ITT: Autistic Fan-Fic Ideas

I've had this one since I was a kid; for whatever reason. Anyway, the gist of it is that instead of sticking to muggers and rapists, Frank starts getting information from an anonymous source, which has dirt on high up people. Politicians, international drug dealers, actors and actresses, all that jazz. And when I say "dirt", I mean tapes of them taking part in snuff films, CP, whatever shit you can think of that gets posted on Sup Forums & /x/ all the time. So, Frank just starts travelling around the globe and dropping CEOs, famous lawyers, celebs, whatever. And after each kill, the reason why, the evidence, is broadcasted on those big NYC screens and is leaked on the internet and News Stations worldwide.The whole world is in disarray, but Frank's contact always has escape routes set for him, high-tech equipment that allows him to slip out of whatever team is hunting him, everything is planned out. On the background, you can see the scraps of those companies being picked up after the scandals. At some point it's revealed that his source is Tony Stark. The logic behind it is that he gets the info from the circles he frequents, by planting bugs and whatnot, then sends it to Frank, who destroys the competition, then Stark picks up the pieces of those broken companies, and grows his Empire. He starts buying News-Stations, Channels, whatever, everything to push his agenda of the "future" as he sees it fit; namely preserving everything and not allowing the power-hungry tech-corps to lead the world into an industrialized, singular entity based on blatant consumerism.

So, uh, r8? Maybe share yours?

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I've come up with a few ideas regarding Killer Moth and Giganta that surprisingly got good feedback on here. Had an inkling to write full stories regarding both for a while now

I just want universe where it take in ww2 marvel.

Bump, I guess. Come on, I thought it was a good idea...

Going off this, I always was curious what it would be like if Cap never went under and was there at the end of the war. What would he be doing in the immediate post war years?

I like it as a Alt-Universr story

Comics/DCAU-wise, I've always liked the idea of having one of the non-powered heroes on the Justice League be convinced by Lex Luthor to be a mole for him. Lex gives 'em the ol' speech about how Superman can't be trusted, blah blah etc. and because he's a level 12 intelligence or whatever he convinces them to switch sides.

Like, take this scene:
But instead of beating him up, Luthor just talks Question down and changes his mind. That's how Luthor should be written IMO, he never gets physical. He can out-talk and out-smart anybody, so he should do that. Question is more likely to be convinced I think, because he's seen the alt-universe clips so he knows that Superman can and will cross lines thought unthinkable.

So then the next bit would be the mole secretly undermining the JL's actions, fostering discontent between the B and C list heroes and the A list ones, and leaking info to Luthor and his injustice league/secret society thing.

Maybe even add a love triangle with a villainess making moves on him and he gets torn between her and Huntress. Cheating and moral angst happens, pushing him further down the villain path.

Eventually, he gets found out and there's this big fight at the watchtower when Question disables it's defenses to allow the secret society to storm it. I like the idea of him dying in the fight, unrepentant to the end. idk. Maybe Huntress shoots him lol.

It's pretty autistic I know, but I love fallen hero stories, secret love stories, and villains who make a good point but go too far.
So that's my autism, anyways.

I like it, but I feel it'd work better with someone like Moon Knight, since he'd take pleasure in dealing the pain.

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My Warhammer/ASOIAF crossover

Fighting commies, obviously. If Cap didn't go under, and neither did Bucky, there would be no Winter Soldier to fight either. He might be doing black ops in East Germany, or nazi hunting in Argentina.