Fritz The Cat

>Fritz The Cat
>Killed off by R. Crumb because of his portrayal in Bakshi's movie adaptation

>Pepe The Frog
>Killed off by Matt Furie because of his portrayal by the Alt-Right and Trump supporters

Are there any other Sup Forums characters that have been killed off because the original creator hated what had become of them at the hands of others?

Attached: Fritz Pepe.png (1200x615, 866K)

Glenn in TWD comics

Care to elaborate? I'm having trouble finding anything online about WHY he died (aside from in story reasons).

Bill Watterson disappeared Uncle Max after he realized he was unnecessary and couldn't comfortably interact with the parents.

Howard the Duck was "stolen" by Steve Gerber

Gerber came back to Marvel to write one more Howard story in an issue of Spider-Man Team-Up.
At the same time, Gerber was doing a crossover with Erik Larsen in which Gerber's character Destroyer Duck teamed up with Savage Dragon.
Initially Gerber decided to make this an "unofficial crossover" by having the plot in each title affect the other one, without actually having the characters appear, and Marvel thought this sounded cool.
Gerber then used this to have a scene where Howard gets lost amongst a bunch of lookalike clones. Effectively, this scene involves Howard getting lost in Spider-Man Team-Up, taken over to Savage Dragon/Destroyer Duck, and implying that the one at the end of Spider-Man Team-Up, and thus the one in the Marvel universe in every appearance since, is a clone lookalike.

>>Killed off by Matt Furie because of his portrayal by the Alt-Right and Trump supporters
That's not what happened.

One reason Watterson gave is that it was awkward for Uncle Max to not address Calvin's mom and dad by name. I thought that was a bit odd as to why Watterson was so insistent that Calvin's parents not have any given first names, but I'm sure he had some reason.

I love this.

It's called autism.

Gerber was an amazing writer and I love his Howard but damn if he wasn't the prettiest of cunts.

You realize saying, "That's not what happened," and then failing to elaborate contributes absolutely nothing to the conversation, right?

>damn if he wasn't the prettiest of cunts.
Really? He looks like a total nerd to me.

Attached: tumblr_n0di01ZWJq1qzoglfo1_500.jpg (452x750, 52K)

>I'm sure he had a reason
>What would I even name them? Ah, fuck it.. Get rid of the uncle. It's easier.

Calvin, Sr. and Calvinette


Killed off because of Genndy's irl wife.

You realize you look like a massive newfag right now, right?

Never heard of Pee Pee Poo Poo?

Say what now?

Dude, the /r9k/ shit had nothing to do with it. Not only was Sup Forums's Pepe actually mainstream, but Furie even made a comic where Pepe has a nightmare where he turns into Trump before making the one where he dies.

who the fuck actually read the fritz the comics or the whatever comic it was that pepe came from though? no one.

Attached: frank.png (149x194, 60K)

What the fuck are you talking about? Pee Pee Poo P...

>Dude, the /r9k/ shit had nothing to do with it.

Oh, it's an /r9k/ thing. You should have told me you were a massive faggot.

pepe was used by everyone even rich fucks and companys. the only reason its hated was because of HC who used it to elevate herself. the creator just hates trump like anybody

Alan Moore fucked League of Extraordinary Gentleman after the movie.