Reminder that those amazing parents let their daughter spend all her time in a dictatorship with the villain that gave...

Reminder that those amazing parents let their daughter spend all her time in a dictatorship with the villain that gave their son to demons to be assraped.

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Doom is a great parent and leader.

>tfw Franklin and Valeria will never be allowed to grow up
>tfw Val will never inherit Latveria from Doom and become a morally ambiguous super-powered ruler who occasionally makes Reed and Sue worry about her intentions

>gave their son to demons to be assraped.

How come Franklin never retaliated agaisn't him or call his family out on this? Cosmic Awareness?

BASED Richards are not raising soyboys and soygirls.

It's because of Hickman.

Hickman pretended that Doom was an amazing guy that has never, ever done anything wrong. Readers pretended that Dr. Doom didn't exist before Hickman.

in bryne's run doom is exactly that

Byrne is a pedophile autist. He would obviously see Doom as a well-meaning., heroic man.

What is Hickman's excuse?

Than the Reed daughter being raised by Doom was claremont idea?

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Claremont's idea is that Valeria is a stillborn that Franklin brought back to life.