So what's it like being a teenager in the Fire Nation?

So what's it like being a teenager in the Fire Nation?

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Hot and Bothered

Wasnt there an episode or two about exactly that?

Yeah it actually told on how Tai Lee acted out to have her own identity because of her siblings were all so identical.

apparently despite being at war with the entire world there is no mandatory military training or conscription

I jerked off so much to ty lee when i was 10. She was a huge crush for me back then, i wish i could find more decent porn of her.

>but she knows the human body and its weak points. It's like she takes you down from the inside.
How does she know this? Why doesn't more people know how to chi block? I've always thought it was so random that Ty Lee has this ability.

>I've always thought it was so random that Ty Lee has this ability.
she needed to be a non bender and still able to fight without gore or blood
still less retarded than Mai's throwing knives tho

I don't know what you consider 'decent' porn but Avatar probably has the most porn of any franchise in like the last decade.

What makes you say that? The fact that we didn't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.

It's not so bad, school can be a drag and your parents are always pushing you to get a government job, the rape pits can weigh you down, but nothing is worse than the mandatory traditional dancing.

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Oh you naive youth.

Yeah, it would be nice to see more of her story. Did she develop the technique herself? Was she taught by someone?

>he doesnt know about the horses
>or the pokemans

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Please, Pokemon is 20 years old

You could count the comparable franchises on one hand.

>The fact that we didn't see it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.
you mean just like water tribe's moon landing program?

The fuck are you talking about? That dude assumed for whatever reason that Fire Nation doesn't have mandatory military education. Why did he assume that? For no fucking reason. Honestly, why do I have to explain this shit?

>MrPotatoParty won't ever finish the avatar beach day comic

This is a sad world we live in.

Attached: MrPotatoParty-432096-Atla_Beach_day_Page_3.png (1500x1500, 1.7M)

Get out you undera... Fuck, I'm old.

How old is this, and was their any nudity involved?

It's pretty old, and it didn't get to the nudity part unfortunately.

Pokemon started in the 90s and horse in the 80s. Avatar is 2000s

Nah it got to the nude part: rule34.paheal net/post/view/2011385#search=mrpotatoparty