Apple and onion

wtf this is actually kino, Sup Forums lied to me

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Welcomefag is going to show up anytime soon to throw some edgy insults towards you for liking the show, I hope you know what you’re in for OP

You deserve to be pulled limb from limb for enjoying this


bring it
why? its good entertainment


tablets were a mistake

back to Sup Forums

There’s this one guy who hates apple and onion, especially the part in the theme song where they say welcome

He's an underage autist who thinks his word is law. So basically he's a mod.

Haven't watched it yet plan to tonight, also Sup Forums does that.

You are fucking scum with the mind of a failed abortion with downs syndrome. Kill yourself
Yes, how dare he like and support this trash which is killing CN and the industry at large

When you have low standards, anything can be kino.

That was fast

When you are high up in your own arse nothing seems good enough, im sorry you cant enjoy things anymore.

woah now, kino is a hell of a stretch. but it IS better than I expected.

>He says while posting fanart of the show that was made to spite the original art style

>this one guy
You know there is more than one person who dislikes this shit right? Quite a few actually.

Let it kill western animation. Anime is far more superior.

>slideshows are superior to animation
k fag.

Calling western shows "animated" is a very literal use of the term.

Every character in every still I've seen of this show smiles like they're hiding a closet full of severed heads back home. Is it meant to be like that?

did the first episode come out?

>pretending liking this show isn't proof you're juvenile
>pretending like "welcome" posting is this big bad evil argument starter

>Sup Forums has shit taste
Imagine my shock

6 episodes already

I'm not going to defend SU's boring scene composition but how exactly is that not animated?

Yes, but not a lot of them sperg out at people who like the show.

Get fucked, western cartoons deserve better then this

Seriously, even the one you posted has smoother animation than 90% of anime.
Because there's so people with taste that shit that I didn't know people who liked it existed before this thread

>not edgy

Face it: Anime can be made cheaper and more quickly. Dubs can be done just as fast. Japan has won.

This show is fucking fantastic. It's weird and adorable and the show feels content with being itself rather than all over the place. It's a shame a majority of Sup Forums has such shit taste. Especially when you faggots like shit like Steven Universe.

It honestly has the best dialogue and character interactions since "The Life and Times of Tim".

> Anime can be made cheaper
>Pay less for a less quality product
That sounds about right.

This is a baby show. Dora the Explorer is much better!

The fight itself is very weightless. I think his point was that it's not WELL-animated

Animation as a medium deseres better, and Japan is willing to provide

That looks like shit on a different level, like video game level bad. It's that shitty fake CGI background thing going on.

Some faggot who feels the entire show is immature all because they say “welcome” at the end of the intro. Ironic is it not?

Tonight on "Sup Forums's shit taste"

No, it's you who is wrong. You think that just because it's Japan made it's better. Looks like a fucking PS3 game cutscene with the average choppy frame rate same face anime girl. Get the fuck over yourself and take a closer look.

And for the record, I'm not saying western stuff looks any better, because it doesn't. Steven Universe is garbo and always will be.

Apple & Onion can be on 1's cel animation, but the art direction is still garbage with awful uncanny designs.

At least anime slideshows are pretty to look at. And then when they do decide to move, it's great.

It's really just the lesser of two evils. The majority of cartoons have extremely poor design direction. I have no idea who started the "ugly sells" mentality.

I like and hate it at the same time

Apple and Onion is pretty nice to look at. The backgrounds in the city are quite detailed and feel very British. The designs can also be cute from time to time. Anime slideshows are fucking worthless, no one will remember one from the other because they all look the same. I don't want beautiful, I want different stuff. I don't need Disney or anime style shit all of the time. As long as it's not that ugly Steven Universe style making the rounds right now it's fine. I want ugly, normal, beautiful, weird, unique, everything stuff. And right now Apple and Onion is right up my alley. It looks fresh.

2. It's a goddamn gif

For someone who prioritizes the backgrounds as being a reason why a show is pretty to look at, literally the most non-animated thing in a show, it's amazing how you hate anime.

>It looks fresh.
It literally looks like the same fucking dudebro show we've had 10 clones of since Regular Show.

You shouldn't tell people to kill themselves. Consider the impact your words could have on someone who's going through a rough time.

I feel insecure vibes in you, no one is this obsessed and bothered by one's taste.

It definitely looks different, the colors are alright as well. Looks nice. That's all I'm going to say. That background looks nice too, it's just not that interesting. I can see that in real life and looks like a standard anime background.

>No, it's you who is wrong. You think that just because it's Japan made it's better.
That came out of your mouth, but I'm insecure.

FMA Brotherhood has a lot of well-animated scenes. I recommend you go see it. The sakuga's hand-drawn as well so you can't come at me with "oh it looks like a PS3 game"

>That background looks nice too, it's just not that interesting. I can see that in real life and looks like a standard anime background.
You can find an area that looks like a painting in real life? Shit, point me in the direction of that, because I'd love to camp there.

Oh, you mean you're bored cause sky is blue and grass is green and would prefer if someone threw up all over the layout with a criminally basic knowledge of perspective. Ok.

Even fucking CN hates this show judging by the fact that they only ordered 13 episodes, even during their trend of, "Give everything two seasons".

Pick some out for me why don't you then? From what you just showed me it was not impressive.

I can feel the anger in you my man, it's okay. Some people like the simple things. It also doesn't help you picked like the most simple background in the whole show. Just saying.

Look at this AMAZING screenshot. Great use of color theory, composition, and a very appealing posing.

Eric Goldberg would be proud.

>Ha-ha, you just happened to pick the one screenshot that looks like ass, my main man!
No, that's the whole show. Sorry, but you either have shit taste or you're legitimately autistic, which is a possibility considering you're wowed by bright colors and "lots of detail" even the actual drawing and use of colors is complete shit.
They're mostly spoilers so I'll just post one.

western animation is more static than anime in most cases, stop mindlessly hating animation based on where it comes from. You're just as bad as a weeaboo who refuses to like anything but animation from japan, only in reverse.

>smoother than 90% of anime
I feel like you've seen only 90's DBZ and assume that's what every anime looks like

Someone doesn't care about quality in animation

Anime is just overall in a better place than cartoons right now. More variety, higher quality animations and styles, better visuals. Not every anime of course but if you seriously think western animation is in a good spot right now you need to take a step back and reassess things. Seek out animation regardless of the origin instead of putting up arbitrary walls.

Its much more then that one part, thanks for showing how stupid you are thinking that is why im mad at it

I really dislike the concept

First, for a dudebro show, apple and onion have no personality. You can swap them both or their dialogue at any point of any episode and nothing changes.

Second, the little personality they have and the premise of every episode is pretty obnoxious. Basically every episode goes like this: Apple & Onion ruin something, usually by acting immature and inconsiderate toward people around them, usually by harming someone or putting someone in danger. But in the end it's usually easily resolved or just forgiven because they acted out of kindness.

I get that the show probably just tries to do some kind of message for the autistic kids but uh.

It was alright, pretty interesting style, backgrounds weren't all that good to look at though either.

It looks different and cartoony. I just like it, it's simple. What's wrong with you man, why are you so salty? All you guys fucking like is those shitty action shows anyway. I hate those. They are all the same, have boring character animation, and feel the same. Those feel more the same than these comedies do. I don't know why you are so bothered.

Not an excuse for this shit becoming the standard of american cartoons


While I'm at it. A CG anime that looks good?

>It looks different and cartoony.

The show literally has no cartoony aspect to it other than its talking inanimate objects. No visual slapstick, no stretch n' squash, no creative visual gags. It's certainly no early Gumball.

Your opinions are so baffling. One minute you say you hate same-y boring animation, but then you say you're excited for this show which has the same bullshit puppetting shit we've seen since fucking Johnny Test.

>Anime slideshows are fucking worthless, no one will remember one from the other because they all look the same

I hope you realize you sound exactly like those idiots that parrot the "calarts smile" meme and you're precisely as retarded. Japan makes so much animation that even if 80% of it is sameface garbage that still leaves more good shows per season than the west can even hope for.

Mindlessly hating animation because it's from japan makes you just as bad as weebs who only like things because they are from japan. Get some perspective.

Have fun with the backgroundfag. I'm going to bed. I hope I proved my point.

That's not welcomeposter

Getting warmer, but still weird looking. Cell shading usually never works and looks a bit stiff.

holy shit I forgot all about MP100 shit

reigen is so amazing

>wacky anime faces
But yeah, that looks pretty good. More like this please.

No, you just stopped talking to me, which is sad. I was actually enjoying debating with you.

The animation is indeed pretty stiff, I was talking about the design. I like the look of the characters and the backgrounds.

I honest to god have no idea why this ultimate battle begins every time I say I like a new cartoon. It's a simple, cute, unique little animated miniseries that I enjoy. It's cool for what it is and it's weird European style of humor. I find it interesting to look at. I know better now to bring it up again. Just disappointed no one else shares the love with me, enjoy anime you guys.

Do you have an epiphany when you watch Dora the explorer too you fucking glorified zika toddler?

>trying to compare apple and onion to anime
>implying it's anywhere close to most anime from a visual aspect
I like the show too, but c'mon man. you're just fucking embarrassing yourself at this point.