This was really do people like it? Serious question, what even are you people? The animated version was better and so was the book.
This was really do people like it? Serious question, what even are you people...
I prefer the 94 live action version with Cary Elwes, but I can never find a dvd copy
>Use it to kill your enemy
>What is "enemy"?
>Someone you hate
>....What is "hate?"
Hey there Nostalgia Critic.
The only reason anyone watched it was to see a little boy in a loincloth.
Only possible good thing that could ever come from this hunk of shit is female ka vore
It must have been really uncomfortable having to be filmed in front of a green screen wearing a diaper while a bunch of adults watched you.
If that's the worst thing this kid has to do in Hollywood he should count himself lucky
Thread was worth for the payoff of this joke
It wasn't completely irredeemable but I wasn't a fan. The problem with most of the live-action remakes is that they exist in this awkward middle ground where they want to nostalgia pander but also make a bunch of arbitrary changes to be "different". So you have the shoehorned old Disney songs, but you also have the Mowgli staying in the jungle ending (when Mowgli going to the village is one of the most iconic scenes in the animated film).
Can you even do the original ending in the current year? The message was "you belong with your own people", imagine the outrage that would get today.