s to early 30s while Reed is in his early to mid 40s.

Reed is THAT older guy who lands the hot girl you crushed on but succeeded in forming a long lasting relationship.

Man now I know how The Quiet man felt.

Sue was a shallow trophy-wife based on girl-power and originally was an airhead and teased the idea of multiple affairs AND in some iterations outright betrayed her husband for vain reasons.
How does it not fit her character?

>this hasn't been shopped to say (and show), "Penis is coming."


Based big dick user droppin' red pills