Wait till 50. If a few years from now you find out you missed out on some good shit, it'll make it easier to catch back up.
Star wars
im not that well educated with the comic industry sir..
whats a good comic artist that comes to mind when you think good?
Why? I remember the first issue they put out was atrocious bullshit. Now we got the "DO YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE" meme.
How is that better?
>took over
Nigga who do you think started them
Drop it. It's not a good series. Marvel has bumbled through SW comics just like goddamn everyone else. No one can write a good SW comic. I really believe at this point that it can't be done.
Got moved to /trash/ due to the mods zero-tolerance towards generals, which apparently trump any form of ongoing content.
The constant shitposting/baiting/taking the bait from everyone involved didn't help things either.
I wish mods would remember why Generals were a good idea in the first place. People like to think of them as sperg containment and sure that happened (probably) but it also kept the board tidier. Mods who claim they've been here since before generals existed should know better. There's a dark equine ghost in Sup Forumss history that whinnies the truth to those of us who lived through those dark times.
That said I can't disagree with the decision this time. Shit got bad even before Rebels was over. Barely any discussion and those invariably fell to arguing. I'd already stopped being a regular. Still, if they think destroying containment kills the sperg, hell no. They'll just spread out now.
It has its moments. Jocasta Nu, against all probability, survives Order 66. She returns to Coruscant to recover something precious, holding the very future of the Jedi in her hands in the form of a recording containing all known Force Sensitive children. At the last minute she fucks it up royal by going full sperg because the Grand Inquisitor was fondling her precious books.
Sure, it was a shit thread a lot of times, but there's a fuck load of star wars content continuously coming out including both comics and cartoons. For fucks sake, the general was banned on the very day a new SW cartoon was released.
>solo comes out
>Sup Forums turns into /swco/ for a day