So this kind of just shows that any army on earth would have wrecked the asgardians' shit in

So this kind of just shows that any army on earth would have wrecked the asgardians' shit in

or were these somehow augmented with magical asgardian powers instead of regular assault weapons

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Marvel is weak as shit.

He was shooting at animated corpses, not full fledged Asgardians. This scene does piss me off though. Not jut because its another waste of Skruge, but because of how much ammo he fired from those magazines without running out

The power curve is based on drama, whatever is more cinematic will win

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Yes, user. You've finally discovered comic book logic is retarded. Kudos to you.

They can send decapitation strikes via bifrost and send the entire military into disarray. If Thor himself wanted to bust into the Pentagon or White Hoise, there's not much that can stop him.

They're augmented with plot armour. Analysing it any further is pointless

how about the hulk you retard

The Bifrost can blow up Earth from lightyears away with no warning.

They're just enchanted magazines that can hold a thousand times more than a regular one, or something. Who cares.

>So this kind of just shows that any army on earth would have wrecked the asgardians' shit in

Except all those movies in the past that show us Asgardians being bulletproof.

Literally the first fucking thing that happens in Avengers is Loki being bulletproof and killing a ton of guys with weapons that human armies stopped using 400 years ago.

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>Not having automatically reloading magazines for your automatic weapon


You're not serious, are you?

He can use Smite through each bullet. That's a lot of radiant damage.

If they weren't undead it wouldn't have been such a massacre tho.

>bifrost strike right into Pentagon/White House
>Einherjar rush through and fucking slaughter everyone
>military cannot coordinate or respond to an enemy that can appear wherever the hell it pleases and leave the same way it came

Yeah, Hulk is definitely going to make a difference in the span of minutes this all takes place. Thor could kick his ass anyways so it's not like it'd matter.

How about, Hulk is dumb, slow, a retard and he can't fly, and I'm positive Hulk doesn't have divination powers to know where or what Thor or anybody else is doing.

Yeah, kinda. Asgardians still have better tech and could, in theory, simply teleport into the central intelligence offices of any country and thus, fucked that nation capacity to coordinate.

But as such, the common asgardian is a lot less bulletproof than Loki or Thor.

Thor showed that he can beat the fuck out of Hulk in that film.

Thor is, by no means, a good representative of the Asgardian commoner.

With the Odinsword and Gungnir, wearing the Destroyer armor, that would make Odin almost Tao Pai Pai level

Here's what I want to know; why don't Asgardian troops have personal projectile weaponry? They have turrets and gun mounted flying longboats, and yet not one of them carries a space/magic crossbow or spear. They don't have a problem with using them, look at Skruge. It just seems a bit odd to me. You can still create weapons that thematically work for Asgard similar to pic related

Attached: Darksiders Angel Spear.jpg (720x390, 134K)

Because viking autism or some stupid shit like that.

That guy didn't say an Asgardian commoner couldn't be stopped, though. He said Thor couldn't be stopped.

That said, Asgardians do appear to be bulletproof as the norm.

Didn't their spears shoot lasers or something?

The only one I recollect is Odin's spear, which is unique just like Mjolnir. Other than that, Asgardian soldiers just mainly use laser swords it appears

Future space guns are always shit. Captain America takes a gut shot from one in the Avengers and walks it off, but earlier in the movie has to take cover from the guy with a regular rifle.

It blew off a bank's vault door and they were blowing up cars with them, just chalk that up to plot armor.

Knowing Disney, all that probably mattered was appeasing libs and showing how "evil and capable" guns are.

He was only killing reanimated warriors though, they might not be as strong as regular Asgardians. You see in Avengers that Loki's armor is at least fully assault rifle proof.

>having the hero use guns that make them look cool is anti-gun propaganda

le internet politics outrage

Piercing Damage vs Blunt Force

>what is subtlety

Propaganda usually doesn't bluntfaced-tell you the message until it's already too late, learn some history.

It's the internet, everyone is serious here

Everything to do with bald guy is shit. What else is new.

>Propaganda usually doesn't bluntfaced-tell you the message
Please leave Htrae, Bizarro.

yeah man what a waste of a lame c-list villain

He stood alone you faggot.

Mugga I've read Simonson's Thor. Skurge's arc was completely impossible to build up to at this point in the movies. At least he got something, Bill only got a statue and Thor's getting his hammer.

In one of the "Ask the Author" segments in the Hellsing manga, someone asked Hirano what kinds of guns everyone used. Hirano said they all use special custom cosmoguns with unlimited ammo because who cares there's much more interesting things to talk about.

I think that's the best response to anyone bitching about magazine sizes.

>assault weapons
That's a political term.

Did anyone else really hate the villian of this movie? She just sorta showed up, was Thors secret long lost sister, had super ninja skills and was able to totally pwn everyone.

She had probably the coolest intro and then nothing really happened. The problem was that the movie felt like two movies squashed into one. If it was just the Hela show, she could have been fun. Instead they had to add Planet Hulk wackiness and took away any presence she had.

Asgardians are weak. Nova Corps are pathetic. The Kree and the Xandars are also little bitches.

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Surtur was better

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