Left or right?

left or right?

Attached: honey_lemon_by_caligrl7072-d7yu10b.jpg (1024x1573, 235K)

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Right, Left was pretty bad.

Why not both?

Left had a better design and personality but left was in a better story.

>Better design
>Wasn't just there so the plot could have more bodies

As much as I love Sticc Honey, Stacked Honey has more to offer.

Attached: big_hero_6_concept__honey_lemon_by_pixel_saurus-d55eol7.jpg (950x731, 318K)

Right, but she could definitely use Left's figure. So I guess fusion.

Why choose when you can fuse.

Attached: tumblr_o5cx66gzJ41u3wjito1_1280.jpg (1280x1811, 133K)

Attached: tumblr_nwxuj6XVmn1ud7shao1_1280.png (400x872, 461K)

probably right. I have a thing for preppy girls