Insufferable Simpson's

Post your most insufferable Simpson's episode.

The one where the go Boston. They spend the entire episode praising the city and left wing politics.

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but those are the correct ones

I always found it really fucking weird seeing The Simpson family wearing jackets over their original models for some reason

Lady Gaga episode

The one where Lisa does a thing against the interest of the town and everyone just gives up and lets her have her way.

And if they spent an episode praising right wing politics? How would you feel then, OP?

Simpsons going to X episodes typically make fun of where they are going. Maybe a few nice things here and there but its mostly them blasting the place.

Not for glorious Boston though, and with all the liberal ass kissing it was very clear why. It would be similarly stupid if they went to Texas and spent the whole episode praising conservatives.

Modern simpsons is weird

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>>Lisa gets a monument of her face on the side of Springfield's mountain for ALMOST winning a spelling bee
>>Still feels unappreciated


Also, that episode where Marge hits Homer with a car, and Homer has to make it up to Marge. That infuriated me.

How many times has Homer been caught smoking now

The Lady Gaga was awful.

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There was no punchline or conclusion.

When they move over to Scorpio's city. They all get a reason for not wanting to be there.

When homer gets a gun and joins the NRA. Marge and the new members only object to Homer having a gun, because he is irresponsible. Ending with no clear stance on guns being good or bad.

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Getting drunk on beer is, like, so baby boomer, no one can, like, relate to it.

*NRA members

I think if the Goode Family teaches us anything gits that liberals are insufferable no matter how palatable you try to make them

how many bands does this put homer in? 5?

>>The episode where Homer died so many times, they uploaded him on a computer.
>>Scene where he pretends to be glitched out so he can watch Bart have sex with a woman.
>>Marge uploads herself into the program, Homer eats her and it says GAME OVER


>tfw haven't even watched the Simpsons in so long it would be some old ass episode I barely remember anyway
though I do remember hating Praiseland and the Navy episode

Fuck Boston. Everything's for sell, everyone's a cheat, and everyone's obnoxious. It's a garbage city that begrudges its history and everything about it that would make it worth visiting is covered in advertisements and white trash.

liberalism =/= leftism

the focusion one, Its just too random for the sake of being random

Annoyed because the Simpsons shouldn't be blindly praising this or that, it's a satirical show.

>it's a satirical show.
Was, user.
It was.

>Ending with no clear stance on guns being good or bad.
The whole point was that guns are okay, as long as you don't take it so seriously that it takes over your life and you lose the ones you love. The ending of which your image shows is simply saying that guns are pretty cool.

Like as a subtle political satire or just homer and marge sitting around talking about how great Republicans are by virtue of being Republicans? Because the former would be a refreshing change of pace and the latter would be annoying as fuck.

Subtly is missing from zombies Simpson's


>"let's jerk off for 30 minutes about how Boston is great"

fuck this pointless ass episode. who pitches this shits?

Liberal Bostonites.


Which navy episode? Boyband navy or homer navy?

Women can do no wrong.

Simpsons still hires writers from Ivy Leagues
they just wanted to wank to how great their city is
they probably originally pitched it like this

>when Marge acts out, it's because she's under the stress of being a housewife and isn't appreciated enough
>when Homer acts out, it's because he's stupid and/or driven by his worst impulses

That's been the general rule.


>Episode where Lisa gets a restraining order.

this would never happen in our lifetime
hell, even in episodes where there are right wingers who aren't villains, there's always some mention of the evil right wing

that season had the worst homer joke where he went like "Even I think this is much"

>"Look, we have so many colleges we can even use the shitty ones like Northeastern and you'll still get the idea"

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Wtf even is Northeastern

It all went to shit after the episode where they got the dog.

Homr get ipad

>hurr durr new tv and it crashes in the opening.
I fucking hate nu-simpsons so much

The dog?! Newfag, it all went to shit in the short where they played "this little piggy" with Maggie

My top 7 hated episodes:
Gaga gets a 28 minute BJ
Grrrl Programmers
Slave ancestor
Lisa’s restraining order
Bart causes baseball team to lose, whole town hates him
Elon Musk gets a 28 minute BJ
Lena Dunham sexes Homer

So...terrible guest, Bart torment and Lisa is always right episodes.

>Slave ancestor
Wasn't that family guy?

I think that FG only had a part of episode dedicated for that shit, Simpsons had an entire episode about how simpsons are 1/64th blacks because one of their ancestors was a coal burner that married a black ex-slave she helped to liberate.

Wait, is this real?

Bart misses a catch. Town proceeds to heckle and harass him to suicidal tendencies.
Yeah this was a real episode.

>le mean spirited :((((
Hi mr enter

it is in America

It was also implied that the intelligent members of the family are only intelligent because of their black ancestry. lmao, that was one episode that triggered """certain Sup Forums users"""

Any episode focusing highly on Maggie

>Lena Dunham sexes Homer

fuck off pol-cunt


redpilled and based

>It was also implied that the intelligent members of the family are only intelligent because of their black ancestry.


What about early 2000s episodes like A Star Is Born Again?


But "A Streetcar Named Marge" was pretty good.

>liberalism =/= leftism

The idea that they are the same is a cornerstone of alt right political theory, so they can't afford to admit that they are not, even to themselves.

The best way to learn about how shitty Boston is is to live in it for several years. Designing a city around cow paths was a mistake.

I liked how Springfield was in "America" but we didn't know what state it was in. Kinda like how Moral Orel took place in "Statesota."
The Simpsons going to Boston just fucking ruins it. It feels wrong and weird. Like when Lady Gaga shows up and it's just straight up Lady Gaga.

Apple episode was the first and last nu-simpsons I watched


You don't know shit. The alt-right often ends up agreeing more with leftists than libtards because at least leftists accept the fact that groups exist.

Found the MA resident

>it's bad because it hurt my feefees

Okay Sup Forums

Boston is currently covered in 2 feet of snow despite it being spring. What's so good about it?

Also, what season/episode was this?

I can't believe you did this.

Red Octhomer was greatness

Boston is a troubled place and Marty Walsh is a piece of shit.

>School does a race for Bart's class through a forest or something.
>Bullies start a betting pool, Bart is most likely to win, Milhouse least.
>Milhouse secretly trained, should win race.
>One kid overhears this and bets on Milhouse who has 1 in 20 odds.
>Race starts, Milhouse obviously going to win
>Bullies get Nelson to beat him up.
>Bart sees this and does nothing for a solid minute and somehow still wins the race despite there being a dozen other kids running in it.
Of course Bart's win got blown way out of proportion and the episode ended with him revealing it and the town chases him with pitchforks or something. It was just a boring and predictable as fuck episode but what pissed me off about it is Bart was the only one punished and yet the bullies, who really caused the whole thing, profited from it.

How do you feel about the episode where they go to New York then?

It is real. At the end though they reveal it was all a computer simulation to teach future/adult Bart to get over his ex-girlfriend. I think the worst Simpsons episode I've seen. I had to watch something else afterwards just so I could forget it.

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That one at least criticized NYC. At the end of the episode, Homer is fuming with rage as he drives with a parking boot on one tire & garbage flowing in through his broken windshield.

Boston was one giant circlejerk. It didn't lampoon the city. The writers were too scared.

Yeah and if your beef with the Boston episode were that it was too positive, that would be a valid point. But if your beef is that taking the Simpsons to Boston screws up the ambiguity of Speingfield’s location and brings it too close to the real world, then how is the New York episode principally different in that respect?

My friend keeps telling me the new season has gotten better, but I don't believe him for a second. Can anyone confirm or deny? I refuse to actually watch any new episodes.

But that's objectively impossible

Worst episode is still from season 1, with the criminal babysitter.
The Lady Gaga Episode is probably the worst of modern Simpsons
Middle Simpsons worst episode was President Lisa, but that was partially saved because it mentioned Pres. Trump.
Classic Simpsons worst episode is the one that killed the era. The Principle and the Pauper.

Just watched the actual episode.

There were a lot of references to what Scott Alexander calls the "blue tribe," the general culture that tends to surround places with liberal politics. However, there were only two actual references to Boston's politics. The first reference was to socialized medicine, and the way it was phrased ("someone else will always pay") almost feels like a jab at the left. The second reference was to Boston's "unspoken, but not-that-unspoken racism," which I agree is obnoxious and sounds like a liberal trying to be self-effacing. (As a Bostonian, I can tell you that the racism is nowhere near as bad as the anti-racism.)

Overall, though, the episode stayed away from politics, and I wouldn't criticize it on those grounds. I'd criticize it for sucking Boston's cock and not showing the bad things, which very much do exist.

I actually really want to watch this episode now. I’m a sucker for anything that references my home state or local “culture.” That’s probably part of what drew the nuSimpsons writers to set an episode in Mass- because they think telling a joke is as simple as making a reference to something and the audience going “i like this because i recognize the thing,” and there’s actually an audience for that with this subject.

Seeing clips from the episode and reading the thread though, I think their biggest mistake was portraying everyone in the city as especially smart. I prefer the BoJack Horseman Boston episode, where they portrayed Diane’s family as idiotic low class Vietnamese white trash, and I feel that captured the true spirit of the city much better.

Another disguised Sup Forums thread?

>Sup Forums

This shit is stale as fuck. You needs to cram it back up your ass or fuck right off to I dont give a fuck where.

There's such a foebeard spiral in quality and humor that At some point the show can only improve.

That doesn't mean that it's actually good though.

I’m also from Massachusetts and I thought the racism line was perfect. Though, after reading your post and thinking about it, I think you’re at least half right. The way I see it is, if you hang out in a group of Massachusetts baby boomers for any length of time, the “unspoken” racism is worse, but if you hang out in a Mass group of millenials or gen z kids, the anti racism is one thousand times worse.


Wow, phone, wtf?

Hey, remember when Bart became a beloved drummer? And Lisa got jealous, and then she decided to adopt some animals? And then a tiger bit Bart and permanently damaged his arm? And then some beatniks wanted raised money to fix Bart's arm, but Marge guilted Bart over Lisa? So Bart gave up all his money and his career just to give Lisa's stupid zoo a home?

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"Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder." "Puffless" gives Maggie a subplot about her and some wild animals.

Holy shit.

Also that "tiger" looks like ahit.

Not him, I'm fine with mean-spirited episodes. But that episode was just weird. Like it wasn't even really funny about the situation - people just bullied Bart into attempting suicide. The jokes didn't come in until the rematch game. Until then, it was like a really crappy creepypasta that accidentally got some.

Wasn't that the two parter "Days of Future/Past Passed?"

The argument about Noston taking away from Springfield's enigma was not from me. I think we can all agree The Simpsons were sucking up to Boston.

Luckily I don't, I dropped the show before that. Read the episode summary on the Simpsons wiki though and it seems to be another episode where Marge&Lisa are colossal cunts.

>tfw the Simpsons won't die in your life time
Just fucking end it already holy shit.

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Super Eyepatch Wolf Man put it best

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>Worst episode is still from season 1, with the criminal babysitter.
That's not even the worst episode in season 1.

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>le epic meme weeaboo from the reddit country is so BASED guys xD
Just stop.

Yeah seriously, that nightmare sequence deliberately left out colleges like Harvard and MIT, even ones like BC and BU.
No one gives a fuck about Brandeis, Northeastern, and Emerson

The writers were scared of what?