I am humbly asking for characters that have better design than pic related

I am humbly asking for characters that have better design than pic related.

I don't care much for Marvel but I truly feel some of the designs are 10/10. Cable..Sabretooth...Omega Red...these characters scared the shit out of me as a kid.

Batman animated series also has unbelievably fantastic characters.

Ironically Superman..not so much

Anyway, superhero discussion

Say what you will, but I've always loved the Green Goblin design, and it's one of the best supervillain costumes of all time. It somehow manages to be extremely colorful, yet somehow really menacing.

Forgot pic

Why does this look so much better than new comics

Because nowadays they either don't give Gobby enough detail, or try way too hard to make it look scary.

Personally, I much prefer the blank yellow goggle eyes to the cartoon eyes on Goblin, really the only preference I have I never saw much wrong with the initial one

Top tier Goblin costume comimg through

The pupil eyes add a manic flavor. The yellow eyes feel like it's too tryhard to be spoopy.

The Mcfarlane Goblin looked pretty badass imo.

Venom has had a lot of looks that vary with the artist, I think most of his classic looks are great which I think has to do with the simplicity of the design, but I haven't liked how he's been drawn lately very much

I think it's the insane cartoon eyes that really sell it. He looks deranged, like he might do anything at any moment.
The Lee/Ditko Spider-Man comics were some of the first comics I ever read and I remember feeling very tense whenever the Goblin was present. He just exudes danger.

Me too. He was cooler as a buff guy with a scary face, not this deformed monster he is now.

I think Venom is all about the mouth and if you don't get that right, everything else falls apart. I'm a big fan of the 90s comics where his mouth would be massive and distended like a snake with an unhinged jaw. The idea in the Ultimate comics that he eats people sprang very naturally from that visual.
Without the mouth he's just black Spider-Man, but the mouth evokes this primal fear of being eaten.

I love that another user pointed out that as he puts on his costume his captions become progressively more straightened.

I tend to prefer the more subtle look than what I call the "open cash register" jaw, but even still I find a cartoonish charm in it, it was the 90s after all and I certainly thought it looked awesome as a kid.

that's how I feel about Quilty when he's used right

To add on that though, I agree it is all about the mouth....and while I don't prefer the TOTALLY exaggerated Violator jaw, in a lot of much more recent ones they just don't go far enough for my liking, too much cheek usually if that makes any sense....they'll still give him the sharp teeth and all that but it looks often more like a human face with the sharp teeth, I like the more wide grinning look that looks like he could bite your head off

Never thought Hobby could hold a candle to the original, but he had a great look.

For some reason I get a sexual vibe from that cover

I love Hobgoblin's costume. The colors. The red eyes. The insane look on his face. I totally agree.

The cape, the oversized gloves, and the hood really sold the action scenes.

The Goblin issues of the Lee/Ditko/Romita era were so fucking great. Goblin made for a really good arch enemy without "IT WAS ME PETER" and Luthor-lite