How is season 2? I'm 4 episodes in and it's been pretty boring...

How is season 2? I'm 4 episodes in and it's been pretty boring. Trish and the Dyke boss are pretty bad this season and not liking the asain dude or the landlord love interest. This show kinda sucks without Killgrave and Luke Cage to carry it.

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Why are you surprised that JJ is shit without Purple Man? the comic without Purple Man is shit too.

It stays boring through the whole thing. I had to force myself to finish it in hopes something interesting would happen but it never did.

The heck are you all talking about, I liked S2 way more than S1, the whole season revolving around Purple Man made it feel like a drag
If anything the only thing that actually bothered me about S2 was Trish's whole existence and the fact that the events from The Defenders never get directly addressed at all, I get Jessica not wanting be called a hero or do vigilante shit is probably because of what happened to Matt but it still felt as if Defenders hadn't even happened, guess we won't get to se any of the actual backlash from it until Iron Fist S2

>and the fact that the events from The Defenders never get directly addressed at all.

She mentioned it in the last episode, I think.

I welcome positive insight, Sup Forums can be hard on things. I'm still eary in the show so not sure what to think. Is the Defenders the reason everyone hates supers? Feels like it's becoming a poor-man's X-Men where people with powers are persecuted.

Don't really understand why Jess even hates her powers so much, out of all the superpowers that have extreme downsides to using the powers, she doesn't really have a downside, she just super strong and a shitty life.

Does no one even watch this show anymore? Even the shitty cw stuff gets more replies?

They do kind of explain later in the season that the reason Jessica had Vietnam tier flashbacks at night is linked to her powers with such also being the case for this season's "villain" except she has it even worse, and Trish goes full retard in her "quest" to get powers herself
As for the everyone hating on powered people I don't really know if it's because of the events from The Defenders, specially since no civilians died when the building collapsed, I'd say it might be closely related to Civil War since they seem to still be dealing with the aftermath but I'm not entirely sure where do the Netflix shows fit in the MCU timeline

I think i'm half way through S2, it's kinda dull honestly.

I like Jessica as a character, but the main plot, and most of the side stories aren't grabbing me or keeping me interested.

Feels like they didn't know what to do with this character or have a full story for it, and this was just made as a obligation, which sucks..

Jessica mentions The Raft as the prison for people with powers in episode 8. So this is at least post Civil War.

the white detective is unironically the best character on the show and did nothing wrong
Malcolm was pretty based, hippie super scientist and Cheng were fun but basically all the women sucked besides Trish's mom, I empathized with her

>empathized with Trish's mom
I hate this fucking site

It’s comfier than S1 but the narrative is weaker without Purple Man.

Its not canon. Stop watching

>British dipshit is only in one episode
That alone makes it better than season 1 for me.

I found myself fucking hating trish. I mean even her name is so fucking annoying. All she ever does is fuck things up. Either for herself, jessica, or other people in her life. I seriously hope she dies in S3.

Episode 11 is the only one worth watching in season 2.

B-but I want Hellcat...

Anyway, once you find out who the villain is, the plot kinda falls apart and the show focuses on character development. Which CAN work. But EACH character had a side plot that is either disjointed from the main plot and doesn't go anywhere. IDK. I like the setting and the genre they're going for but the later half of JJ just bores me.

Nah, that was about the time she "teamed up" with Killgrave and defused a hostage situation.

She does say "heroes die" in episode 1 or so, which is clearly about Matt.

Nothing seems to be happening, but I like it anyway. At least plot doesn't visibly stall like in season 1 (Because there's no visible plot, but still)

Halfway through episode 9, still waiting for it to get interesting.
Damn, I miss Purple Man.

>I miss Purple Man.
Episode 11 will make you feel much better.

>dyke lawyer got robbed
didn't know what to feel about it

was there a villain?

the patriarchy as always

the characters

Please tell me you know who Trinity is, you god damned mouth-breather.

Yes, but he wasn't a cartoonishly evil obnoxious retard so Sup Forums doesn't like him.

but she's not Trinity
cause she would've picked a better life

who was it? I watched the entire season and thought mental disorders were the real issue

For once it's the first half of the show that's total shit, and the SECOND half that actually pulls you in.
Geri a best, Kilgrave was sorely missed.

Villain is the wrong choice of word here but Karl Malus and Jessica's mother were kind of antagonistic forces.

>Jessica changes into a darker pair of pants during her moral existential crisis
So on the nose and retarded I loved it.

>So on the nose and retarded
The entire show in a nutshell.

Yes. Trish. Literally everything is her fault.

so acting like a whore and treating every one like shit, drinking all the time and blaming everyone else for your problems! seems like a first class role model for girls to me

Great move on their part making Jessica's whole identity revolve around her dead boyfriend. That might cost them the Peabody this year.

Unironically Trish, by the end of the season everyone cuts off ties with her because she's such a selfish, manipulative bitch

She becomes her mother.

When guys do it though it's like they're god damned rock stars.

In what way ya damn nerd?

I thought it was pretty good. Basically on-par with season 1, being better in some ways and worse in others. But goddamn, Malcolm is a total bitch right up the the last episode. Dude's muscles are full of cotton candy, because he can't handle himself at all physically. I would've liked seeing a little more of Simpson, but surprisingly I'm fine with Kilgrave's role.

There's a difference between spectacles to gawk at, and figures to aspire towards. Problem is, the line has been thoroughly lost. Remember when everyone agreed that acting like Paris Hilton was a shitty thing to aim for? We need to get back to that.

She's literally not a role model and doesn't pretend to be one though, this whole argument about "but when guys do it!" is dumb as hell Jessica reminds me of Constantine in this, they're both cynical loners who can't just muster up the nerve to kill themselves

They are reversing women in refrigirator trope! They are fighting the patriarchy by subverting expectations.

>She's literally not a role model and doesn't pretend to be one though, this whole argument about "but when guys do it!" is dumb as hell
then why is she on a poster about international women's day, a day were we are suppose to celebrate the great women??
Jessica reminds me of Constantine in this, they're both cynical loners who can't just muster up the nerve to kill themselves
Constantine is a interesting character and his gender isn't the centre of his dam personalty

>Anything involving Geri
>Trish's descent once it got going
>Malcolm being so excessively sexualized was never blatantly called out for the sake of "How do YOU like it, MEN?!?"
>Alyssa's quick, unceremonious death. It actually surprised me and that rarely happens.
>Cinematography was nice
>Krysten Ritter's improved acting

>then why is she on a poster about international women's day, a day were we are suppose to celebrate the great women??
'Cause organizers of international womens' day don't understand concept of personality flaws? Or just didn't watch the show.

I mean, in show itself it's all blatantly spelled out.

but this poster was clearly created by the netflix marketing department

Did Jessica narrate season 1 too?

Every time she narrates season 2 it feels so weird for some reason.

Either they didn't see the show or don't expect target audience to see it.

They have the Jessica Jones's "official" Twitter yammering on about how "All-female" the show is. It's actually really out of character for her to give a fuck

She's playing it more drunk.

well what ever the reason its retard, when will these idiot realise that the SJW hate super heroes and dont buy comics

So is Trish going to be the bad guy for season 3?

I think that his point was that she is proven to be correct about Jessica at the end of the series, when everything preceding it has deliberately defied that notion. From a narrative perspective, it didn't and doesn't make any sense to prove that woman right but, by having done so, they opened a window of hypothetical empathy.

Maybe Patricia and her mother would have been able to go into psychotherapy in order to work out their issues if Jessica had not remained in Patricia's life. We don't know, but the possibility is dashed by Jessica's presence alone. Patricia's 'hero complex' is directly resultant of her interactions with Jessica. Maybe, she wouldn't have relapsed if she didn't feel the need to increase her own strength in order to help Jessica. We don't know, but that possibility is dashed.

I'm willing to wager thousands of dollars on the position that Trish's mom will get to directly confront Jessica concerning Hellcat (who will, surely, be an antagonist) in season 3, and that she will have a 'brutally honest' speech therein, in which she connects the dots for the retarded general audience.

Nobody is stupid enough to defend Trish's mother's actions as a cutthroat, greedy agent in even the slightest capacity, but her role as a 'mother' is easily defensible.

how did she do anything wrong?

I don't know about that. All I really want is for her to get in WAY over her head in her wannabe superhero antics and wind up with her face pummeled into the pavement for a bit. And maybe she gets her own mother killed too for that extra bit of poetic justice.

Let's be real; They'll be best friends again by the fourth episode. The show legitimately suffered without a central villain and Chang isn't enough to carry a season. Long story short they should just pull the trigger and bring Kilgrave back

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>When guys do it though it's like they're god damned rock stars.
>Pretending its 1978 and not 2018 because thats the best defense you have

well there is nothing like attack half your intended audience to kill your ratings

They should bring in an accelerated growth clone of Kilgrave's aborted daughter so Kara is in it.

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>pressed an investigation into IGH, even though Jessica clearly didn't want to do it in the first place.
>to make it worse, IGH was actually well-intentioned and didn't deserve much ire at all.
>Alyssa, in her brain damaged state, interpreted Trish's investigation as a direct threat to her life with the doc, and thus prompted her murder spree
>Following all this, Trish went and fucked up Jessica's plan by kidnapping the doc, which ended in his death, prompting yet another berzerker rage from Alyssa.
>Finally, she blows Alyssa's brains out for absolutely no good goddamn reason other than her own moral superiority complex.

Literally. Everything. Is her fault. She couldn't let a sleeping dog lie.

Not to mention misusing chanspeak in a way that even reddit normies would notice

Has any other protagonist ever been hated so much that you're glad their nerves are being corroded from within by ALS?

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>killgrave returns
>it turns out that Jessica killed an innocent dock worker instead of Killgrave
>killgrave just tricked everybody into thinking Jessica killed him
>killgrave was behind Trish killing Jessica's mom
>Killgrave was behind Jessica's mom killing innocent people
>it was all killgrave again

Was anyone else amazed that it wasn't breast cancer for once?

>murder multiple people
>"Hurr she a gud gurl, dindu nuffin. wuz gonna fug da man who cured canzer o sum shitz"

>Captain America mention
>The Raft mention
I thought Netflix dropped the whole "connection with the MCU" angle

Shes a protagonist? Dear lord. I hated her and trish this season. I felt Jessica was okay and the stuff with her mother was alright but kinda really weird. But then I remembered I'm watching a comic book and that made me feel better. Fuck trish though. cunt.

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Alyssa isn't exactly innocent, but she is not in control of her own faculties. She quite literally has brain damage. Trish, meanwhile, should be perfectly competent, yet continues to be a huge bitch who thinks she knows what's best for everybody else. She is 100% to blame for her own terrible, terrible decisions.

Anyone else think it would be hot if she took over Nuke's role and painted/tattooed the American flag on her face?

she's trying to do the right thing just misdirected and an addict with no real parental structure or normal childhood

This is different. Jessica’s whole identity revolves around this guy.

I'm hoping this is where we go

Not the fact that she got cat-called by Jim from the Office and immediately fucks him in the bathroom?

You sure about that? Seems like she was already a drunken misanthrope before she met the bf.

Honestly, I would have liked if the next Punisher season had him fighting a fully roid-raged and arsenal'd Nuke with his iconic flag face.

But nope...just a fucking red herring and waste of a super who'd fit fighting Frank.

The iconic leather jacket and the name “alias” are directly tied to this random dude. She was a depressed drunk, sure, but she built a life in his image

>that special effect of the Whizzer running around

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Yeah I was a little shocked at that too. Especially considering how much he was around in s1. What is s2 of Punisher even gonna be about, they keep pushing the "frank doesn't need to kill anymore" thing

funny how she is suppose to be a a independent woman but bases her whole life around a man

Those seem like fairly superficial details to me yo. You never had an ex give you a present that you still use even after you break up?

My theory is that since feminism is based on premises that women are equal to men, yet are held back by them, it inevitably leads to conclusion that the world is separated into bad stuff men forces women to do and good stuff men evilly keep for themselves.

So if you put enough thought into feminism to make it into marketing department, you will inevitably see emulating of any masculine trait as empowering, even if it is that of a damaged, undesirable or disposable male.

we trying to keep all that sweet sweet suicide from them,

that's the stupidest shit I ever heard
yet it's totally plausible since it's marvel

I honestly wanted him to stick around a bit longer

On the one hand, I think its legitimately interesting that this is a piece of superhero media that doesn't really have a main villain as such. It's more about dealing with the themes through complicated people then some singular threat, and if they went that way again they'd be judged against Killgrave and be found wanting.

On the other hand, 13 episodes is a long fucking time to explore your themes without some sort of actual narrative conflict.

To say it is boring from start to finish is generous. Even the episode where she hallucinates Killgrave was kinda boring, there was only so much he could lift it

no main villain would work better in a movie as, i always said that i would love to see a spider man film with no big bad just him fighting a crime syndicate or something

Pathetic !! any good binge watcher can finish things in less than 2 days

I'm fine with the languid pacing, but even ten episodes instead of 13 would help a lot.

I think the oposite, first half was pretty interesting and focused on the plot, then it gone completly retarded with a serie of retarded decissions made to strentch the story another 6 episodes.

So you're arguing that the mystery and nature of not knowing what is going to happen next, even JJ spiraling and having random sex was interesting since you didn't know what was going to happen next kind of bit?

I suppose I get that, the first part of the season was more interesting since you didn't know what to expect.

What they did to nuke was just terrible though, I don't know how anyone can defend their narrative decisions. There is no payoff for the longer threads and Trish while having understandable wants for powers never paid for any of it and she did a lot wrong to get there. You put a guy in her position and story would have dumped on him left and right, we know this because of how they handled Nuke.

What they did with the story is just wrong. I can understand wanting to give Trish a hero's journey, but they didn't even subvert it correctly. It's just her wanting power to get revenge, dressed up as her wanting to carry the mantle that Jessica doesn't want.

>the dyke is portrayed as a manipulative bitch that harass more than one woman, makes someone to kill another with lies and gets gay cancer.
>muh patriarchy

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Honestly, I haven't watched S2 yet but in general JJ is one of the arguments I avoid talking about on Sup Forums. AoS too for example, why bother when everything positive I say will only attract shitposting?

>This show kinda sucks without Killgrave
And that's exactly what I was saying about the first season. They spent the entire show with he battle against Kilgrave that now they have nothing to stand on.

Do I have to watch Punisher before watching this? It's still in my backburner.

Trish is utter garbage, that's completely undebateable.

What I really, really don't get in this whole IGH thing is the entire time the moms being hailed as some prisoner premeditated coldblooded murdered but she is mentally insane, why she didn't have a lawyer plea insanity or something, her fits of rage is obviously mental illness when she snaps at something so fucking simple as a random guy on the street doing nothing really.

>Killgrave is in fact Eobard Thawne

No. There's no link in any way.
Do you mean garbage in a good way? She's gone from generic support damsel to pseudo-antagonist, which I found pretty interesting. There's a difference between a character you love to hate, vs someone you just hate.

>what is elseworlds
>what if?
>what is alternate universes

why are casuals so obsessed with what is and isn't cannon?