How come the main baddies were just sheep and ram?

How come the main baddies were just sheep and ram?
Are the rest of them scumbags too?

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A Bellwether is the leading sheep of a flock. In this movie, she has her own flock who are also all sheep.

A bellwether is also usually a castrated ram, so let that fuel your fanfiction.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 50K)

Animal stereotypes kind of fit into most of the characters. Nick was sly (whether he wanted to be or not), Mayor Lionheart was proud, all the sloths were slow...

It just fits that the sheep are followers.
prey in general was supposed to be the main bad guy.

Because they have white fur.
It's all a metaphor you see. Predators are blacks. The sheep are whites (literally white in this case too) that make drugs that cause the predators to be violent in order to pass laws to keep them down.
It's literally the plot of Boyz n the Hood.

inb4 some autist incapable of understanding metaphor says it's actually just about animals

They spend an entire movie showing how different the animals are then when Judy suggests that these differences might extend to crime they treat her like a pariah. Stupid movie.

>wolves are biologically programmed to howl
>sloths are biologically programmed to be slow
>dude wtf biology doesn't make anyone do anything!

Judy was going off of what the badger Lionheart was talking to said based on the tests they were running to establish why the victims were going savage. The badger says they may have to consider their biology and Lionheart turns furious at possibly mentioning that to the public. Judy says he's just trying to protect his image, which he does say in his outburst as he doesn't want to be ruined as mayor. Judy suggests that being traditionally predators is a key going off of what she heard in the holding cells.

The early drafts had this conspiracy theorist Badger character who had charted out how Sheep control the world.

Attached: The_Sheep_Conspiracy.png (514x797, 652K)

>implying it's not the (((sheep)))
They killed the Lamb of God, remember?