Do you ship Static with Frieda ? Should they get together or just be friends ? They do eventually get married in Milestone Forever.
Static X Frieda thread
I normally hate anything BLACKED, but Virgil is so rad that I don't even care.
Are the Static comics good? I keep forgetting Virgil has stuff outside of the tv show.
She's jewish so it doesn't count then again so are a lot of girls on that site, but that probably doesn't mean anything
user, you're being kinda weird about this.
Yeah, right? I mean, these threads keep happening. And if it was a more popular comic I wouldn't be surprised, but no one knows what OP is talking about.
Ladino + Black =
Yeah the’re good. I don’t like the art in the beginning of Static’s original run but the art gets better though out the series. He’s mini series Rebirth of the Cool is good. His appearance in other comics are good. His New 52 series is his only bad series.
They're bringing him back for another series but it's being headed by Reggie Hudlin so spare yourself the disappoint and pretend it doesn't even exist.
I mean I remember Frieda as a kid and being a little butthurt she was replaced by Daisy. Pretty unceremoniously too.