The Jews never believed God was benevolent all the time, that's a Christian meme.
The problem of evil doesn't exist in Judaism, because God is God, and all things descend from him.
You don't worship God, because God is nice, you do it because he is king of the Cosmos
Samuel Cook
I'm not sure your god would appreciate reading pagan drawings
Kayden Cox
There were multiple reasons for God to allow these things to happen to Job.
First, He was showing Satan that His followers do not follow Him simply out of want for reward. His true followers worship Him simply because He is God.
Second, He was likely testing Job's faith as well.
Also, we have no idea what happens to Job's first family after they died. People act as though this world is something to be desired. This life is nothing compared to the afterlife.
Finally, we must always realize that we are God's creation. We literally have no right to question what He decides to do anyway.
Adam Ortiz
Robert Lopez
I think Flyleaf said it best:
"When we had life, death was waiting." Everyone gets thread, but all the lengths are different.
Aiden Torres
what story i this?
Brayden Rivera
To be fair, this sky fairy is pretty loathsome and it's various followers have caused a lot of trouble while they've argued over what the right way to thank someone is for fucking you in the ass.
Connor Allen
>God killing a person just means that said person will just go straight to heaven
Unless you believe the catechism, in which case Job and all his family don't get to go to heaven. Instead they get to hang in the "Bosom of Abraham" experiencing hell-lite for all eternity.
Aiden Butler
>mfw retarded christcucks worship satan and dont even realize it because they are fucking retarded and their cognitive dissonance is so strong they cant even see the obvious reality
Caleb Green
This all knowing god needed to find something out about Job? Kay.
But he's benevolent. Thats why he tortured him. K.
'We are gods creation, no right to question."
Yeah! Thats what I said to my kids before I killed them. I made you, shut up, Might makes right, bitches, fuck ethics.
Nah, fuck you, and how you've devorced yourself from your FUCKING HUMANITY because of some sandnigger bronze age bullshit you can't even prove happened, let alone happened the way its described.
But you're religious so theres no fucking reasoning with you anyway.