New season of Star Wars Forces of Destiny dropped today

New season of Star Wars Forces of Destiny dropped today.
What does Sup Forums think of it?

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go back to your containment general soy warsers

This is a fantastic way to introduce my 4 year old into daughter and STEM fields! This will give her the confidence boost she really needs in order to survive the world we live in today!

wow its fucking nothing

Did you try show her the fallout saga?

i thought that but this show is seriously sexist, it shows padme and anakins toxic relationship

What a great way to introduce my non binary child to the only choice that is correct for hen when xie chooses a gender

>letting your children not be female

That's even better. We live in the United Kingdom, and as one of the most tolerant progressive countries in the world I'm looking forward to marrying her off to a nice Muslim man when she turns 9! It'll be just like Padmakin, I am so excited!

Those chicks have "same face" sickness.

>mark hamill voicing young luke
that was really off-putting

I dont understand why so many people love disney when they turned my favorite childhood series into yet another YA feminist drama. Everything thy make is shit, im honestly depressed and bitter at the state of the world because of things like the rape of star wars at the hands of the corrupt rat.

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wow. i have never heard anyone complain about disney star wars, you are so insightful user, why is no one ever complaining about star wars, you'd think they would but it just never happens.

disney doesn't make any of it, its all writers from before the disney acquisition

Seriously though what the fuck happened to Holdo. If there's one character they need to drawfag being raped by Gammoreans or with a light saber in the butthole it's her. Does the carpet match the drapes? Gimme that pink milf, jerkin off as the last person on the bridge before she rams it in

No, im not saying no one in the history of the world has complained about it besides me, im saying why do most people my age like disney as a company when all their movies are awful and they ruin everything they buy
>disney doesn't make any of it, its all writers from before the disney acquisition
Then why did all the virtue signaling shit only come after the buyout?

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Funny story...

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because virtue signalling was invented in 2015

not all of them, they have heaps of new writers, and thats where the virtue signalling happens, thrawn and catalyst are good, but that doesn't excuse forces of destiny and tlj

Yeah, see. Here's the thing

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>but that doesn't excuse forces of destiny and tlj
TFA was still really bad. Rogue one was boring but it wasnt offensively bad and had some cool parts and designs. Why is it the sequels have the worst design artists?

Nigger when I was 11 they came out with Star Wars Episode 1 and it was complete dog shit and everyone hated it. Then Disney made a bunch of Marvel movies that were fun for like 1 or 2 movies then it was always the same shit forever with obsessive fanboys. Around this same time they started doing the live action remakes, and then Star Wars came out and it was shit because everything else was always shit. Especially Star Wars after the prequels.

Plus Hollywood have been milking girl power since the 90s. And yes it's always been retarded. I just remember a slew of shit like Charlies Angels. And ironically the more women they cast the more are getting raped so there's no point ine ven getting mad because Hollywood is just a cesspool of people huffing their own farts.

If you thought this movie was going to be good you are an idiot. Feminists are worse though so don't worry abouti t.

Did /swco/ get nuked finally?

pleb empire and jedi are just as shit
the only star wars is STAR WARS
the rest is toy milking pandering poorly written garbage

Yeah. Some mod decided enough was enough and nuked the containment general
So now you're going to have to deal with random star wars threads flooding the board

>no more /swco/ generals allowed
Suck it Disneyfags.

Girl power wasnt bad when they werent afraid to sexualize women in the movies, and it didnt overtake franchises that werent for women. And every marvel film that was made after the buyout was complete dogshit. These new star wars movies are even worse then the prequels, and the sequels were supposed to be what saved star wars, so fuck disney for killing my hopes and ruining both animation and the movie industry.

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daily reminder that the clone wars was the best star wars, sure disney killed that too but none of the movies hold a candle, star wars is always better on tv

>pleb empire and jedi are just as shit
Empire is one of the most overrated films of all time, its just soap box drama and the rest is boring. Jabbas palace scenes are kino but everything else afterwards besides sheev is terrible in jedi.

The only good star wars films are star wars, ROTS, and of course the holiday special

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>daily reminder that the clone wars was the best star wars, sure disney killed that too but none of the movies hold a candle, star wars is always better on tv
Absolute truth. Disney cannibg TCW was one of the first things they did that enraged me, especially after rebels turned out to be so bad i dropped it after five episodes and only saw some episodes afterwards. I liked the one where chopper befriended an RA-7 droid, those were always one of my favorite droids.

Sand people are people too!

he should have had the balls to ban all star wars threads so we don't have to suffer a bunch of little faggot discussion threads like this one on this board.

>we shouldnt be allowed to discuss cartoons on a cartoon board

See, if he kept the containment thread, it'd just be one thread one after the other
Now you have to deal with multiple threads all at once

Much better than that DC piece of shit

Or maybe the generals could have focused more on comics and cartoons instead of stupid shieldgate and space ramming arguments spanning several threads btw are there any obi wan comics that are worth reading?

>Now you have to deal with multiple threads all at once
This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!

Yeah, I honestly don't understand the mod's rationale. We were one singular thread that absorbed all the Star Wars discussions for the board(outside of rare threads every once in a great while). Now they'll have to police several

Their is an Obi-Wan and Annakin mini series. It's in between PTM and AOTC, 6 issues I believe, plus their is an issue of the main comic about his time on Tattooine.

No you fuck, at least that shit is contained to the doll line, forces of destiny is leaking to the movies as well

Watched all of the episodes. They were cute and not worth complaining about. There was even an episode with just Luke and Yoda, though Mark Hamill definitely doesn't sound like his younger self anymore.

hell no I'm not going to Sup Forums. It's impossible to have actual discussion there.

He did at times but there were definitely a few points where he sounded older

why don't they have breasts

i'm the breast-taker. i take breasts.

I don't know why people here treat FoD as if it's some kind of feminist propaganda when all it is is just cute little vignettes featuring the female characters in Star Wars lore. There's nothing female-aggrandizing or anti-male in it at all, it's just harmless fun. There's even an episode with only male characters.

/swco/ got trashed, go suck Kathleen's nuts there.

Fuck off, I don't wanna go there, the futafags that we kept trying to get rid of are running rampant

Well it looks like /swco/ is totally dead

>general starts shilling for Disney Wars

top lel

I liked it
But i just really enjoy hearing Marks voice

I clapped when I heard Mark's voice :)

>I don't know why people here treat FoD as if it's some kind of feminist propaganda when all it is is just cute little vignettes featuring the female characters in Star Wars lore. There's nothing female-aggrandizing or anti-male in it at all, it's just harmless fun. There's even an episode with only male characters.
The show itself might not be bad but what is bad is that star wars as a whole seems to be gearing only towards bratty girls and feminists. No one would complain if this was a one of thing that was just confined to the cartoon.


barbie wars?

im in all three star wars thread atm on Sup Forums


Whoa now! Don't speciescrimante! The proper term is "uterian spawnling".

Please continue.

Sounds like it's just for you then!

Holy shit after like how long it was given super special year long general status they finally nuked the fuckers thank god

Finally I can say Rebels was shit now

rebels was pretty awesome despite the animation.

the characters were deep and even created OT content, its a fun addition to the star wars name.

I fucking hated ezra and the generic jedi and force crap told a thousand times already

No it was not Clone Wars at its worst was better than Rebels.

Ashokas death was one of the best scenes in the show but of course they had to bring her back in one of the most retarded ways possible. Ezra a shitty character who should not have been a jedi. Sabine a mandolorian black sun gangster imperial weapon designer and a killer artist all by the age of 16!,Who the fuck is Zeb?,Kanan just turned into Rahm Kota, and Hera was okay.

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it basically recycled the entire EU in one series.

its like they blamed all that extra crazy imperial EU shit on krennic and thrawn.

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>Ashokas death
We saw her walk out at the end of the episode

I do not fucking care Filoni can go die

You had great build up to this fucking moment. Ashoka coming to terms her master, her fucking friend turned into this monster of flesh and steel. and then you had Vader killing off one of the last pieces of Anakins past shit was pure star wars.

but I guess bringing chracters back after deaths is pure star wars too

fan boy prime? he gets the canon he wants no matter the cost.

>but I guess bringing chracters back after deaths is pure star wars too
She never died though so how can she come back from death? Even before we saw the episode with time travel, we clearly see her alive at the end of the Malakor episode.

I would love a comic where it goes "STAR WARS GIRL SQUAD!" and starts listing off the members, and when they get to Jyn, it's just a flaming screaming skeleton with her hair and clothing, and it screams closer to the other girls and they all look visibly scared

>we saw her alive at the end of that episode
Okay dude

Still a shit decision

I wholeheartedly agree user. The only other thing I wanted was out of that episode was a brief fight between Vader and Maul

Ashoka turning into nu-Keria is a terrible idea

Is /swco/ finally done?

Why are you complaining about it now as if it's new, when we've known for almost two years that she survived?

Yeah. The Sup Forums shitposting got so bad that mods decided it was better to just kill it rather than try to police it.

why is this nothing but girls?

Because it's Disney Wars

Because Disney unironically probably has a mandate that all new major Star Wars media has women as the main characters from TFA onwards

Based Sup Forums

Judging from this thread they're just going to show up every time Star Wars is the subject

Sorry that we stopped you from spreading your mouse propaganda, Disney shill

>Disney shill
disney owns marvel

But they are all about comics or cartoons, so mods will do nothing.

they still didnt fix the animation issues

>super special status
>ongoing cartoon for the past 4 years
>comic books release almost weekly for 3 years and still going
>implying it wasn't deserving of a general

Generals are a horrible idea you fucking faggot jst have threads like regular non-circle jerk people

Wait is /swco/ actually dead?

I'm fuckin sad

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Please do not defend /swco/ the shitty waifu,futa, and overall dumb ass arguments that took over threads suck ass

im okay with this

Any post that mentions /swg/ gets deleted.

it should be Leia's default outfit

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I do not see the problems mods cracking down on generals after all these years was needed. Who cares about multiple threads you fuckers ran generals into the ground with dumb off topic idiocy

Prove it.

...y'know, without sounding like an asshole.

What the fuck is going on?

Generals are the same people posting the same old shit and tripfags all over the place. There doesn't need to be a perpetual star wars thread whether there's new Sup Forums related material or not. Generals get stale as fuck and I'm glad that mods are banishing them. You want em? Go to /trash/

Fuck you, Tom

That new Jannies not fucking around and I can dig it

>Disney circlejerky: The General has finally been purged
Fucking BASED!

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draw fags have a general thread does that count?