How come the west are so lazy when it comes to drawing eyes? Is it just out of pure time saving...

How come the west are so lazy when it comes to drawing eyes? Is it just out of pure time saving, or do they actually think it looks better?

Attached: eyes.png (296x317, 122K)

meanwhile anime is like

Attached: Shingeki-4-34-eren-jaeger-eyes.jpg (640x360, 29K)

Yeah and they animate it at a whole 12 fps, if the budget is high

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Money>Quality. It's called cutting corners and Japan has a higher standard for anime. Americans on the other hand just view cartoons as kids entertainment and don't give a shit how it looks. With a few exceptions like Samurai Jack.

most western animation is comedy based, and doesn't necessarily need particularly detailed or striking like or other anime to communicate the the visual theme they want to get across. also stuff like budget affects it. series that lean more towards drama tend to vary their eyes or at least eye details.

>using the anime equivalent of a bullshot

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「High Quality」

True, but it's not as if it's impossible to make more realistic/varied eyes while still on a low budget.

Even without those close-up types scenes, there's plenty of anime which have characters with highly detailed and/or expressive eyes at all times.

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Sorry OP-sensei, as a Westerner-dono I'll personally strive to draw eyes in a style that honors the greasest Jiahponizu toradishonaru sutairu. de arimasu!

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different cultures. Most anime is serious and has eyes like or other variants while most cartoons are comedies, and those eyeballs are fit to be in those comedies.
I dont see a problem with it.

as a westerner you'll have the korean slaves do all that while you talk about how white people need to wait a while before seeing black panther on twitter with your fellow boarders

there you go weeb

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>west are so lazy when it comes to drawing eyes?
Excuse me bitch? You're telling me THIS isn't eye perfection in it's purest form?

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There are tons of comedy anime with well drawn eyes. The only one that comes to mind that would be similar to black dots is Osomatsu-san, where they all have brown dot eyes. But even then, there's some variation and reflection in normal scenes.

Attached: [18-03-10][HorribleSubs] Osomatsu-san S2 - 14 [1080p]-00_20_51.jpg (1472x206, 52K)

We're complaining about how eyes are drawn now?
Western animation really is in the gutter.

most things are animated at 12fps, even disney movies. Unless your richard williams you'll rarely see things animated entirely on ones.

most anime looks the same, so they use eyes and hair to give differences to characters.

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Man, Even the classics like the Looney Tunes and Disney are like that.

If you're going to complain about eyes, why not bitch about those too? Or are they exempt or some shit?

Easier to animate.
A simple contraction can give out a different expression.

You know you can't prove me wrong, there are little anime that try to do anything different with their characters aside from some freaky eye heart pupils with lots of glitter and some weird color lining

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>How come Japan so lazy when it comes to drawing faces? Is it just out of pure time saving, or do they actually think it looks better?

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This is not a "every eye design is the same" problem, it's a "western cartoons can't draw eyes from different perspectives" problem.

These cartoons use round eyes because spheres don't change shape from different angles.

Who put this together? Those Gumball eyes are actually good.
It's the new eyes that are generic circles and dots.

I don't want to hear anything about Western style when anime mouths are literally just circles getting bigger and smaller

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I wish Sup Forums would stop baiting so hard.

eyes express emotions, but modern middle class in the west don't even know what emotions are. no pain, no happiness, just easy eating life. this is the same reason all soyboys do a O face on photos. They don't know how to feel so they superficially imitate the face of movies they saw.

this still does look better, and you can still identify the characters. you mad, OKKO fag?

Actually, most western animation is animated on twos (12 fps), while anime is animated on threes (8 fps).

>implying the japs don't also use korean slaves

>you can still identify the characters
no i fucking can't
>this still does look better
no it fucking doesn't

we have our moments.

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Samurai Jack looks like shit, wtf you talking about?

they say the eyes are the portal to the soul
get out of my soul

you want to talk about anime quality?

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This is such an oddly specific thing to "criticize" that I actually can't tell if this is bait or if you're actually retarded. Why the fuck would you complain about the fact that the eyes of characters being simplistic when the entire character design is innately simplistic?

t. someone who has never seen SJ

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I did. I just grabbed one of the first images off google, but I forgot his eyes changed since I stopped watching at the end of season 2.


This is a Japanese Cartoon

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OP here, I didn't make that second post. Ignoring the fact that western cartoon designs tend to be simplistic, the eyes could at least be more than black dot eyes without looking out of place. Although I did specifically choose mostly black dot eyes, there are at least some examples where the character designers and animators grace use with colored eyes (such as Star, which I included).

your just mad you have beady soulless pitch black eyes that can't convey emotions and make you look like a lying criminal all the time.

user i used to think they had a similar artsyle but lets really think here. you think clearance's background characters can fit in a gravity falls or SVTFOE ? hell nah nigga , its the just the main character's head that are similar not the artstyle itself , Steven and Star head and i kinda see steven in SVTFOE but i see anymore character besides steven in the show , especially GF.

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Eyes have to fit with the character's design and appearance, it's the same for anime as well. Imagine if the characters from Tom and Jerry or Doraemon were given more realistic looking eyes, it would most likely look jarring as shit

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what are you talking about user ? this isnt anime where they have to make it detailed, eyes are more nothing but just some circles and dots inside i dont understand what detail you need for some eyes.....

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No some are better fuck you
>fuck foggers
>belches gape swelly

Yeah it looks actually better.

Slam Dunk creator:
The first time I read One piece, what made me surprised the most is Luffy's simplest eyes.
I felt like the eyes are the symbolism of "A good manga needs no extras!".

the hell am I reading

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Damn, that's almost good enough to be a cartoon fight scene! A little too well animated, though.

That is just one thing


This. Anime usually only bothers to have western frame rates in action scenes.
OP most anime have characters standing still and flapping their mouths. When you don't have to move as much or as smoothly you can have designs that are significantly more complicated. Obviously you can have both complex designs and super fluid animation but it's usually relegated to movies or the occasional action sequence. American cartoons tend to move around a lot more. Neither way is really better. Different strengths and weaknesses.

bojack doesn't belong on that chart, you cal clearly see his eyes are actually in his skull and eyelids cover them.

Anime faces are just as generic as Western ones. The difference is, Japs can't animate for shit which is why the West outsources to Korea.

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What's wrong with OK KO...

he's referring to how Ian JQ has brought up a quote from Kent Butterworth (the guy who was showrunner on AoStH): "If you can recognize the character, it's on-model"

Oh yeah that statement was retarded.

I love the show but sometimes Ian really doesn't know how to please his crowd. I don't wanna take this thread from the main subject but, I really feel like OK KO is often over looked.

moral of the story, sans is everywhere

Attached: Beautiful eyes.png (500x283, 160K)

>almost good enough
>too well animated
what the fuck are you saying?

Anime is visually very varied, and eyes and hair are a part of character design, not some extras that are tacked on when necessary.

Anime character design is very varied.

This is a single screenshot copy-pasted ten times with only the hair and eye color changed.

They only outsource some work, not all of it.

Framerate is all over the place in anime, there's not even an attempt at keeping it at some certain level, and the type of scene doesn't dictate the framerate either. Framerate is very overrated and people usually throw numbers around without even knowing what they mean, like thinking 12fps is low framerate. Chances are good he has seen 12fps animation and thought it was 24fps.

>OP most anime have characters standing still and flapping their mouths.
People exaggerate this to a massive degree.

The Japanese are the world leaders in animation.

it does look better, yes. Overdesigned eyes don't fit into a lot of styles, but a lot of anime is incredibly overdesigned so it works for most of them.

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jesus christ, this can't be real can it?
That's what he just said. "They animated it at a whole 12 fps if the budget is high" as in, they don't usually animate on 2s most of the time (but some scenes and some shows are actually animated on 1s/2s)

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He was being sarcastic and didn't realize what it would actually mean if the show was 12fps by default.

Maybe I'm misreading that but it seems to suggest "high budget anime do the bare minimum." Which doesn't conflict with the 12fps default.

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Only some anime movies are default 12fps or thereabouts. For a TV series it's impossible.

TTG doesn't have that problem

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Not any entire series that I know of, but there are many scenes in TV Anime that are animated on 1s/2s

Attached: ed vs greed.webm (640x476, 2.81M)

That looks great

Still the best

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Now this is nothing but an uneducated guess, but I always assumed it's because Anime tends to have a lot of still shots where characters talk but otherwise don't do a whole lot of moving, plus they have a whole lot of waste up shots. Cartoons tends to have the characters move around a lot more, and you generally get more full body shots.

Basically it just means it's cheaper to have simple character designs that are easy to manipulate. Anime has less movement so they can better sell there stuff on higher quality art.

This is generally speaking, mind you. I understand cartoons and anime have exceptions but arguing exceptions won't get anyone anywhere.

>save money on animation.
>that money goes to the producers.
It's not that difficult to understand.

I remember hearing that Asians or at least the Japanese look for emotional cues in the eyes while Westerners look for them in the mouth.

They all look like beans to me.

Western characters are usually drawn with overall thicker lineart, which would cause detailed eyes to look like some stupid creepypasta instead of looking good.

Did-did everyone just forget this exists?

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Okay, I know it’s got some of the same people working behind it, but it still counts.

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>animated in Korea

What do you mean by style and presentation? Also it's ok to just say Japan, because Japan is what you are talking about.

So is everything in OP's pic.

>cue dialog scene with 3 frames animation
much quality
such superior
very nippon

All you're doing is watching colors and hearing sounds

all stuff is made of things

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People exaggerate the shit out of this and don't understand how anime is animated and why.

With style I refer to the literal unique style of something. Though Japan indeed has it's fair share of artstyle variation I believe that anime for the greater part is much more stylistically homogenous compared to the west. Cartoons in the west are much more snowflake like in that there's a higher trend of unique style. With presentation I mean prettying up even bad or lack of animation and making it look good and enjoyable. Japan does that a lot. Look at pic related. Jojo is a perfect example of how Japan can accomplish making people standing around mostly talking look very engaging to make up for lack of reliably decent animation by polishing the shit out of it. But in a western show you don't see that effort to pretty up subpar quality animation.

Attached: jojos-bizarre-adventure-6.jpg (1920x1080, 491K)

Hell, quoted the damn wrong post. Meant for

Eyes are the least of it's problems in the visual department.

>complaining about eyes
This is it, this is how far Sup Forums has fallen. You are worse than Sup Forums ffs

Western cartoons are supposed to be ugly.

Those deliberately emulate anime style.

Wtf are you even talking about. Animation is put before everything in the west. The East sacrifices everything so that they can have a more complicated (even if terrible) overly homogeneous style.

No, anime does not pursue a homogenous style let alone "sacrifice everything" for it. And you aren't talking about East Asia, you are talking about Japan. Just call it what it is.

>soulless pitch black eyes
Toon eyes have way more "soul" than anime eyes.

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We all know why it is, and it looks fucking awful. Anime is animated on 3s with an incredibly low budget and only important scenes that people make webms and gifs of every animated more fluidly, and people parade those moments around despite the fact they make up a minority of screen time.

> anime does not pursue a homogenous style let alone "sacrifice everything" for it
Sure it doesn't. There is such a great variety of style in anime, and the animation quality is just incredible.

How? They don't have even half the detail, and Americans don't emphasize eyes anywhere near to the extent Japan does.

>Anime is animated on 3s
Anime is animated at whatever framerate works the best and/or they have the time for, and animated on threes is enough for smooth animation. I don't know why people keep bringing up framerates when they don't know what any of them mean in reality.

>only important scenes that people make webms and gifs of every animated more fluidly
Any scene can have good animation whether or not it's important, and again people grossly exaggerate the lack of animation in anime.

There is a great variety of style, and anime has the best animation in the world.

>implying anyone cares
Arguing with weebs is pointless. The glory of nippon cannot be questioned

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