Have we gone too far as a species?
Have we gone too far as a species?
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We already went too far when we decided to start wearing shoes
That is just depressing
Youre missing the real gut punch
I wish we never colonized this continent sometimes
Least coast on that bullshit, what else is new?
but it doesn't represent replanted trees. Just old growth that's eventually been cut down
>I wish humanity never progressed sometimes
t. retard
Those maps are bullshit.
I can't throw an egg off my porch without hitting a tree. America is still very forested. Especially the state of Maine. 90% of Maine is covered in trees. Even the state of New York, a very developed state, has 63% coverage of almost 19 million acres of forests.
Because current anerica is such a good example of how progression only leads to something better instead of actually regressing society, right?
You are fucking retarded.
There may have been a few places where we went to far
maybe Thanos has a point...
Literally yes. What other time or place would you want to be born in, you ungrateful virgin?
>t. american conservative
Do you know what virgin forest mean?
we've went far with shadman
Japan. The US is a shithole.
>The virgin forest
>The chad developed land
I would ask who these people are but I've now seen them enough randomly on this godforsaken place that I've grown to accept they simply exist.
also after effects must be very cheap now.
>Have we gone too far as a species
No one has made "the nutshack but every nutshack is replaced with a different steamed hams" yet. After that then we can finally say that it's a good time ti end the internet.
Livin with a corrupt gov that keeps fucking us over and having to deal with most of my generation being social justice estrogen children is the worst hell imaginable, go fuck yourself for implying i should be grateful for living in the worst time in american history besides maybe the great depression or civil war.
>wanting to be born in the xenophobic island nation with social and work problems so bad that the suicide rate is incrediably high and the government is basically in the pocket of organized crime
The anime is cool though
It means a faggot like you can act like an entire continent has been stripped of trees when that can't be further from the truth.
Underrated virgin/chad post
Wow. I mean it, just wow.
You clearly know nothing about Japan other then anime and video games.
Yeah, and all that is better than having to deal with "White Guilt: The Nation". Americans have cringy race relationships with everyone, almost as bad as Sweden and England.
Better food, better women, better entartaiment. Japan is superior, baka.
>Do you know what virgin forest mean?
A virgin forest means no one has ever logged or cut trees there.
This does not mean that every tree in a virgin forest has been cut and replanted. It means that in that particular forest, some logging has taken place. How much or how little is not shown on the map. This means that if a virgin forest has had just one tree cut, it is no longer a virgin forest.
How could you live without this?
Truly, it amazes me how can you hate such a thing.
That Gorillaz one is amazing.
>How dare we turn our country into livable, pleasant, profitable land that provides food and capital to our people.
Hippies, leave.
I wonder why
>better women
Than America?
I'm sorry to say, but, that's a very low bar and it wouldn't take much for women to be better than the fat sows in America, considering how much of this nation is obese.
Often this has been done on purpose to PRESERVE these forests.
Do some coppicing to remove dead trees and encourage growth? No longer virgin forest.
Make firewalls to prevent the whole thing from going up in flames? No longer virgin forest.
People who have no idea about how land is managed don't have any place talking about it because you get idiots who run on 'IT MAKES ME SAAAAAAAAAD' who then convince politicians to put in place ridiciulous policies that actively DAMAGE THE LAND.
Fuck you, yes, I mad.
>We need to follow American progressiveness but we don't have brown people!
t. Blair.
>Japanese work hours.png
Be honest tho you'd be eaten alive in the education system before you even got a job.
You won it with all star.
>Better food
Irreverent, anything you can get there you can get here if you know where to look.
>better women
They aren't really like your JAV models. Even then odds of you having sex are low because of the way Japan is right now.
>better entartaiment
That you cal also get here. Also, I think you meant to say "entertainment".
In the end, you're just a weeb who knows nothing about how Japan really is.
>They aren't really like your JAV models. Even then odds of you having sex are low because of the way Japan is right now.
Which is still an improvement over the women here.
>60 hour work week
>oppressive academic and business culture
>highest suicide rate in the world
>low test
Weeb pls kys
>a zero percent change is still an improvement
Yup a confirmed retard you are who thinks the grass is always greener on the other side.
So what about replanted trees? Or hell just other trees in general?
These both are just bait to get people to feel sad about Humanity's progress
If you wish you weren't apart of the Human Race fucking kill yourself. Its better then being a waste of space and maybe your corpse can be fertilizer for the Billions of Trees in the US alone
Humanity is the greatest and dont you fuckers forget it
>zero percent change
3.5% obesity rate in Japan, and a 30% obesity rate in America. That is a quantifiable difference.
When comparing population numbers, that still gives the US way more hot women user.
>the glass is half empty
Don't bother he's just looking for a reason to be angsty.
According to the WHO, 70% of America is overweight including obese.
>Don't bother he's just looking for a reason to be angsty.
Not at all. I don't mind living in America at all, I like it here and would prefer to live here than probably anywhere else. With that said, it would be insane to think America is the best at everything, particularly, in comparison to other first world nations. This means that there are parts about America that are objectively worse than others.
Sorry, that number is around 74.1%, not 70%.
But that means that proportionately they're lower, so you will have a less chance of running into them than in Japan; also population density; unless you live in a major city, you're unlikely to meet them in the US while Japan is much more dense.
So you've given up on the Japan scenario after being called out and are now shifting to a more general stance on "other first world nations". Good to know you're still delusional.
Anything is better than American women. Jesus fuck.
This doesn't even take into account the constant natural disasters.
That's not me. I'm still saying that Japan is better, baka.
At least I don't have to deal with stupid amerilards there.
Yeah, cause we totally pulled a Haiti, and made the country an unlivable shithole, right? It's not like we don't plant new trees constantly.
Wait what qualifies as a virgin forest?
Cause Texas is cleaned out despite me knowing they for sure have nature preserves and national forests.
How many acres of virgin forest do you think are left in Japan today?
Japanese work life is mental torture m8, they will shame you for working only 40 hours despite getting twice as much shit done as the guy working 120 hours.
>So you've given up on the Japan scenario
I'm someone else. I'm telling you that other nations are better in other fields than the United States because that's factually accurate.
Nice Sup Forums thread.
If that article's over 6 months old you only get to post half of it.
In a year you won't get to post any, they'll all be in jail or running from their mob friends.
Is this a "let's bully the americans again" thread?
You're someone else twice? It's not even a fair comparison because most countries you'll compare have more racial hegemony than the US and thus more social cohesion resulting in the production of more "capital" in multiple fields. Also this is a dumb thread.
We deserve it, fuck this country, my entire generation are mostly safe space leftist cucks like
I thought this was a Steamed Hams thread, not an "idiots calling idiots idiots" thread.
>destroying the environent is okay for profit and to feed my starving children who will grow up to be rapists and murders just like me
Africans leave
>Even then odds of you having sex are low because of the way Japan is right now.
Fuck how, people need sex its ingrained in our biology
The women are hotter their and im sure its not 0% their where here women accuse you of rape for looking at them, you fuckingg amerifat retad
>You're someone else twice?
No, user, one of those people is the person saying japan is better (not me), and the other is not.
I think you need to fucking kill yourself for being proud of our race full of psychopaths and simpletons
>false rape accusations don't happen in Japan
That's just facet of modern women today. In fact it's even worst in Japan because their legal system operates on a "guilty til proven innocent" clause.
>Fuck how, people need sex its ingrained in our biology
There are factors, but the fact is that there are government programs in Japan that are practically begging young people to have more sex. The birth rate is dropping faster than the quality of Bleach.
I hate this meme but this is amazing
>people have sex ingrained into their biology
>rape is somehow a bad thing
I fuckin' LOVE modernity!
Roughly: 155.5 million women in America
64.77 million women in Japan.
68.5% of Japanese women are of a normal BMI.
Not underweight or overweight. Just normal BMI.
So about 43.5 million women are normal.
Compared to America:
The percentage that are of normal bmi is 23.6%
Meaning 35.7 million women are in fact, normal BMI. Not underweight or overweight. Normal.
Japan has more normal BMI women than America. Not proportionally. Just raw numbers. And that's a nation with roughly half the population of the united states.
So even then - You are wrong.
>Turning wasteland, moorland and forest to sustainable agricultural land and pasture is destroying the environment.
Nigger, get the fuck out.
t.'New European'.
Killing wildlife to feed our starving stupid population is killing the enviroment
Jap women dont cry rape and misogyny at every turn like amerifat women
>hoping for an comfy steamed hams thread
>it turns into another Sup Forums thread
Fuck this board
>I can't get sex and I blame society for it
....You know what, you're right, please move to japan already. That or go kill yourself, whatever gets you off this continent faster.
>I can't get sex and I blame society for it
The fuck are you talking about, user?
Why the fuck shouldn't I be proud of Humanity? Cause some people are assholes, morons, or both? Fuck that shit I'll love each and every Human because we are the fucking KINGS of this planet and in the next hundred years we'll probably spread across the Stars
When that time comes People like you can stay to cry about some trees from decades ago like the little Human hating faggots you are
Nevada grew tree's. That's amazing.
We invented spaceships, the internet, ice cream, and beds. I'm allowed to be proud in my species and it's autism
You are worthless scum glorifying the maggot race full of degenerate cultures and toxic beliefs. You should have your head caved in for praising this awful species instead if trying to improve upon it through eugenics or other genetic modifcation technology
Hes right though you mongoloid, women are so prudish these days they hate the thought of having sex with men.
The spaceships can get us to bum fuck no where and the internet is awful. Fuck this planet and fuck the human race
The worst part is I didn't even fucking say that. Just that American women aren't the best, and there's probably countries with better women.
No they don't go to a fucking bar and actually try or stop being a whiny shit about it. You just need to know how to not make an ass of yourself and take care of your looks a bit, how hard is that?
>degenerate cultures and toxic beliefs
You sound like a SJW to me, Sup Forumsfriend
Are you blind? They go to the bar with their friends and cry harassment when a guy flirts with them. They want nothing to do with men for the most part now.
So its okay to let SJWs get away with raping the foundations of socety, and we shouldnt say anything or we will come off as an SJW? This image is tailored just for you user.
>Jap women would never hurt me the same way those mean women would!
Keep fooling yourself.
>it's degenerate because i don't like it
I love it when a thread gets derailed by a single post.
Don't bother he's a virgin with rage. No point in talking to him.
tyrone is still a thing?
Yeah, guy still gets money from this stuff.