ITT: Things you watched/read because your dick told you to
ITT: Things you watched/read because your dick told you to
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Would've watched it anyway, but I'm pretty sure Mavis got me into the theater faster.
I feel like I would have been more interested in this if it took place in Moscow.
The shota doesn't get enough attention. Eyebrow scars are top-tier
The movie wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.
russian girls come in part two
>MC becomes a ballerina in less than a week despite having little muscle training
>All the other girls are cool with losing out on a prestigious opportunity to be in the play to some newcomer who shouldn't have been there in the first place
I've come to realize that I'll get into pretty much anything that promises me gay joker and Batman.
I've always thought that Russian Ballet presented an interesting dichotomy.
Russia has historically been known as a rough and even backwards country, but then they produced Ballet that even the Parisians at the height of their snobbishness admitted was good.
Threatening violence works wonders
In reality they would have blinded her.
Monsters vs Aliens. I’m sorry I don’t have the obligatory webm.