T'Challa's personality is nothing like in the comics

>T'Challa's personality is nothing like in the comics
>Shuri's personality is nothing like the comics
>Ross' personality is nothing like in the comics
>Man-Ape's personality is nothing like int he comics.
What did Marvel mean by this? Is Marvel ashamed of Black Panther's characters canon personalities?

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>>T'Challa's personality is nothing like in the comics

One thing I've noticed it that adaptations of black Sup Forums related characters always sap them of personality and make them the straight man or super boring. Look at Black Panther, War Machine, Luke Cage, John Stewart. Falcon might be the only one who has some semblance of a personality in these adaptations.

Why is that? Are they afraid of stereotyping them?

Doesn’t matter, RACIST.

We Won. It made a Billion Dollars! More money than Wonder Woman and Deadpool!

Your age is over, Whiteboi,

We are the Kings!

*mic drop*

Nice speech white guy

This but unironically


What works for longform comics storytelling doesn't always work for films.

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>Falcon might be the only one who has some semblance of a personality in these adaptations.
Falcon was the reverse because he's pretty bland in the comics outside of Brubaker's run.

Mackie gave him personality in the MCU.

wait what's t'chili's personality in the comics?