Replacing Lisa with Janey

>replacing Lisa with Janey

Seems like an upgrade to me.

Attached: The.Simpsons.S29E01.The.Serfsons.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DD+5.1.H.264-SiGMA.mkv_snapshot_14.55_[2018.03.17 (1920x1080, 1.61M)

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What fanart is this?

Replacing Lisa with anything would be an upgrade.

Replacing the Simpsons with literally anything else seems like an upgrade to me

I wish I could replace my life.


Actually doing something with her? They must be getting desperate.

>Lisa being replaced.
We are not that lucky.
>Lisa being replaced with Hans Moleman.
Like a godsend miracle.

Is it just me or is the perspective on this all kinds of whack?

Take a peasant, leave a peasant.

Cowabunga dudes

Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 9K)