Do you miss this show?
Do you miss this show?
Caleb Robinson
Elijah Thomas
yeah, i always felt like it never truly reached its full potential
Blake Reyes
>Dipper's real name
James Thompson
Nicholas Roberts
I miss early 2010s Sup Forums more than I miss the shows themselves.
Juan Rivera
>show ran from June 2012 to February 2016
what? how? it's only two seasons long
Dominic Russell
No. I was always fine with how it ended. At least it didn't get WOY'd and get cancelled before Alex could finish everything he wanted to.
Jacob Lewis
Post Avatar pre Steven Universe was a golden age.
Lincoln Reed
i do, yeah. good thing that graphic novel is happening though, more gravity falls in any medium is fine by me
Cameron Jones
Miss it? Not with all those hiatuses. Think it was good? Sure.