DUDE, what would happen if I made a Sup Forums thread about CNreal?

DUDE, what would happen if I made a Sup Forums thread about CNreal?

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Fuck you for reminding me of this shit

Kaptain Kekkles

They killed Flapjack and Chowder for this garbage

Where are they now?

I used to get the feeling these guys didn't really like each other and I don't know why.

The show felt forced

>These threads are made by trainned shitposters,
>Do NOT try this at home!

>The show was forced


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I keep forgetting this was a thing.

What was the point again?

Imitating Disney Channel.

I only watched this just so I could bury the fuck out of it with my cousins.

So how would the actual good shows from CN Real transfer into cartoon form.



Did early gen z have a weaker era?

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idk I was born in 1999 and I remember loving shit like chowder and flapjack. holds up p good even today

Nick and Disney were making bank on live-action content.

>Wii U, Minions, and Vine
Yeah I'd say so.
Though one of those things is still around...

97 here and i feel like a mix of both Late Gen Y and Early Gen Z with the last cartoon of my childhood i remember being Phineas and Ferb.

>Bendy and the Ink Machine
I really don't get this game, it's a serious lore-bait horror game like FNaF except unlike FNaF the designs and the lore aren't interesting. It managed to attract the same autistic fanbase but it's only like, 1/3 as interesting.

So Autism general?

Was it kino?

based late gen Y

>filling up water in a car to get chicks

They were ahead of thier time

I said early gen z, not core gen z


I hated this when it came out especially the guy from destroy build destroy because he was the face of it. I heard since that andrew wk is a total bro, is this true?

Yes he is a cool guy

Those were the the few gems in that era. They were overshadowed by endless reruns of Post movie Spongebob, icarly, and Johnny test

>Dude, what would happen if we disguised ourselves as black people and loitered at a police station?
This episode always made me feel uncomfortable, why did Stuart Snyder think this would be funny?

is this real

What about that episode where “Dude what would happen if we dressed up as Roman Legionaries and burned down a church”

No its just a variation on the Raimi meme

Only good CN Real shows were like Tower Prep and Incredible Crew (some of it's skits were actually good)


This is quite literally not a cartoon or comic in any way shape or form, why is this not a Sup Forums thread?

>I didn’t browse Sup Forums when CN real was alive

Wasn't that right before Sup Forums was full of mlp for a while? Christ I'm getting old.

I was on Sup Forums back then but don't remember much about the cn real threads

Incredible crew died far too soon.

Dude, what would happen if we assassinated the Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

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It was not that bad. Remember around this time we got Flapjack and Chowder.

Outrage back then was not as cancerous as now

Shit tier.

KND was cringe core to me even as a kid, with its really lame humor and characters screaming constantly. I preferred CN's other shows like Courage.

I'm not going to take someone who actually says shit like "cringe core" seriously, fuck off.
You'd be more at home on a site like reddit.


Cringe is a term that was around long before reddit

Why are people so intent on labeling and separating generations now?

Not like that, kiddo.

Me neither but I was lucky enough to be able to browse Sup Forums when CN was doing their awful awards shows and when they were capitalizing on the anti-bullying craze, which was where I think those anti-bullying comics came from. The best parts were the bored children at the awards shows and when CN showed a slightly homoerotic movie about a kid being bullied by the swim team or something and for some reason the kid and the bully had to team for a cooking contest. The movie was followed by a terrible music video. CN then advertised having a child psychologist on their website who kids could ask questions, I remember Sup Forums raided it and asked "Why is Cartoon Network bullying me by not showing cartoons?"