What's your ideal Suicide Squad roster Sup Forums?

What's your ideal Suicide Squad roster Sup Forums?

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A mix of the old core squad with the new core squad.

king shark

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Fuck off.

I dropped the comic around the time Harley got put in charge of the squad.

Did it get any better or is it still a mediocre pile of synergy for the most pointless DCEU movie?

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any team without Bronze Tiger is invalid

Captain Boomerang
2-3 regulars
2-5 expendables

A team without Harley

It is still a mediocre pile of synergy.

Boomer, Deadshot, Clock King, Killer Frost, Rick Flagg, and Count Vertigo would be my ideal picks.

Its pretty good not amazing or touching early ostrander squad quality but good enough
I liked the Si spurrier filler arc

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I find it funny how this core group has managed to stay together for soooo long on the suicide squad
The previous arc about them being vets was probably the best issues of the comic

THICC and intelligent. Lots of modern stories like to have someone out-plot Waller for cheap stakes, but it doesn't work unless you have a good chunk of stories of her Machavelling the fuck out of everyone before she's one-upped.

>Deadshot and Harley
I still maintain that this stupid couple can work, but only if DC are ever willing to give Floyd a moment of character (and a decent fucking costume) anywhere, ever. I think he smoked a cigarette and spoke to a kid in a warzone somewhere in Ryan's run, and that's the most reflection he's done since Secret Six.

Harley, too, needs to be more to DC than just a meme Deadpool. Pretty sure now that the Gray/Palmiotti bubble has burst we could move to that. Harley and Deadshot because she's animated and overly-attached and he's distant and cold. He's also repressed and she's a therapist, so there's a lot to mine in their interactions.

Probably the most essential SS character after Waller, desu. The greatest sin of the movie is that it actually made Jai Courteney work, but totally wasted him.

It'd be cool to have another Rogue on the team. Maybe Mirror Master? I always liked him.

>Clock King
His appearance in OP's episode made for great timing-based tension, and it was great watching him tear his hair out when the Skwad fucks up.

Failing that, The Riddler would make a great addition.

Sweet costume design and built-in cannonfodder.

>Green Arrow/Red Arrow
Because it's fun when a hero is shanghai'd onto the team, and I'm still salty we never got that Supermax movie.

If Roy's on, I want Cheshire too.

>Gentleman Ghost
Cause he's fun.

and also a BIG, high-level villain. Someone who eclipses everyone else on the team and it's almost embarrassing for them to be locked up and shackled by Waller. Someone like Superboy Prime or Black Adam.

Now just a list of DC Villains I want to see dead:

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>Gentleman Ghost
How the fuck would Waller contain him or even control him?

She's paying Constantine as an occult/manipulation consultant.

Which tangentially reminds me: The Suicide Squad character I most want to see again is Vic Sage from Ryan's run, because the whole thing was building to him going Assange, and it never happened. Where's The Question, DC???

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Motherfuckin Clock King. I forgot he was there.

I have no idea how that would work, but it is possible in the Heroclix game.

Me too. I actually though Spurrier was the new writer, so imagine my disappointment when Williams was back for the following arc.

has there ever been a squad that all members want to die for one reason or another?

>(and a decent fucking costume)
Floyd has a good costume in the picture you posted.

Closest I can think of is the Doom Patrol/Suicide Squad special from the original Ostrander run. Almost a total TPK, only Rick Flagg makes it out alive in the end.

The picture I posted is from 1987. Show me a good Deadshot costume from this millenium.

Joker, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Harley Quinn, Amazo

Yeah, you got me there. I have no idea why they decided to give him that awful Dead Space-esque armor suit.

I'd like to bring back young, fit/sexy Amanda Waller as the Wall's niece trying to follow in her aunt's footsteps but ending up being more of a Flagg character because she's a solid field operative but not much for the big picture stuff. It would be nice to give the Wall a character she's got genuine emotional attachment to mixing things up.

So, a Fury/Fury Jr. situation?

So bring back Havana from Giffen's Suicide Squad run?

Jewlee and Punch
Bronze Tiger
Captain Boomerang

Kind of, though without shuttling out the original Fury.

I think you could have an interesting story there. Particularly how the squad might react if they find out she's the Wall's niece (assuming they don't know right away) Do some of them try to use her as a hostage, do they look out for her as a way to get in the boss' good graces, or do they do their best to stay out of it because they don't need to deal with more shit.

Something without Harley Quinn.

His classic costume is serviceable but it's not that good. Honestly the film costume would a good starting place for a revamp.

I wouldn't use someone actually related to her but instead someone with a similar personal history, and you get the feeling that on some level Amanda is projecting onto her.

I liked the skull motif on his mask in the Banana Splits crossover.

But being a villain with a skull motif is like being a hero with a cape, I'm sure something better can be done.

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Any group with Deadshot, Harley Quinn and Capt. Boomerang

>Gentleman Ghost
>Doctor Phosphorus

No real rhyme or reason, just villains that I really like.

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Is that fucking clock king? What other BTAS characters showed up in JL?

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Not many, there was a bat embargo for the show because of The Batman cartoon.

Clock King
Poison ivy for a bit in an alternate universe

Fuck that fucking movie

a squad that's sent on actual suicide missions and loses people left and right so it never has a set roster

>Not many, there was a bat embargo for the show because of The Batman cartoon.
This is fucking retarded, what was the point of this? Did they actually think kids would be so retarded to get them mixed up?

kids are pretty stupid, almost as dumb as tv executives

Never thought about it. No Harley, or have her to coax in her fans and kill her off immediately.

black manta, lex luthor, professor zoom, and the joker
each story is about them failing their plans through incompetence, greed, or selfishness because they can't stop themselves from trying to fuck with their arch nemesises in the process
>TL;DR IASIP but with autistic supervillians

The Bat Embargo was just one of the myriad limitations put on JL and the other DCAU shows. Just off the top of my head, there was an embargo on Wonder Woman for a longass time due to some esoteric contractual right that meant she had to be the lead character in whatever show she appears in (which lead to her intended debut episode in STAS being scrapped and her being replaced by Big Barda in the Batman Beyond Justice League) and Wondergirl not appearing at all (which was also a factor in Donna Troy not being a member of the Teen Titans and Cassie not appearing in Young Justice until season 2). They were also trying to pitch an Aquaman TV show around the same time JLU was airing, which lead to Aquaman just kinda disappearing midway through the Cadmus arc and a planned appearance by Black Manta during the Legion of Doom arc being scrapped and him being replaced by Devil Ray.

Boomerang, Deadshot, Manhunter, Glob, Count Vertigo and the Parasite.