Post the biggest and most plump mutant girl in the Marvel universe, bonus points if it's this version in pic related
Big Bertha thread
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I like that this artist actually knew hiw to draw fat people.
GLA V3 when?
You would do this when I left my laptop at home.
Giving you a bump and we'll see where this thread is in an hour.
I know a lot of people bitched about the direction they took Barda in the recent GLA series. However, I was willing to forgive all of that because they also, finally, committed to making her not-hideous. I mean, fuck, she's cute as hell in the new series, even at maximum size. I didn't even mind the Tumblr haircut, since it's a nice update of her old short hairdo.
*Bertha, not Barda. I got my large women mixed up.
why can't Black Cat have this physique?
I wasn't a big fan of the tumblr talk, but I thought it was consistent. She felt like a hypocrite, hated people judging her for her bulk when her bulk was more useful, became a plus size model and stayed fat all the time.
Why is there absolutely no good porn of her?
Ah big wan.
Magharu magharu faaakin hel bawst, is ehy woomans or ah Khanzeer?
Bertha would be the perfect GF for a dude with a fat fetish who is afraid to make it public. Model waifu in public, and in the bedroom...