What's the Sup Forumsnsensus about this cartoon?

What's the Sup Forumsnsensus about this cartoon?
Hard mode: don't mention the shit-tier AfterEffects puppet "animating"

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Even as a liberal I found it pretty boring. I enjoyed the first episode simply because the caricatures were funny, but it doesn't have anything past that. The primary problem is that it doesn't know what it wants to be. It's too embroiled in hot button politics to just be an animated sitcom, but it also really pulls its punches when it comes to tackling the political satire. The middle-of-the-road approach really just ends up making it boring.

It's pretty funny. Especially after the newest scandal that comes out.

I think the biggest problem is that it's less crazy than the actual thing.

Nightmare mode: No discussion of politics.

That doesn't round it down any.

I'm a far-right extremist and even I have to admit the Fred Trump origin story made me chuckle, everything else is boring. I'm surprised about how restrained and mild it is, even the Zombie Simpsons Trump parodies are more unhinged.

Some of the character models are actually pretty nice, even Mike Pence, which makes it obvious that the animators are only butthurt about Trump because his is the ugliest model. That itself gives me no reason to watch it, intentionally botching the main character is puerile. They can make him look like himself and people will still be able to figure out that he's unattractive because people don't need to be spoonfed the joke(in spite of what every modern political satirist would have you believe). If they can be seen as shitting the bed with just one picture, I can't see any reason to think that the writing is worth a chance.

I was too burned out on hearing about Trump that I haven't bothered. It's possible that I might have liked it, even if it's not my usual cup of tea, but just thinking about watching somehow makes me mentally exhausted.

>don't mention the shit-tier AfterEffects puppet "animating"
>don't mention the most important part of a cartoon
You got me there, I didn't watch enough of it after seeing that to have any complaints

Exactly this. I don’t find political jokes cathartic anymore, just fucking exhausting.

>don't talk about animation
>on Sup Forums
>because I said so

It's this attitude that's killing the medium.

Imagine getting to the end of your day, sitting down for the 1 or 2 hours you have for entertainment and relaxation before you have to go to sleep for work the next morning, and thinking, "You know what, I think I'd like to hear some more about Donald Trump."

Same, it's not as funny if everyone does it.

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I was honestly suprised by how good this show is. Although I find it a little hyprocritical how every 'news' show gets lampooned but the Daily Show.

I expected it to be an embarassing disaster but it turned out to be okay. Not good, but okay. There's some stuff I like. Trump's kids are great and so's Pence's wife. But still overall not good enough for me to ever watch another episode.

probably because there's nothing they can say about it that they also aren't guilty of

this is why shakespeare put light-hearted puns in triple-murder tragedies
gotta spice it up with something different otherwise no matter how serious the situation, people will get bored or aggravated with monotony

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He's the current president.pretty sure that if Colbert was around in the 1990s,every episode would have mentionned Clinton blowjob or Bush Sr. vomiting on the japanese prime minister in the 1980s

ur like 50% smart
like u sed something observant but also ignroent in the same time


but they just use bots now no need to worry about colbeirs career
most people moved to lettermans and macdonelds shows

Finally! A show that sticks it to the Republicans. I'm tired of those guys always getting a pass.

Oh boy, I sure remember how Colbert ripped Obama a new hole every night for 3 years.
No bias at all

>don't mention the shit-tier AfterEffects puppet "animating"
Thanks for convincing me that this show isnt worth watching.

It's pathetic and only throws softballs to republicans.
Colbert just pretends to be a liberal for the sake of money, it doesn't feel genuine.

this looks a forced comedy

Obama didn't do anything. Trump pulls a Scandal that would dominate new cycles for months, every single day.

Obama was a boring president and hide his closet skeletons.
Is that a copypasta ?

>didnt do anything
I'm not going to go that far.Obama,like every president ever did his dirty business behind closed doors.I dont doubt he have skeletons in his closet like every politicians ever but that is a debate for Sup Forums not Sup Forums

>Obama didn't do anything

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Not true, Obama got Osama

will they make an episode about that wall to beat the shit out of spics?

id like to see it and am curious how they blanket the racist undertone

This, its tamer than real life so what's the point in watching it to see watered down, limp attempts at aping the actual shitstorm?

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See,told you so

Confirmed for shit

Nobody in Americas care about drones. Drone strikes are up under Trump, but the slim reporting hot buried by everything else.

I wouldn't expect it to be funny, but those designs are spot on caricatures.