Chapter 39: Hulk vs Wolverine

Chapter 39: Hulk vs Wolverine

Ultimate Marvel in chronological order by page/panel.

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>fucked up the OP again
This is supposed to be chapter 40

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good thing her baps popped out

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>not having your breasts fly out when you are startled
How the fuck do you defend yourself?

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I fapped to this scene so much as a teen

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Love this book

So underrated

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The delays killed it. Didn't help that you had Logan surviving a decapitation and nuke one issue and then have him die in Ultimatum the same year

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ultimatum really screwed the fans of the ultimate universe and I can only imagine how much potential revenue was lost. I know I personally lost interest after ultimatum.

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But the artist did half of the Millarworld stuff and made it not trash

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Oh for sure. I wonder if another relaunch would work. For that matter would it work better continuing from just before Secret Wars or follow Spider-Men II?

I think this is easily Yu's best work

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The hype is dead, though. And the film universe is more easy to get into

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The film universe lacks true continuity. For me Ultimate's appeal was it's long ultra tight continuity. I know that's not what it was made for, but post-Ultimatum is so precious to me. Ultimatum left a scar on the universe and it was fascinating to watch these familiar characters try to pick up the pieces and move one.

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By lacking true continuity I mean that the TV shows and tie-in comics have no bearing on the films. They need to make the MCU more like Star Wars in that regard, everythingsconnected my ass

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But people who are too lazy are don't want to watch the TV shows to keep up with the movies won't like it. And could potentially harm the bottom line of the movies. That's why they don't. If the movies weren't as spread out. Then you could. One or two movies. And a TV show in between. Like they wanted to do with the Dark Tower.

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I think that depends on how it is done. Having Charlie Cox show up in Homecoming 2 without it connecting to the plot of Daredevil would work out just fine I would think. Hell, you could even have Punisher

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I don't think there is anyone watching TLJ going but what about that ragtag group of Rebels...

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I mean you can have them show up. But just not have big story tie ins. Like you need to be able to watch the movies and not Daredevil for them to go for that. So they don't feel confused if they don't watch daredevil. Cause at the end of the day. The movies are more important.

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Its good to be the king.

art is amazing. but god damn, power levels are all over the place.

why the fuck would him stabbing her suddenly be fatal or permanent to a hulk? none of the other damage from fuck fighting or the nuke was...

as, stated with Wolv himself.. decapitated, and awake with just a head... nuked... yet, dies to magneto later... ffs.

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>wolverine a mindless assassin
>marvel fanboys go to stand in for wanking
>same as it ever was

Why you thinking harder about it than the writer and editors?

Last one is just unfortunate timing and piss poor editorial

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See I think that's the wrong way of thinking. For Lucasfilm everything is just as important. If a director has an idea that contridicts a comic or book the film is reworked. I if I were Feige I would have a storygroup working hand and hand with him, whoever replaced Wacker, Pilgrim, and Loeb. Have a cartoon running to show where the Avengers have been between films and to put characters who's actors need retiring, make comics to have more stories, and have live action shows for lesser characters. Build a universe instead of focusing on the same ten characters.

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Why do they even consider this a fight?

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Because Hulk tearing Logan in half looked cool as fuck

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