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Comics #993
Under-Rated Villains Thread
Storytime: Transmetropolitan Vol. 2: Lust for Life
Are machinimas considered Sup Forums? If yes what are your favorites?
Can any Russian Sup Forumsmrades out recommend some Russian cartoons...
How do we protect her smile in this dark world?
How come comic book characters still manage to seem more powerful than shounen characters despite powerlevels and...
ITT I dump panels from the lockhorns where Leroy interacts with a THICC bimbo. It's the same joke every time
Ava's demon
New Beavis and Butt-Head movie/King of the Hill reboot to feature older Bobby Hill
/hyw/ How's Your Webcomic? #466
2D animation is SAVED
Why haven't we seen a Cartoon combined with Live Acton since Space Jam?
Moral of the episode is that kids shouldnt be around mechanized innovations because some conservative old hippie bitch...
What happened to this board?
Help me pick a character design...
Final Space
What's his origin story?
This comes out tomorrow
DC Super hero Girls
This is lapis lazuli. on may 7th, she'll have a half hour episode devoted to her...
Has anyone bought pic related? I thought it was impossible to make Avatar in blu-ray
Is it possible to have too many voice roles?
ITT: Kinetic comic book art with flow and energy
Star wars
Did they?
I thought this was a kid's show?!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Captain Marvel Will Be Similar To Captain America In AVENGERS 4
Captain Marvel
What the fuck is Gotham's problem?
ITT: Things you watched/read because your dick told you to
Is this the worst case ever of a character that was written to be sympatethic but ended up being a massive unlikeable...
DC Comics to Publish ‘Old Lady Harley’
Alright, let's do this
I want to check to Captain Marvel before the film
DEADPOOL 2 Final Trailer
Shouldn't he technically still be arrested in the end?
Why are so many of Superman's "best" comics either origin stories or elseworlds?
I'm just going to let you talk
Why do people like to pretend that Ms. Marvel never happened?
Shazam! is the story of a 14-year old foster kid (Asher Angel) who, thanks to an ancient wizard...
When's the last time a comic made you cry?
If a writer portrays Dr. Doom as a villain, then he doesn't understand Dr. Doom
Is Steven the worst character of his own show? If not who do you think is the worst character?
Why are there so little thicc women in comics?
How come no matter how much effort Japan puts into making their Shounen characters seem strong they never manage to get...
ITT: Post characters only you like
What went wrong?
Comics that deal with loneliness and social isolation?
Friendly reminder that we will NEVER have shared and big DC cinematic universe with adaptations of Emerald Twillight...
I didn't see anyone storytime this yesterday so I'm going to because it wasn't the worst thing ever
Who was in the wrong here?
Are countryballs Sup Forums?
I just don't know anymore
What characters from the big 2 would you like to have the Alan Moore or maybe even Starman treatment...
Chapter 44: Clone Saga
Peter loses his job because he was being sexually harassed and didn't want to have sex with her...
What kinda chikken do yew wan', miss turr?
Dammit Marvil!
Joke character turns out to be the most powerful character
Where did the Star Wars General threads go?! I’ve been gone for two weeks
God is in heaven. All is right with the world
Dofus/Wakfu: BLACKED Crow edition
How is this supposed to be fucking Domino?
”We can’t properly critique animated movies because we are not animators and don’t know how the process of...
I can now confirm that I know the main reason that audiences are rejecting some of what Ryan Reynolds, Rhett Rheese...
Goodbye Captain America
Les Kassos Thread
New Telltale Batman trailers
Next weeks episode fandom pains will literally be about lucy dealing with normalfags ruining her show and I thought we...
Comic book sages, who is this kid?
Milk Wars Hypercrisis
Will X-23 ever be hot again?
Adventure Time: The Ultimate Adventure
Who the fuck were these queers?
Why don't people call new Disney films culterally insensitive? Why is the Mouse excluded?
Now that she's gone, will Dan slott leave Spiderman?
What did family guy mean by this entire episode?
Unique, GOAT cartoons that have not been surpassed
Damnation tie-in: Iron Fist #78 Storytime
Don't need to, Skeet. I memorized the prices and did the tax and change in my head
Is it as good as people say it is?
Do you think that wester 2D animated movies will get a renaissance one day?
Marvel Cinematic Universe Marathon
Alright fuckers, answer me this
Obscure waifu thread
Dexter vs Jimmy Neutron
What was the point of this scene?
Can she be flavor of the month again Sup Forums?
This was really do people like it? Serious question, what even are you people...
How good are you at finding him?
“You have no idea what Avengers 4 is”
This is basically Tumblr shit and yet I can't stop reading it
Questionable content
For a show like Family Guy, which season do you think the seasonal rot or zombification started setting in?
Who was right in the end? Rorschach or Manhattan?
Dan Jurgens is in hot shit right now for “fat-shaming” comments on his Twitter
I love me wife
Insufferable Simpson's
Be grown man
So how far was kirbys influence and what exactly fucked him over? Everytime i see this image i die a little inside
Alright so let me get this straight...
All videos by Kurzgesagt are animated, so I guess this is a place to discuss them...
In honor of the news that Nickelodeon will be working with THQ to re-release several games based on old Nicktoons what...
It won't be that bad, will it Sup Forums?
Wtf was this show?
Nobody asks for his name
Why are people so against Chris Niosi? Heard he's now in works of getting TOME into a video game
When did you stop watching?
Convince me that MegaMan 2018 won't be the greatest show since Batman: TAS
Static, Icon and Rocket appearing in comics again
Make a pitch to Adultswim
Let's Not Be Skeletons should have ended with Gil selling his Skeleton Remotes to Darrell/Boxman
"Ivyfans getting pissed at writers portraying the character as a villain" is cringy
What does Sup Forums think of Futurama?
Starco is cute and perfect and on Saturday it will also be canon. Prove me wrong
Star vs
KRYPTON - Live Thread
But she literally does
What's the deal with this channel?
What are some great Superman stories that aren't origin stories or elseworlds?
Tfw even Ruby-Spears didn't fuck it up this much
ITT: Good shit from deviantART
What are some examples of pregnant women in cartoons
Member that time Amethyst turned into Rose to taunt Steven's emotionally broken father?
How would you improve Lisa?
It's said that comics are "modern myths"...
Hypercrisis is real
Zombies vs Robots Storytime
JSA Storytime: Question
If one Ed didn't exist, how different would the other two Eds' lives be?
Aw man Sup Forums, Ronnie's onto us
Star wars
"Bart. Bart?"
Birdboy the forgotten children
Riverdale Thread
What are some cartoons where the protagonist never wins?
Cailiou needs a ass whooping
When an artist can only draw their own character pdoperly
X-Men Gold
Usagi yojimbo story time - 4
Amazing spider-man Renew Your Vows 17 Storytime
One off character who only appears in a few episodes has more magic and entertainment value then the entire movie and...
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Storytime: Transmetropolitan Volume 1: Back on the Street
Official Win-O'-Thread
Post muscle girls in comics
Sum up Sup Forums in one image
What went wrong?
Earth One: Green Lantern Volume One Storytime
Shelby cragg confirmed autistic
JL Mortal costumes
If the DCEU is kill and Cavill moves to the MCU, what character would Sup Forums like to see him play as?
Was it Reddit?
Gentlemen. How do we destroy Captain Planet? I've already got India & China on Conference call
The Boondocks
Name a better new character from Rebirth
Waifu thread
Try DC legends in my tablet
Nightwing #41 Storytime
Gun to your head, what's your favorite Bamham TAS episode?
What is the point of so many townie episodes when the main cast of gem characters are hardly in the show anymore that...
ITT: Shows that shouldve had another season/not cancelled
Reminder that those amazing parents let their daughter spend all her time in a dictatorship with the villain that gave...
Lets fucking start a Music Video Thread
Runaways #7 Storytime
Archie #29
Hey Sup Forums post some good dogs
Big Bertha thread
This Here's Katana*cough*Female. She's Got A Rack
A touching story
Kills Ares
Horrible Sup Forums fanart thread
What went right?
Does she look prettier in her coronation dress or her blue dress?
Stop motion
This set of pisspoor figures will cost 19.99$
The Mighty Thor #705: The Ballad of Beta Ray Bitch
In hindsight, his episode was really weird. Why wasn't Jack qualified to go back in time yet...
Superman/Batman Storytime Part 7
ITT: Decent (or at least not terrible) shows that no one watched
Kick-Ass: The New Girl #2
Why was this necessary?
Bittersweet Candy Bowl BCB
ITT: Characters getting what they deserve
Literally unwatchable
/dg/ DOOM General
Have we gone too far as a species?
Why are American cartoons such garbage?
Why doesn't Sup Forums ever talk about picture books...
Hotel Transylvania 3 Trailer
Why is Disney presenting a morally-corrupt thief as a hero?
Critter Coven
Infinity War Empire Details
Literally anyone can die in Infinity War now
This week's Star Wars and Poe Dameron comics
What does Sup Forums think of Rick and Morty?
Superman/Batman Storytime Part 6
So which cartoons made you into a furry, Sup Forums?
Jackie Chan with all 12 Talismans vs Superman
Super Sons #14 Storytime
Side girl is much better than main girl
Would you kill half the universe for a chance at this fine piece of ass?
Go Go Power Rangers
Is the Powerpuff reboot any good, or is it a disappointment?
Post only the finest hispanic wiafus
Just finished the DLC. What did I think about it?
This must be one of the most overrated and laziest shows of all time
It triggers my autism that they didnt change suit colors when they changed lions
I expeced scans of this thing already, but seems it was actually a scam just like the Goblins card game
Gorillaz Thread
Need help!
Make a sequel to Beast Wars but don't make it an actual sequel
Does Justin Roiland still post on Sup Forums? Is he here right now?
Jesus Christ, what the fuck DC?
There once was a man named Ennis
/dbsg/ Douchebag Stark General
KAIROS 1/3 Storytime
DAMAGE #3: World War Wonder!
The Brave and the Bold - Batman and Wonder Woman #2 Storytime
Justice League #41 Storytime
GLS storytime
Whomp! not a blank template edition
Superman #43 Storytime
Can anything comics related compare to this moment? It took 21 years to unpotatoe her
Batman #43 Storytime
What did DC mean by this
Harpy Gee
Black panther role would probably be bigger if they knew how big of a success his solo move would be
Who's your favorite food mascot?
Gunnerkrigg Court
I'm from /tg/, so please forgive if this is a stupid thread outside of Sup Forums's scope or boundaries
What are some YA novels that would work great as animated shows or movies Sup Forums?
New family guy episode thoughts ?
Would that show work today?
Waifu thread
Jessica Cruz appreciation thread
TMNT thread pals (Mostley IDW)
Webcomic trade off
Why doesn't anyone talk about this show
Superman/Batman storytime
Shits on your technological progression
Questionable content
411 On Ricky and Morty
3rd millennium + 18
Sup Forums do your thing... put a face on faceless patrick
Someone asked for it in a different thread. Let's do Joker's Asylum
Please forgive me!!!
Thoughts on Marvel's Heroes Reborn Sup Forums?
All upcoming and current cartoons are for babies now
What do you think of Princess Fisk?
I've heard that this show has no one in a romantic heterosexual relationship as a rule. Is this true?
I'm a visitor from Sup Forums. What is the best CBR reader?
Why was Aquaman so much more successful than Namor despite them being almost the exact same characters?
Venture Bros.; The Dean Question
Rocko's Modern Life
You've got 5 minutes to open up ms paint and make another shitty 4 panel comic
Superman/Batman storytime
Bucky, since you were mind controlled by Nazis at the time, I guess you aren't responsible for killing my parents...
If she was written today, would she remain the same?
I dare you to find a more effective and deadly power than control over bees. Being made of bees is a walking nightmare...
What went wrong?
Real name is J'onn J'onzz
So did Bill Watterson hate capeshit?
I hired fifteen of the crustiest kindegarteners. Paid them in pop rock and cheap soda. They took their time...
Good paneling in comics
What do you think of Histeria?
Tomorrow... she dies!
Long or short?
ITT: Amazing DC parodies
Batgirl is best girl!
Black Lightning Thread
Is this game popular with autistic people? Because I am LOVING it!
Superman/Batman storytime
There was nothing wrong with splicing
Avengers vs Teen Titans
Can I read that comic after you're done?
Thanos gets hit in the balls
Trapco is still good?
I miss Scott Pilgrim
Why is this show hated on so much? I watched a few episodes and it was pretty funny
Kill Six Billion Demons
R.I.P Kill or Be Killed: It’s Over, Boys
We will never have slice of life with a black male mc
Whether you like it or not your favorite non Sup Forums series gets greenlit to have a western cartoon adaption
According to Milestone's official facebook Icon...
ITT: Sup Forums things that NOBODY hates
Why are so many comic and cartoon women lesbians these days? That or they're "genderfluid" or misandrist
If modern cartoons are based on anime from twenty years ago...
T'Challa's personality is nothing like in the comics
Superman/Batman storytime
Sam Wilson/Falcon and Miles Morales cancelled
Toonami Ratings for 3/17/18
Left or right?
Read comic
Justice League ends its theatrical run as the lowest-grossing DCEU movie
Hopps, that notorious serial rapist has been captured. You'll be escorting him to Zooptia central prison. Any questions?
Post a pic,pitch an idea for a cartoon based on it
How would Sup Forums introduce the Fantastic Four into the MCU
You can only kill one. The other two have to live with you in your house
How hype are you for Iron-Man Infinity War?
GOTHAM thread
So I'm trying to give Johns an honest shot, but New 52 Justice League has been a terrible read
RUMOR: Venom Will Have Only A Few Minutes of Screentime In…Venom
Fem Gumball is the perfect waifu
Do you consider any post-season 2 episodes to be classics? Besides a few like Stimpy's Cartoon and Ren's Pecs...
DC announces it will Relaunch the Justice League bringing 90s classic DC animated series characters back into the league
Is your life missing thrills?
So the new Act 2 costume for Elsa in Frozen on Broadway is... something
Superman/Batman storytime
Marvel Land coming to Disney Parks
Cartoon MILF thread
Kelly thread
Barry Allen The Fuck Up
Can anyone recommend me some must reads for captain marvelshazam
Black Widow
What would happen if marvel dropped most of there super heroes in favor of star wars comics?
"I have a cloaca but I don't know what it is and I'm too afraid to look it up"
Can you name one KOTH character who has more potential power than Awakened Lama Bobby...
In the year 2044...
What's the best currently active webcomic?
Reminder: Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting or don't have power...
LEAKED: Superman and Wonder Woman From Unmade 'Justice League: Mortal'
Why, I do believe it's time for early Silver Age comics!
Infinity War ticket sales are OVER ONE THOUSAAAAAND percent
How come when it comes to old Disney shows, Funko releases toys of Darkwing Duck, DuckTales, Rescue Rangers...
Isle of Dogs
Boy Marvel sure is lucky that Steve Rogers was the one white man in 1945 who wasn't a patriarchal racist homophobe...
MARVEL COMICS JUNE 2018 Solicitations
Sequential Art
Injustice 2 #50 STORYTIME
Ridiculous amounts of Bendis writing
So like, THIS happened. Once upon the 90's. 80's TMNT was randomly swole for the last season, April wore leather...
Why didn't the Iron Giant use one of his powerful weapon to destroy the atomic bomb safely from afar?
So what runs ended up being worth reading from Rebirth...
Chapter 43: Nighthawk v Hyperion: Dawn of Supreme
How come the main baddies were just sheep and ram?
What cartoon art style would you like to see more of in the future?
How come no one here is talking about the current thanos comic?
What upcoming DC films are you excited about?
We should make our own Sonichu but he's a teleporter, not a speedster
Who is this?
My GF just watched Captain America: Civil War and said she wants to read comics about Scarlet Witch...
So they made a movie with guns, drugs, religion, the mafia...
Chapter 42: Black Panther
ITT: We try to guess a cartoon by description
Flex Mentallo storytime
Voices you hear when reading comics
Fuck you thread
Is a better spidey than the real spidey
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting March 14, 2018
The Loud House "Live Life Loud" Storytime
It was fun while it lasted, I guess
Would it be controversial to say I like Sally?
Meanwhile in Gotham Sup Forums
'Captain Marvel' Will "Have a Blast When She Kicks Ass"
So what’s going on at DC
Sidekicks that work better as the heroes
ITT: Good shows that are targeted at little kids (Preschoolers/Early Elementary Students)
ITT: we write an 800 word essay on what not to do at a stoplight, one word at a time
Why hasn't Harry Potter ever had a cartoon or comic?
Post the weirdest shit from the weirdest shows you liked
Is Doctor Orpheus a Level 10 hero?
How can it be the world's worst comeback if I have never heard about him before?
Rick and Morty
I was looking through some of my old dvd's recently and i found this tv series...
Would Sup Forums read a Sunstone-like Harley and Ivy story by Stjepan Sejic?
Why are so many contrarian faggots pretending this’ll be shit?
ITT: godtier redesigns that pissed people off regardless
Which avenger would you date?
Was this arguably the best episode of the simpsons?
Stan Lee's writing
Steven uniberse
Korra Comics
Comparison Thread
Describe an artist with one picture
Will the choices and ending truly be all that varied this time?
Questionable content
Were they gay?
Quick Sup Forums, post vidya that would make for a good cartoon
Everyone in this thread is an honorary Globe Trotter
That’s Stormbreaker
Final Space
So what animation software do web creators you follow use to make their animations and cartoons?
Dark Nights: Metal
Let's suppose you were hired by DC to write one of the Batman books. However, in your heart of hearts...
I cannot stop laughing
I fucking love this subplot
Is rotoscoping cheating?
"Nice plan but it sucks so let me do the plan and it wont suck."
/hyw/ How's Your Webcomic? #465
What's the Sup Forumsnsensus about this cartoon?
Which movie is better?
>they had to made him evil
It's basically Rick and Morty without the Redditors to ruin everything about it
What went so horribly wrong?
Why did everything after Season 2 suck?
Alright, so inspired by the dr...
Black Panther will just crush every movie until Infinity War. I hate my life now
Anthony Mackie And Sebastian Stan Are Up For A FALCON/BUCKY Buddy Movie
Rick and Morty season 4 is being recorded
ITT: Characters only you find attractive
Characters you're sure like anal sex
Star vs Oc and self insert
IZombie Thread
I think the new darth vader comics are much better than the 2015 run
Do the writers know why people watch Family Guy? They know it's just for dumb laughs, right?
This is superb. Why does Sup Forums hate it?
Well we've done a strawman of hippies, environmentalists, protestors, vegetarians, etc...
Who else loves her?
Remember me?
ITT: Funny webcomics for intelligent people
Official Win-O'-Thread
Sonic the Hedgehog Comics
New season of Star Wars Forces of Destiny dropped today
Was there ever a character so criminally underrated in cartoon history?
Legends of Tomorrow Talkback Thread
Was the total reboot of Superman following the Crisis on Infinite Earths by John Byrne a good or bad thing in the long...
Is she a good sister?
How does this make you feel?
What do you guys think of the new Thrawn comic, of which the last issue came out five days ago?
What are some valid criticisms of Bojack Horseman?
Why are female villains always hotter than the female protagonists?
Young Danny Fenton, he was just 14
Fuck James Gunn
Why does Sup Forums hate them so much?
Does Sup Forums like Hawkgirl?
When did Zombie Simpsons officially started for you? Pic related was the last straw for me
Come Up With New Villains For The Flash
Can Doctor Strange beat Voldemort?
Krypton looks pretty good
ITT: create a Marvel or DC team
Anyone feel bad for this guy...
Remember when the Planeteers dressed up as the Flintstones?
Hi, I drew this comic and I am thinking of redrawing the second panel
Why does this show remind me so much of Ed, Edd n Eddy? I can't be the only one who thinks this
DC Comics JUNE 2018 Solicitations
Getting American comics in Europe
The Nazi's in 1940s had Laser Guns and showed it was possible to manufacture enough for a whole army...
What the fuck is this shit
Since people are going to die and get resurrected in Infinity War and Avengers 4 thanks to infinity gem shenanigans...
Wes Jenkins Storytime
Gender equality in cartoons
Cartoon episodes that freaked you out when you were younger
You find the Omnitrix. What do you do?
All about flow
Is CN entering another dark age?
Russia made a Bremen Avenue movie last year. It's surprisingly not terrible, but I don't think an English dub exists
Hawk and Dove
LOEG Vol.4
If Superman’s powers are negated by magic, such that it affects him the way it affects other...
People who should die in Infinity War
Kitchen fight to "Time in a Bottle" in DAYS OF FUTURE PAST
HES A NAZI AND HES MADE OF FUCKING KILLER BEES! Why hasn't Marvel done anything fun with this guy?
Goddamnit butch
Venture Bros
Dumb Crossovers
Iron Man
Which movie is better?
ITT: Autistic Fan-Fic Ideas
So Sup Forums just told me it's a cartoon, but what do you think Sup Forums...
Matt Ryan To Join 'DC's Legends Of Tomorrow' As Series Regular For Season 4
ITT: Best Sup Forums acronyms
Is there anyone that can beat him?
How come every cartoon has Mr Krabs in it?
No white male in the main cast
Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl
One night, Penguin caught a man cheating at cards and tortured him in front of the crowd...
Cheesecake thread!
Those poor little donkey boys. They know what comes next
Archie Andrews will meet Batman '66
How long have you been on Sup Forums? Be honest
X-Men General, also EXiles
Find a flaw
When exactly did Scooby-Doo become terrible? The live action movie? Scrappy?
Why isn't there a Kraven appreciation thread?
Goku can’t beat Superm-
Calls literally every other character on Sup Forums: The Animated Series a dumdum
Bryan Hill to take over from Tynion on Detective Comics in June
What was the last worthwhile American cartoon you watched?
Comics and Cartoons?
Why does this show feel like it wasn't even written by humans?
I need a podcast to listen to at work...
Well well well, look who's coming home at this hour
How does something like this get published? Does DC just not care anymore?
Steven Universe
Could you guys recommend some animated series with a more serious tone...
'Adventure Time: The Ultimate Adventure' Trailer
Bianca is peak cute. Adorable ladylike girls are the best
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
Make a new Lantern Sup Forumsrps
Star vs
If universal peace was somehow achieved using some powerful cosmic artifact and the people are happy, content...
/jt/ - Johnny Test General
Will never get to read a Derrick-tire hero that gets the girl again
Crisis Jung...
Sick of everything being so science fiction oriented. Any good Sup Forums series with more of a fantasy setting?
Chapter 41: Grand Theft America
Why was this the only interesting scene in the entire movie?
Hulk ass!
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
What the fuck was his problem?
Thoughts on it so far?
Would you be okay with Shuri replacing RDJ in the MCU?
What's he looking at Sup Forums?
Thunderbolts General!
Erases all his friends and his waifu to go back to the past to save his royal family when he could have kept his...
Gunnerkrigg Court
Woman power symbol in rugrats comics
Why didn't he just accept that his fight with T'Challa hadn't ended and continued to 1v1 him...
What went wrong?
Why is Peter so cursed bros?
Sonic Mania Plus Encore mode
Sandman Storytime #2
Is this the worst episode of any cartoon ever?
How bummed are you that we will never find out what Snyder meant?
All those years of pirating pornography have come back to bite you as SAXTON HALE owns a majority share in those film...
Devil's Candy
Please Forgive Me!!! 007: Time To Go
Which one, Sup Forums?
It's a Seth wants an Emmy episode
Goth characters thread
Shy Cartoon Characters
What the fuck was his problem?
Infinity War first 20 minutes Leak
Who can give me some examples where cartoons used art style clashes to add to horror elements?
Even Ian Jones-Quartey himself tells people to learn the fundamentals
This is an odd request but there was a thread last year about a Australian or New Zealand cartoon about a rich business...
Do people hate heavy metal? The '81 movie has less than 2 stars on Netflix
Mike Tyson Mysteries
Would you fuck Death?
Wonder woman dump image thread
DC Fall 2018 Catalog
Is this Sup Forums?
How can the MCU even compete with this Cape Movie?
This comic should be called CWC's love quest with sidekick sonichu
Shade, the Changing Man
Just finished watching this show, and man I loved every second of it...
Why did this comic never get popular?
I fucking hate scrappy doo
Fritz The Cat
Do you want a sequel to Who Framed Roger Rabbit? How about a modern reboot?
Chapter 39: Hulk vs Wolverine
How would your OC react to someone close to them revealing they are a homosexual?
Why do so many shows try to be deep by mentioning existentialism/nihilism or a form of those...
Who would be the Todd Howard of Sup Forums?
This is cute
Who was in the wrong here?
Do we know if movie fans even have a clue how important she is if the movies end up remotely close the the comic's key...
Post only the best villains
>he was voiced by steven crowder
Are lesbians acceptable in Sup Forums media as long as they're attractive?
Usagi Yojimbo story time - 3
Sup Forums Meme thread
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Your top 3 Grant Morrison comics?
What's with the artists in the current industry feeling the need to deflect & damage control all criticism on Twitter...
The Hulk bursts trough one of your walls and demands a pair of pants
What is this expression meant to convey?
Getting into comics
Avengers Infinity War
Truly underrated late 2000s cartoon
How do we improve the state of serialized animation in 2018?
Animation Domination General #1: Stewie is the Gays Edition
What's his fucking problem?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Best Joker right now
What are some good comics about revenge?
Should a Dredd tv series be a dark comedy or an action drama?
What's your ideal Suicide Squad roster Sup Forums?
If we get a beach episode, what kind of swimsuit would she wear?
Four different Robins
Is it possible to write female superhero with canonically big milkers in today’s climate and not get accused of sexism?
Why do you still watch cartoons Sup Forums?
Characters With The Least Screen Time In INFINITY WAR To Be At Forefront In AVENGERS 4
Star Vs. Slash Shipping
You all shit on Steven Universe for being shit but I bet you've all taken a fappy to Lappy at least once
Why Is Ahsoka the best character in Clone Wars?
So what the fuck were his “powers” in the first two movies? Was he just a fucking battery?
Kill Six Billion Demons ksbd
This is Sara Pezzini, say something nice about her cause the new character is garbage
Uh oh
Are people honestly upset about this take on the Iron Giant?
Why don’t western comics have fight scenes as good as eastern ones?
Miracleman Thread
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Canon / Fan fiction
Since Mortal Kombat has historically always been Sup Forums, how would Raiden fare as a villain in the main DC universe?
Do you buy this masterpiece,right,Sup Forums?
Thoughts on Love and Rockets? And what's the perfect amount of thickness for Maggie?
Mung Daal?
Groom Lake
Why was he the best member of the group?
Which hero could possibly beat the alien version of Superman?
All these years later and still no Wally/Dick Bro op comic
Revamping Iron Man's World
Lisa is for _______
Thanks Sup Forums. Have a storytime
Sunday Edition of the Chronological Mignolaverse storytime!!
South Park
Sup Forums, where were you when you realized that 1 in 4 children are filthy muties?
Work on your Art!
Sonic Mania Plus got me in the mood for some sonic comics...
Elsa and Anna
Suggest superhero works outside of the big 2
Why didn't Peter keep it? It clearly made him WAY stronger than he always is
Which one?
Ghetto-ass memes
Adventure Time
Stewie Comes Out TONIGHT
Remember that episode of SpongeBob when Mr. Krabs killed a butch of kids?
Who killed Jonas Venture
Animatic clip from the OK K.O. season 1 finale released
Clark arrives on earth
Chapter 39: X4
Do Earth Kingdom women really do this?
Sunday Edition of the Chronological Mignolaverse storytime!!
Learn the difference
You'll be buying the DVD/Blu-Ray and watching this instead of Infinity War, right, guys?
What went wrong?
This week, just one new Marvel ongoing with a shitty writer and an average artist is announced...
Are you a Hank, a Dale, a Boomhauer, or god forbid a Bill?
Jessica Cruz the perfect example?
Who was in the wrong here?
Which one, Sup Forums?
Is nice and supporting
Is there any cartoon currently worth watching right now? All the current fare seems like bland, overly saturated...
Was Brie Larson the right choice for Carol?
Beasts of Burden - storytime part 2
List of failed Sup Forums projects
Who’s the best at drawing women, and why is it Tyler Kirkham?
ITT: Post villains that are more heroic than their hero
See kids, guns- I mean skeleton remotes are bad!
Thanos, I’ve come to bargain
The biggest breasts in DC Rebirth?
Recipe for a 2010's cartoon:
Will DC ever recover from the shitfest that was Suicide Squad?
Will DuckTales 2017 ever air on Disney Junior...
What can we expect from Bendis Superman run?
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Cartoon Idea Thread
Why is Mr. Incredible such an evil prick? He literally murders the villain as he's trying to run away...
You should be able to solve this
Obscure Husbandos
KRYPTON (Syfy) Sneak Peek #1 "House of Zod" - Superman prequel series
Still the greatest?
Hey guys remember me!!
Hey guess what?
Homer looks different some how. Did he get a haircut or something?
Replacing Lisa with Janey
So after going through the work history of pic related and other Jap studios in the 80s and 90s...
>Lets split up Gang!
Would you a Karla?
Not everyone can become a great artist
Is there any villain who had more wasted potential than this...
Star Vs. Dead Memes
Toonami General #8
Loud house
If the Outliers are the X-Men of Transformers then who are the Avengers of Transformers?
ITT: Underrated comic runs that need a storytime on Sup Forums
He was an imposter the whole time
Toonami General #7
How did they get away with that line
Dude Butt Cheeks, Crap, and Cutesy Names! XD
Be me
Lets make a waifu
Toonami General #6
This character is the biggest waste of potential I've seen in an animated show
DUDE, what would happen if I made a Sup Forums thread about CNreal?
At Ace Chemicals
Whats a good cartoon or comic about spiders?
Toonami General #5
What cartoons have frog characters?
Dude Hercules is the best Superman movie ever xDDDD!!!
Storytime: Bonehead #3
When Big Larry came just to put him down
Costume thread
Aren't you tired of this trope where the blatant jerkass antagonist dominating screentime is not the big bad and it is...
Toonami General #4
Why did the police use computers, when this was set in the 1920's ?
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of pic related?
Is it true that people draw anthro cartoons/webcomic because it's just more fun than human form cartoons/webcomic?
Is Thanos a good dad?
Toonami General #3
Did you ever notice that none of them show their eyes?
Rick and morty is a good show, it's just the fanbase that's bad
Can we all agree that this is absolutely the worst Marvel movie?
Toonami General #1
Is Carmen Sandiego even a real criminal? Like, what crimes has she actually committed...
Why is cartoon violence against women considered taboo but cartoon violence against animals like ducks and cayotes...
What are your favorite Sup Forums portrayals of our greatest president?
MOOOOOOODSSS! Phineas and Ferb are on Sup Forums!
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Worst thing Peggy/other character has done in KOTH
Hyper Girls Thread
So, everyone who was a fan of this version of him was not actually a fan of Spider-Man comics, right...
Two-Face - A Celebration of 75 Years Storytime part 2
Static X Frieda thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...