>Iron Man
>Iron Man 2
>Iron Man 3
>Iron Man and the Avengers
>Iron Man: Age of Ultron
>Iron Man: Civil War
>Iron Man: Homecoming
>Iron Man: Infinity War
Why does he print money?
>Iron Man
>Iron Man 2
>Iron Man 3
>Iron Man and the Avengers
>Iron Man: Age of Ultron
>Iron Man: Civil War
>Iron Man: Homecoming
>Iron Man: Infinity War
Why does he print money?
People identify with and are attracted to invincible, narcissistic millionaire sociopaths.
> IM- a great comic book movie
> IM2- sequel so they usually make more
> Avengers- one of the biggest movie events ever
> IM3- piggy backed on the Avengers hype
> Avengers 2- another avengers movie
- CW- another avengers movie
- HC- a spider-man movie
- IW- another avengers movie
he started off the universe and then he just got really really really really fucking lucky to the point people associated "billion" with him... despite his lucky as hell circumstances.
Soon, you can say the same thing about Chadwick
- CW- billion
- BP- billion
- IW- billion
- Av4- billion
- BP2- billion
- Av5- billion
Is this why Amerifats voted for Drumpf?
>le Avengers is Iron Man 3
It was pretty balanced between the whole team honestly. I have no idea where this complaint comes from.
for fuck's sake he was in Homecoming for 5 minutes stop whining
The whole
>Hur dur Iron Man is in the movie, therefore he's the headliner
It's just your standard garden variety Internet reductio ad absurdum.
>Movie starts off with a shot of his tower
>Villain is motivated by Stark fucking over
>Peter spends the entire movie going “muh Stark!”
>Iron Man intervenes two times to save the day
>Climax centers around Peter stopping the villain from stealing Stark’s stuff
>Stark gets the girl at the end
It was an Iron Man movie guest starring Spider Man.
Oh look r/Marvelstudios is here