Which one?
Which one?
pink one
and i would choose zoophobia
Yellow-Green, for which i choose Declan Shalvey or Rocafort
The comic adaptation one
What color would you call the "shippers become extinct" one?
Because I would press that and not stop.
an ending to spectacular spider-man and sym bionic titan is too good to pass up.
my pick is invader zim.
>MJ gets killed forever, Peter marries Carlie
>for some reason, Bast allows Namor to be the new Black Panther after he manages to beat and humiliate T'Challa (of course he marries Storm)
>Hulk gets nerfed forever to below Thing level
>Wiccan turns evil and gets killed, Hulkling marries Prodigy
>Jean helps Logan to come out of the closet
How much power does pink entail?
Shadman finds Jesus
some of these are whiny as hell. ~wewah i need MUH LEWDS but idc if my favorite artist has enough to eat!!~
I'll take one for the team and pick Orange, mainly because it would also negate a lot of the (self)censoring bullshit originating from tumblr.
>invader zim
>not picking SRMTHFG
The upcoming Zim movie could very well be an ending.
>Jean helps Logan to come out of the closet
Adult Jean makes Teen Jean gay just to fuck with her
>Shadman finds Jesus.
You know, I'd be kinda surprised if he hasn't drawn some sort of loli Jesus at this point.
delete the post and cease to exist before he does that.
Orange is the only answer if you care about Sup Forums ever recovering from the morass it's fallen into.
The fact that there are people not picking orange says A LOT about what this board has become. We need a comics board now more than ever, I don't give a shit if it's slow. Toonfags belong on Sup Forums.
>Shadman finds Jesus
>Still continues to do porn, but now it's all futa nuns and shota Jesus
I could swear I've seen a pic in shads style with sissy jesus and some roman soldiers sodomizing him with the blunt end of their spears.
If I did, it was years ago, so my memory may be playing tricks on me.
I have a couple non Sup Forums ones in here but I choose Pink
>small colored horses gets cancelled forever
>TTG just disappears off the air forever with no explanation
>The final Evangelion rebuild is just an hour and a half of Anno directly explaining to his fanbase that all of the depth they perceive Eva to have is nonexistent, and that they are not more intelligent than other people because they watch an emo anime
>Steven Universe goes on a haitus that lasts for years before being rebooted as Steven Universe Go!
>Akira Toriyama says that Superman would beat Goku no matter what
Anyone who doesn't choose orange should be fucking permabanned. I hate this site so much.
>He unironically becomes a sincere Christian
>People just make pedo priest jokes around him
tie between orange and the batwankery one.
>Tons of awesome options
>but muh shitposting on Sup Forums is more important
I'd pick magenta, the hard part is deciding which webcomic. Does the author shitting the bed and ruining the story count as dead?
It's not just Sup Forums
Orange is world peace tier in comic discussion
Does the beige one mean shippers in all communities? If so I take that one.
You're thinking far too small. The legitimacy of the entire comics medium depends on orange happening irl.
I’d rather have good comics than waste a wish catering to retards to stupid to ignore obvious bait.
>most of the outrage faggotry is about comics
Yeah, I bet this is because cartoons are allowed here!
Black, Red, White, Orange, Sky Blue, Purple, Pink, Maroon, Dark Gray, Brown, Beige, Dark Yellow, Dark Maroon, and Hot Pink
(you) never said how many we could take
>wasting a wish on a dying medium
Purple, just to get some more from GL: TAS
Who cares about legitimacy? Legitimacy for academia faggots who hav to get other people to pay them for overan
Yes, that's exactly why. Are you retarded?
Comics is one of the only mediums actually experiencing significant growth in the US, so...
Legitimacy means we can get better comics (and more of them). Legitimacy means making it so that capeshit isn't 70% of the market.
Almost all the outrage faggotry on this board is about comics. Why the fuck would that go away if this board was just comics?
You mean graphic novels
Diamond shit is stagnant
Because the outrage comes exclusively from people who don't read comics. Who would be on this board that don't read comics? Toonshitters. They belong on Sup Forums with the rest of their kind.
This is some serious begging the question and false premise shit.
Graphic novels are a format, not a medium. Comics is a medium.
Outragefags come from twitter and Sup Forums
For Sup Forums's case, the films were probably to blame.
We had decent Black Panther threads until Sup Forums shitters saw the trailer for the movie.
>Outragefags come from twitter and Sup Forums
Twitter is a shit hole that people need to stop paying attention to and pretending that it's relevant to humans.
(You) are assuming the outragefags are Sup Forumsmrades that only watches cartoons and not just shitposters from other sites/boards.
Also, fuck you. Sup Forums is big enough for both comics and cartoons. The live action shit belongs on Sup Forums though.
Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck about Sup Forums
The only reason you see Sup Forums here is because Sup Forums fags are indistinguishable from toonshitters. They're both just normalfag hives.
Dark grey. Most of the toxicity comes from people who can't let go of the past and feel the need to shit on anything newer.
>That pink, slightly dark red, dark blue, beige, and army green
Fuck me that's hard.
>5 shots
Honestly hitting certain show/artist's fanbases properly could cripple that show/artist's popularity as well. But if you do it wrong you'll look like an idiot.
But since there's no real limit to how realistically to do it, I'd take up every spoiler of certain shows and leak them online, with subsequent shots to counter claims of illegitimacy and further leaks so that even if the creator's change things they'll still get their plans ruined. For an artist's fandom I'd just plant false information and potentially start a war between different fandoms so that they canibalize each other.
>comic gets an adaptation
On one hand it's great, but on the other hand they don't say whether or not the quality would be good. I'd rather have a good comic not be tainted with a bad adaptation, or worse, a bad adaptation that more people like than the source material. If I could use it on my own work I'd pick it in a heartbeat regardless.
>a character gets a good fanbase
On one hand it's great with the potential added benefit of more fanservice from the series they came from in response to their popularity. On another hand there's something great about liking an obscure character and finding other rare kindred spirits, which would be lost if the character became popular.
>artist becomes popular with decent sense
Similar with beige, but I really like stories of success. They're pretty inspiring.
Mouse Guard video game that plays like Dragon's Dogma let's go
probably no more Batwankery or the one to the right of it
This reeks of underage B7.
Adaptation time.
Green Lanterns because it will save the DCU
light blue if if the episodes are movie length
if not, then tan with callie briggs
>he makes an innocent comic about christian kids
>people won't stop making porn of it
>The live action shit belongs on Sup Forums though.
Except absolutely fucking nobody wants to post on Sup Forums, it's a bunch of retards shitposting about little girls' feet.
Definitely orange, can't imagine any comic reader picking anything else
Tough shit for them, if it's live action it doesn't belong here.
Adaptation button, Battle Chasers gets a PS1 era SRPG with Red Monika's tits returned to their printed glory.
Why? Because you've decided it doesn't belong here? That doesn't seem to be what the mods think.
Fuck off.
God I wish people were as smart as me. Let me walk you through this.
Adaptation threads do not hinder Sup Forums at all. If you don't want to discuss them, then don't go into the threads. The Sup Forums boogeyman does not come to Sup Forums just to shit up your precious board. They have their own capeshit threads. Even if they did come here to shitpost in adaptation threads, they don't post anywhere else. The people that actually shit up the board are the ones who actually use it daily. But there is a divide. See, all cartoon threads on this board are cancerous shitholes. But all threads filled exclusively with comic readers (such as shelf threads) are incredibly pleasant and productive, because toonshitters have no interest in going in there. Toonshitters are the ones mucking up the board. Who is responsible for all the retarded shipping and cheesecake threads? Toonshitters. Who is responsible for waifu cancer like elsa threads? Toonshitters. Who is responsible for people like barneyfag and ladderbro? Toonshitters.
We made a mistake when we cast out /mlp/. We thought it was the show itself, but we were wrong. It was the very nature of an adult watching cartoons made for elementary school children. There is ZERO question that such an autistic obsession would bring autism to the board. We didn't go nearly far enough. We should've expelled all toonshitters when we had the chance. They either belong on Sup Forums with their like-minded brethren, or merged with /mlp/. Hell, give them their own board if they want. We don't care. We just want them out. We want YOU out.
>shipping and cheesecake
>waifu cancer
user, comic girls like X-23 get cheesecake threads as well
Gwenpoolfags are a thing and she never appeared in a cartoon
Speaking of autism.
>We thought it was the show itself
No we didn't, that's completely wrong. Maybe you did, but everyone else constantly blamed the people spamming it.
>Shadman suddenly takes a Sinfest like 180 releasing several preachy religious tracts for a couple weeks, professing his conversion
>The storyline culminates in loli Jesus getting raped on the cross
Don't even bother trying to dispute fact. We don't care anymore. We aren't putting up with you anymore. After july 16th (when Sup Forums shuts down "temporarily", not that you would know about that) we will all be moving to best chan and inhabiting the new comic board. You can join, if you renounce cartoons. Or you can stay here and die, and when your home is gone you'll be forced to migrate to reddit.
You've become what you hate, and I think there's probably no going back for you. But prove me wrong. Make the right choice.
Because they're neither comics nor cartoons? I don't see how this could be a hard concept to grasp.
>b-but they're based on comics/cartoons
That doesn't mean they ARE comics/cartoons.
I want one that cause the writers and editors to bother doing their research again. Nothing triggers me more than flagrantly ignoring the work of writers who came before you. If you want to take the story in a different direction, that is absolutely fine. But address and explain WHY.
Any comic could be someone's first. They need to be accessible. This is why we used to have periodic recap pages and sequences. But any comic should also make sense in the big decades-long narrative. Because you never know when that new reader might want to go back to the beginning. If they do, they should get something at least resembling a continuous, unbroken narrative, no matter how many twists and turns there may be.
Orange is the only interesting one since I don't watch cartoons or masturbate to drawings.
I don't see how the fact that the mods have allowed them on multiple occasions is such a hard concept for you to grasp.
>we have mods that don't actually care about their boards
This comes as a schock for exactly noone.
Webcomic revival is my choice
I want to see moar Keychain of Creation.
Dumb esl.
It isn't a matter of caring about the board, it's about not kicking things off solely because you dislike them.
Blue blue blue
Kill Calarts once and for all.
I thought Morel Orel ended in complete?
Dumb (You)farmer, outing yourself like that.
Enjoy the last one, it's on the house.
It did, the people who idolize the third season are completely retarded.
Purple-pink at the lower right so Cheap Thrills doesn't end right on a giant cliffhanger anymore
The third season is incomplete because it was told to be cancelled after Alone was too disturbing for the execs
Censordoll's arc is left unfinished for example
See what I mean? Completely retarded.
Bottom left, Chris Sanders.
First column, third row all the way.
Include MEGAS XLR, too.
3rd column, 3rd row
Imagine an incal cinematic universe with marvel tier production and budget
>Any particular artstyle you despise will never be drawn ever again
Purple, it's just the most productive one. 5 cartoons getting a proper ending sounds great.
My thoughts exactly.
Despite everyone bandwagoning to whatever the special snowflake defect of the week is. "tumblr" is not an artstyle.
You might be thinking about the noodleshit artstyle commonly referered to as Calarts.
I´m picking that weird mustard one So my best friend gets more exposure and achieves her dream of being a famous artist
Is she a GOOD artist?
i want to see her tits
The one where they all have dopey looks and retarded noses, most commonly used on tumblr
>forgetting the most crucial information
Does she draw porn, and if yes what kind?
Is that really still a thing? I haven't seen it in ages so I assumed the fad was over.
No more Batwank
she´s more of a child books illustrator but I´ve seen some lewd sketchbooks out there
patreons only