Big Bertha thread

Post the biggest and most plump mutant girl in the Marvel universe, bonus points if it's this version in pic related

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I like that this artist actually knew hiw to draw fat people.

GLA V3 when?

You would do this when I left my laptop at home.

Giving you a bump and we'll see where this thread is in an hour.

I know a lot of people bitched about the direction they took Barda in the recent GLA series. However, I was willing to forgive all of that because they also, finally, committed to making her not-hideous. I mean, fuck, she's cute as hell in the new series, even at maximum size. I didn't even mind the Tumblr haircut, since it's a nice update of her old short hairdo.

Attached: gla1berthaenters.jpg (1011x556, 125K)

*Bertha, not Barda. I got my large women mixed up.

why can't Black Cat have this physique?

I wasn't a big fan of the tumblr talk, but I thought it was consistent. She felt like a hypocrite, hated people judging her for her bulk when her bulk was more useful, became a plus size model and stayed fat all the time.

Why is there absolutely no good porn of her?

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Ah big wan.

Magharu magharu faaakin hel bawst, is ehy woomans or ah Khanzeer?

Attached: sketch1521653166324.png (1080x1920, 541K)

Bertha would be the perfect GF for a dude with a fat fetish who is afraid to make it public. Model waifu in public, and in the bedroom...